Hi all! I haven't posted for over 1/2 a year, during that tiem I've been though Hell. My home and place of business burned down, my life was ruined, I was homeless and on public assistance. so I had other things on my mind besides dating. but all these disasters did not seem to effect on my dating success. I wasn't gettin' nuttin' before and I still ain't gettin nuttin. the problem hasn't changed. I meet a girl, either in person or online, but after the initial meeting, nothing happens. rarely do I get a date and even rarer still 2nd date. and I'm so out of practice when I do go on dates that I'm just not smooth. last date I went on I blushed like a little girl. that's not something i have any control over. At my age they're expecting certain level of sexual maturity..... they're not wanting to date teenage boys, which is where my social skills are at.
without going into details, people who know me can't see what the problem is. that is, I am a reasonably intelligent and decent-looking guy with a least some basic DJ skills, enough to approach women and get digits or email reply-back. IT SHOULD NOT BE THIS HARD. that is, I don't expect to be a DJ overnight, but damn, I should be getting a little play now and then.
I spent some money on doc love's book, which I feel is a rip-off, derek vitialio's e-books which are OK but more suitable for guys in their 20's. and recently got the package from CR james . all good info but I haven't finished it yet. I haven't bought d'angelo's stuff 'cause it's so damn expensive and I'm tired of paying for programs that seem to work for everybody but me. I'm thinking about getting his new CD set for internet dating, since I've been using Myspace a lot but still have the same problems. what do you all think?
without going into details, people who know me can't see what the problem is. that is, I am a reasonably intelligent and decent-looking guy with a least some basic DJ skills, enough to approach women and get digits or email reply-back. IT SHOULD NOT BE THIS HARD. that is, I don't expect to be a DJ overnight, but damn, I should be getting a little play now and then.
I spent some money on doc love's book, which I feel is a rip-off, derek vitialio's e-books which are OK but more suitable for guys in their 20's. and recently got the package from CR james . all good info but I haven't finished it yet. I haven't bought d'angelo's stuff 'cause it's so damn expensive and I'm tired of paying for programs that seem to work for everybody but me. I'm thinking about getting his new CD set for internet dating, since I've been using Myspace a lot but still have the same problems. what do you all think?