4 type of Men's conversations, interaction, and behavior style with women, and women reaction to it.

The Diver

Master Don Juan
Aug 25, 2017
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Men's conversations, interaction, and behavior style with women fall into one or more of four categories, and it's also about what most women want/don't want to hear and expect/not expect to hear from men.

1) Men who are saying what women Want to hear but mostly Not Expected to hear.
These men are very confident and self-assured. They express themselves, their needs, desires, and wants from women in a clear, direct, confident, and unapologetic manner.
This man will approach a woman with something like, "You are cute and SEXY; I am ATTRACTED to you and want to spend time with you". Even if women initially will criticize men like that, covertly, it'll arouse them. ( This style of approach, in my opinion, is very effective if you're at least a good-looking handsome man. I can't see it working with sub 6-7 men) .
Most Women covertly want that type of conversational interaction because it cuts the BS and skips the mind game. But mostly, they will appreciate this kind of approach if it's a man they are attracted to.
Women, mostly, Do Not expect this kind of conversation from men because the vast majority of men don't have the balls to deliver this kind of conversation style.

2) Men who are saying what women want and expect to hear.
This man, although confident, is a men who want to leave a good impression on women. This is the man who is overly concerned with getting women to like him and, therefore, will compliment women excessively and will be careful not to offend or challenge women. These men are timid, careful, afraid of criticism, too cautious, and indirect in their expression of their needs, wants, and desires.
They eventually tell women what they want and desire, but only after they are sure they are liked and won't criticized, but sometimes it's too slow and therefore can be too late, which will land them in the friend zone.
This is the type of conversational most women want to hear ( it's cartful, not intimidating, not challenging, and the compliments are a boost to their ego , but mostly because it'll leave them with the option to manipulate men), and that's what most women expect to hear because this is the conversational style of the vast majority of men. ( The simps)

3) this is what most women Don't want but Expect to hear.
This is the men who are s**tles feared to approach and express their needs and desires to women and, therefore, use their money, possessions, and assets to bait and attract women.
This is the man who'll say '" oh, I just want to be friends," or " I really don't want anything from you " .
These men are insecure and timid and will try to attract women with their money, expensive presents, expensive trips, expensive restaurants, expensive concerts, pay their bill, their car repairs, and as such, all that with the hope that maybe one day it'll progress to more than friendship.(
Women don't want to hear it because this type of conversation is phony, insincere, timid, and cliche, but they will exploit this man to their advantage with no intention of giving anything substantial in return. ( Sex, genuine affection, and love , Unless it's officially aggred as a " Sugar Daddy" transection).
They expect to hear it because women expect to be baited with money, gifts, and dine& wine ( this is the type that mostly attracts the gold diggers).

4) what women Don't want and Don't expect to hear.
This is the men who have been type 2 and 3, who many times ended up in a friend zone, harshly criticised, rejected, used, and humiliated.( Mostly sub 5 men).
Now, these men are bitter, resentful, angry, hate women, and just want to converse with them to gain revenge, hurt and humiliate them.
Now that he doesn't care anymore for women's opinions about him and doesn't care to be liked, he lost all fear of approaching women ( type 2 and 3), and now he's brave enough to express his needs and desires, but now he's is rude, aggressive, angry, and physically threatening to women.
Women don't expect to hear it because it's just too extreme and it's out of the chart behavior. ( This is the type of man who in extreme cases ending doing a mass shooting rampage)

So, these are the 4 major types of male conversations and interactions with women, and I believe every man has been on at least one or more of these types , sometimes a mix of two types,and sometimes skips from one type to the other and back.
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Aug 19, 2013
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Eye of the storm
I've been type 2, briefly been type 4, but type 1 is what I've settled into in the last 10 years and is BY FAR the most effective.

Your example in type 1 is bad, nobody says "You are cute and SEXY; I am ATTRACTED to you and want to spend time with you", that's closer to what type 2 would say. Your characterization of type 1 is accurate though.

I will never use general compliments like "cute" and "sexy", that is something they expect, unless they're not cute or sexy. I will for sure compliment, but it will be something about her specifically and only if I genuinely think so. Could be something specific about her looks, clothes, actions, the way she expresses herself or what she thinks about something. I will pick out and express something unique about her that doesn't apply to a bunch of other women, why she in particular catches my eye, again ONLY if I genuinely like it. This makes them feel seen and way more special than by giving them a general compliment.

I also would never say "I am attracted to you", this is one of those things you don't verbally state, you SHOW IT through actions. Saying it just kills the tension, both for me and for her, that's no fun and it's like spoiling a movie. It will become obvious through your continued interest and interaction with her.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 29, 2022
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Number 1 is ideal.

Although I think that complimenting a woman puts her on a pedestal and gives her validation. Which can sometimes work against you.

If I'm asking her out, that's implicitly clear. If she wasn't hot, I wouldn't be asking her out.
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Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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The ideal is a flirty teasing conversational style with nuance and innuendo, clothed in innocuous banter and suffused with plausible deniability.


Aug 19, 2013
Reaction score
Eye of the storm
Although I think that complimenting a woman puts her on a pedestal and gives her validation.
Why you're doing it matters. Compliments are not inherently bad, they can just be applied in the right and wrong ways.

If you start out viewing her as above your league or in any way someone you need to earn then compliments will likely backfire. In this form a compliment signals that you view yourself as inferior to her because the reason you compliment is to earn her, to make her more attracted to you. Most unspecific compliments fall into this category.

If you only ever compliment something specific you notice about her, something that sets her in particular apart from most women and you genuinely appreciate what you're complimenting, then it works like most guys think general compliments work. It's also has to not be born out of a perceived need to compliment in order to earn her, it's just something you noticed, appreciated and informed her about.

Everyone likes being appreciated, nobody likes being played.

Manure Spherian

Master Don Juan
Jun 16, 2023
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I once had a woman say, “if you keep talking, I’m gonna have to blow you,” while expressing my views on immigration.

What category do I fit in?


Master Don Juan
Oct 29, 2008
Reaction score
The ideal is to be a solid dude to begin with, say whatever you need to say, feel happy and entertained, and don't care what anyone else thinks.

The Diver

Master Don Juan
Aug 25, 2017
Reaction score
I'm on my way to work . I will respond when back later on and will add my result of my last dates field report and experience going hard core number 1.
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