I'm listening to a non-stop barrage of loser attitudes. Game is ineffective, now you need money, looks and a car to get a woman? WTF is this? Why has this bullsh1t doomer attitude been allowed to infest the manosphere? I'll tell you what man, I picked up the majority of my women wearing baggy old jeans, a hoodie, k-mart brand sneakers, no muscles and with a minimum wage job. They did not give a fck about my income, my job, my status, my car, my face. I had something the nerds didn't, I have a personality. FFS If you're relying on that other sh1t to get you women, you're not much of a catch. If all that garbage disappears, what are you left with? A bunch of hours worked staring at 4 walls in a cubicle. More often than not women bought me gifts, took me shopping and paid for my stuff. Money is just one way for them to impress ME. My wife who was piss-poor at the time, bought ME dinners.
This is why women will pick thugs over nice guys. The thugs have a personality, something that adds VALUE to their boring existence. Women will clamber all over each other to get a shot at an ex-con, a guy who plays by his own rules. Women like interesting, exotic, epic level men, period. Half the guys claiming their $$$ can't get them women are right, NO AMOUNT OF MONEY IS ENOUGH. Jeff Bezos chick probably fvked off on him for a guy who works at McDonalds. I had a buddy who lost his hot wife to a construction worker. It's not hypergamy, thats a bs concept, women want a guy who stands out. My buddy was a boring computer programmer, played games, drove a ferrari and never broke the law or went against the grain. Back and forth to a job, day in, day out for years. He was manager at his company, made a high 7 figures a year. Couldn't keep his wife at home. She was a boring dweeb scientist making 6 figs too. She threw it all away for a whirlwind romance with a guy in a hard hat and a flanel sweater... she was so BORED. Another nice guy friend married a chick, this guy was a fat little dude who lived a happy little life of sports, chess and TV while she was banging hard dudes behind his back. His kid probably ain't even his. The catch here, neither guy had the balls to call these women out, tell them to stfu because their lives were boring by the book. They never stood up for anything, they just let daddy gov tell them how to act. Never took chances, never travelled, never engaged the human experience beyond the 1st world. They had NOTHING to say, no value to add to a conversation and lived like little basement trolls, jerking off into kleenex boxes.
If you need hookers, your game is weak and you have no business giving anyone advice on a PUA forum. Who f'n cares if your hobbies are dweeby, they are YOURS and you make the rules, YOU are what's cool. If she doesn't like them, she can get stuffed. There are millions of women in places other than America that think that games are fun, you just have to haul your ass out of the dumpster and look for them. I have 4 VR headsets, 3 Handhelds, 400 board games and I just bought a pair of freeline skates. If my girl objects to ANY of that, she can carry herself out the door and I'll have another girl in here by the end of the week. If anyone here disapproves of my hobbies, get jacked, you're probably a cuck. If you're interesting to a girl, you could be a mass murderer, she will justify it in her mind.
I'm ugly, deformed and an a$$hole and I get constant offers from women right infront of my wife.