if you don't want to really. Take easy classes, that come to your laptop,and the money is essentially "free". YOu can use that money to get thru an 18wheeler class, and in a year, have enough to buy your own rig. If you set it up right and run enough hours, you can clear 80 in a year with that rig. Buy 3 more the second year, and never have to drive again, just use your phone and laptop to keep your 4 rigs loaded and moving, clearing you 40k a year EACH.
Anyone can get a college loan. You don't owe on it til you quit school, and then it only accrues at 3% per year interest and they will "forgive" the interest after a few years, anyway! Not only that, but all they ever do to collect is take it out of your tax refund, so it's avoidable, if you want/need to do so!
Furthermore, even if you drop half of the first semester's classes, they will still give you "full time" loan, 6k, the next semester. You can use that 12k (in a 6 month period) to REALLY jack up your credit line, to the tune of about 1/4 million $ in a year or so.
If you fully complete the classes, you can get 18k of loans the first year, but only 5,5k of grants, so even if you take 3 semesters fo the CHEAPEST college, you end up being short about 1k to cover your tuition, so you really "only" get to borrow 17k the first year. 
Furthermore, even if you drop half of the first semester's classes, they will still give you "full time" loan, 6k, the next semester. You can use that 12k (in a 6 month period) to REALLY jack up your credit line, to the tune of about 1/4 million $ in a year or so.