2nd annual approach anxiety competition

Gray The Prince

Master Don Juan
Sep 26, 2010
Reaction score
As of 1/5/2012

Black Jesus
I'm in the mood
Come on guys, more of you can still sign up!!


Master Don Juan
Aug 10, 2008
Reaction score
Los Angeles
yo **** this ****. i told ur boy robin i wasn't no god damn ****ng amatuer when it came to approaching but his punk asss didnt wanna listen. either take me the **** off this goddamn contest or signed me up for the ****ing advanced one cause i don't give a **** but i'm not about to do a ****ing pusy ass "say high to 7 people horse****" for my first goddamn challegne. i dont give a fucl. and yea im drunk mother****er


Master Don Juan
Mar 19, 2008
Reaction score
btownbuck2012 said:
yo **** this ****. i told ur boy robin i wasn't no god damn ****ng amatuer when it came to approaching but his punk asss didnt wanna listen. either take me the **** off this goddamn contest or signed me up for the ****ing advanced one cause i don't give a **** but i'm not about to do a ****ing pusy ass "say high to 7 people horse****" for my first goddamn challegne. i dont give a fucl. and yea im drunk mother****er
Dude, wtf?!? This ain't a place for you to invest the time you don't f*ck trolling! I've been with 16 women so far and I am 22, despite that I couldn't even do that "****ing ***** ass" thing you're saying so yeah, this **** is real and good!


Master Don Juan
Mar 19, 2008
Reaction score
Anyway, I read the post that we're getting started and I thought, as I'm going to the gym today it will be the best chance for me to start! It's morning here so a single goodmorning would be great! As I left my home I started thinking, it must be the first one I meet, I must not ***** out! As I walked a bit and kept thinking about it, I pleased God to be an old lady! All old ladies are kind after all! :p And so it happened, the first person i saw was an old lady to whom i said goodmorning! She turned her head with curiosity and said goodmorning back! After a while I saw a girl around my age 22-26 and said hello, she replied too! She had a dog that I could simply start a convo about it or do something, but as always everything came to my mind after I had already left! I'm done with my 7 people! :D

Gray The Prince

Master Don Juan
Sep 26, 2010
Reaction score
btownbuck2012 said:
yo **** this ****. i told ur boy robin i wasn't no god damn ****ng amatuer when it came to approaching but his punk asss didnt wanna listen. either take me the **** off this goddamn contest or signed me up for the ****ing advanced one cause i don't give a **** but i'm not about to do a ****ing pusy ass "say high to 7 people horse****" for my first goddamn challegne. i dont give a fucl. and yea im drunk mother****er

All right then. I got a special assignment for you. I want at least five number closes and at least one date from said number closes and three of those number closes MUST be from daygame. You have until next Sunday.

Gray The Prince

Master Don Juan
Sep 26, 2010
Reaction score
DonJuanit0 said:
Anyway, I read the post that we're getting started and I thought, as I'm going to the gym today it will be the best chance for me to start! It's morning here so a single goodmorning would be great! As I left my home I started thinking, it must be the first one I meet, I must not ***** out! As I walked a bit and kept thinking about it, I pleased God to be an old lady! All old ladies are kind after all! :p And so it happened, the first person i saw was an old lady to whom i said goodmorning! She turned her head with curiosity and said goodmorning back! After a while I saw a girl around my age 22-26 and said hello, she replied too! She had a dog that I could simply start a convo about it or do something, but as always everything came to my mind after I had already left! I'm done with my 7 people! :D

Very good. And that's Athens, GA right?


Master Don Juan
Mar 19, 2008
Reaction score
Gray The Prince said:
Very good. And that's Athens, GA right?

Yeah, in Athens, GA means?


Master Don Juan
Dec 10, 2008
Reaction score
I agree with btown...its not like i've never approached girls...if the contest is going to be like this might as well do the bootcamp.

This AA competition was literally designed to be a competition and weed out people who didn't want to get out of their comfort zone. hopefully this progresses into something that can be more challenging.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 6, 2011
Reaction score
Personally I think it's okay for a first challenge. I'm totally uncomfortable in speaking to strangers, and have never made an approach. So for me this is already quite challenging.

Gray The Prince

Master Don Juan
Sep 26, 2010
Reaction score
AAAgent said:
I agree with btown...its not like i've never approached girls...if the contest is going to be like this might as well do the bootcamp.

This AA competition was literally designed to be a competition and weed out people who didn't want to get out of their comfort zone. hopefully this progresses into something that can be more challenging.

It will be A LOT harder. This first challege is supposed to be really simple. We simply want to see who really want to be in this. The next challenge will be significantly harder.


Master Don Juan
Mar 19, 2008
Reaction score
Gray The Prince said:
Georgia. But I guess you must be in Greece.
Yeah, Athens in Greece! :)


Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2009
Reaction score
btownbuck2012 said:
yo **** this ****. i told ur boy robin i wasn't no god damn ****ng amatuer when it came to approaching but his punk asss didnt wanna listen. either take me the **** off this goddamn contest or signed me up for the ****ing advanced one cause i don't give a **** but i'm not about to do a ****ing pusy ass "say high to 7 people horse****" for my first goddamn challegne. i dont give a fucl. and yea im drunk mother****er
This is you: :cuss:
This is me: :moon:

I say we give him the two strikes already and eliminate him from the competition. You may enter the intermediate competition as long as you aren't posting drunk and trolling again.

AAAgent said:
I agree with btown...its not like i've never approached girls...if the contest is going to be like this might as well do the bootcamp.

This AA competition was literally designed to be a competition and weed out people who didn't want to get out of their comfort zone. hopefully this progresses into something that can be more challenging.
Keep in mind not everyone is at the same level. It will definitely get more difficult. However, if you want more difficult challenges, you are welcome to join the Intermediate Competition.

DonJuanit0 said:
Anyway, I read the post that we're getting started and I thought, as I'm going to the gym today it will be the best chance for me to start! It's morning here so a single goodmorning would be great! As I left my home I started thinking, it must be the first one I meet, I must not ***** out! As I walked a bit and kept thinking about it, I pleased God to be an old lady! All old ladies are kind after all! :p And so it happened, the first person i saw was an old lady to whom i said goodmorning! She turned her head with curiosity and said goodmorning back! After a while I saw a girl around my age 22-26 and said hello, she replied too! She had a dog that I could simply start a convo about it or do something, but as always everything came to my mind after I had already left! I'm done with my 7 people! :D
Off to a great start. I counted two approaches, though. Where are the other five?


Master Don Juan
Mar 19, 2008
Reaction score
Well, the other ones were just his and goodmornings to random people as well! 9 women if I remember correctly and some random men! There were more than 7 people! I found it amusing so I kept saying hello, that face of surprise and the answer with the smile was a nice feeling! No conversation though, but! Although I did know her, at least said hi cause of her work, the waitress to the cafe me and my friends go often, I asked her was she was, she asked me too and we talked a little bit about the weather outside being cold and staff! I made that move, I didn't just say hi but I got into a convo with her! :)


Master Don Juan
Dec 10, 2008
Reaction score
Well my job is involves meeting people and building relationships in person or over the phone.

Arranged a meeting yesterday that i had to go to with my boss with a women i've never met but only emailed. Talked to a receptionist, said hi and gave my name as well as told her who i was meeting (1st woman at work). Met the person i was supposed to provide training for and gave her training and talked to her about her doctors appointment, etc.


Master Don Juan
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
The Wild Wigga From the West
for the past 3 days all i have done is eat sleep fap and play video games....

i really need a good kick in the face. have NO idea how i am going to do this. my town is SO small i would have to go door knocking to find 7 girls. i hardly make it into town also..

so.. i might have to give this one a miss.. tho i have done this before with a friend. we would just sit near a bar and go out and talk to girls at the bar. was a sweet thing but he left :( then i left :S

i really don't now why i came to wales. if only i knew.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 2, 2007
Reaction score
Packers2010 said:
for the past 3 days all i have done is eat sleep fap and play video games....

i really need a good kick in the face. have NO idea how i am going to do this. my town is SO small i would have to go door knocking to find 7 girls. i hardly make it into town also..

so.. i might have to give this one a miss.. tho i have done this before with a friend. we would just sit near a bar and go out and talk to girls at the bar. was a sweet thing but he left :( then i left :S

i really don't now why i came to wales. if only i knew.
I live in a small town too. There must be a Wal Mart or some big retail place there? Those places always seem to have some HB's if you go at the right time.
I understand the unlimited time without much to do in general. I'm unemployed. But you can still make the most out of your day by finding one hobby. Languages, hunting, washing clothes lol, could be anything.
You could also try to challenge yourself by going a week without pr0n(porn). That could potentially stop the fapping.


Don Juan
Dec 15, 2011
Reaction score
Bag o' douche, UK
btownbuck2012 said:
yo **** this ****. i told ur boy robin i wasn't no god damn ****ng amatuer when it came to approaching but his punk asss didnt wanna listen. either take me the **** off this goddamn contest or signed me up for the ****ing advanced one cause i don't give a **** but i'm not about to do a ****ing pusy ass "say high to 7 people horse****" for my first goddamn challegne. i dont give a fucl. and yea im drunk mother****er

dude if you feel that way about it don't do it, there is no need to be so abusive and disrespectful man!

5th Jan field report.

Pub, 3 friends and i were drinking and having a laugh, table opposite sitting a 4 set drinking shots, best of the 4 was a dark haired hb9.75, she overheard me say to my friends "wow that girl is a dream" so i made eye contact, smiled and walked over, talked to her a little, asking where they were planning to go after and then challenged them to a game of tin cup (a drinking game) the losers had to do a dare, the girls lost, so the hb9.75 asked what was the dare (this wasn't directed at me) and i piped up "you have to give me your number" i got shot down and the girls left.

Bar before the club, bar girl hb7 smiled, i complimented her on her smile asked how her night was going, my body language was strong, good eye contact and kept the convo light....got a smile every time she passed by.

The club, walked in saw a hb9 working a promo stand, made eye contact smiled and walked over, asked about the promo and if she was gonna come party when she finished, she said no, told me she was out the night before and was tired, i said it was nice to meet you and went to check my coat. About an hour later i saw her again in the smoking area, this time she came up to me....i teased her about looking tired, we talked a while and had a few laughs, the convo was good, made good eye contact, kept a good posture touched her arm a couple of times....my mate came out asked me what i wanted to drink, i turned to her said i gotta go and asked for her number, she gave it without hesitation. This was my 3rd ever number close, the feeling was immense!!! :rockon:

Still at the club, hb7 and hb6.5 just walked up to them said hi and asked some stupid questions like where do they work and so on.....hb7 said she was a backing dancer, i promptly challenged her to a dance off...we danced for about 10 minutes....i proclaimed my self the winner and asked for her nuber but got shot down lol

Smoking area at the club, hb7 sitting by her self looking bored, called her over started up a convo she wasn't very receptive.

R'n'b room smiled at the bar girl, told her she had a nice smile tried to talk but it was too busy...went for a dance, hb5.5 bumped into me, i accused her of assault...we ended up talking for a bit and i left to find my friends.

End of the night waiting for the lads outside the club, hb7 redhead complimented her on her dress she smiled but at this point i was wasted so i don't know if this one counts...

i should say that it was my birthday and i came out with a very positve outlook and was generally feeling good, i was having fun with my friends and i think it showed. Eye contact and a genuine smile helps loads, having said that i really need to work on the convo side of things, i nearly ran out of things to talk about with the hb9. Let me know what you guys think.


Master Don Juan
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
The Wild Wigga From the West
Deicide said:
I live in a small town too. There must be a Wal Mart or some big retail place there? Those places always seem to have some HB's if you go at the right time.
I understand the unlimited time without much to do in general. I'm unemployed. But you can still make the most out of your day by finding one hobby. Languages, hunting, washing clothes lol, could be anything.
You could also try to challenge yourself by going a week without pr0n(porn). That could potentially stop the fapping.

nar man nothing here... i love the concept of this.. if i was in perth i would have done it by now.

i need hobies to do.. might look at some tomorrow