21 year old male model / tv star tops himself for "feeling alone"


Master Don Juan
Apr 20, 2014
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The fact he was a 'model' or what ever is beside the point. So he modelled, once, or whatever; it's just a ploy by the Daily Mail to sensationalise something that, though tragic, is fairly commonplace.

According to the Samaritans, in 2012:

UK suicides totalled: 5981
Male: 4590
Female: 1391

'The male suicide rate has been consistently 3 times higher than female, between the years of 1992-2012.'

One that brings harm to oneself or another in such a manner should be considered unwell, clinically psychotic.

So next time a feminist starts moaning about how much better men have it, throw these stats their way and then walk off and go about your important man business.


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2014
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TheMonkeyKing said:
So next time a feminist starts moaning about how much better men have it, throw these stats their way and then walk off and go about your important man business.
We already know only apex men factor into their considerations. They don't want to reach equality between male and female suicides, they want to reach equality between male and female CEOs (by implementing quotas). Their brains won't register this.


Master Don Juan
Apr 20, 2014
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AttackFormation said:
We already know only apex men factor into their considerations. They don't want to reach equality between male and female suicides, they want to reach equality between male and female CEOs (by implementing quotas). Their brains won't register this.
Agreed. It's fun to watch the hamster go in to over-drive for a moment though. Many (men and women) are unable to conceive objective logic, as results their own subjective, experiential narrow-mindedness.

Of course, they don't realise that with power comes responsibility. Of course they will happily accept the former, while gladly shun the latter. In my experience though, that is a facet of the (modern) human condition, not only the feminist/female condition.

It occurred to me the other day that, with all the 'privilege' that men have supposedly enjoyed, men have also innovated the modern (Western) world to its current level of human (male and female) comfort. Some would argue that many of these innovations have bought more harm than good, and they would be right, on some counts; but for what remains, ardent feminists appear wholly ungrateful for what men actually bring to the world.


Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2013
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Zarky said:
Here's a tip I heard from somebody years ago. Any time some piece of advice involves the word "just," it's usually overly simplistic and totally unhelpful for the real world.

"Just handle it."
"Just say no."
"Just stop being so ___________."

The word "just" in any piece of advice is a red flag that the advice is given by someone who has no idea what the advisee is going through.
Quite the contrary....

When someone says "just _____" as advice.....the person receiving the advice is making things overcomplicated and is over thinking every little detail.

The fact that you are super defensive in this thread suggests you or someone close has been hit with depression. That is something I never like to see, but it's clouding your viewpoint on this topic.

Who Dares Win

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2012
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Ok that guy was much more genetically gifted than most of us, look at his face, his hair line and his frame, he could get jacked in few months of serious training and even now looks better than most of us.

However depression is not something "mechanic" that you can fix just by turning a screw, wheter is dating hot girls or get more money, awfully in many cases it has a organic reason in the chemistry of the brain which is messed up in that case.

What many people here suggest is to get bigger wheels in a car that has no oil inside.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 12, 2014
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San Diego
Zarky said:
I thought I knew it all at the age of 24 too. Keep in mind, they won't even let you rent a car at your age. Just sayin'. :rolleyes:
lol don't do that. That's pretty immature. I can rent cars for a much lesser rate than yourself due to my sister being a corporate manager at Enterprise.

...but I digress; experience and wisdom > age. Obviously both are gained with age, but you don't know me, what i've been through, and vice versa.



Don Juan
Nov 25, 2014
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TheException said:
I'll never understand the whole depression thing. My field of study is not psychology so I don't know medically how serious it is and/or how legitimate it is.

Part of me will always think people need to "just handle it". Everyone goes through disappointments and downfalls. I love these actually, because it gives me an opportunity to bounce back. Some people just would rather curl up in a ball than face any sort of adversity.

But medically I couldn't tell you if all the meds that doctors prescribe for "depression" is legit or not. I do not know how the brain is "wired" different in cases of depression, if that is in fact true at all.
If only there were clinical trials, medical professionals, patient testimonies and the like, available at the touch of a button from a big digital library, that you could use to educate yourself. We can dream hey! Or can we? I've never actually seen somebody's dreams so maybe they're a made up phenomenon!


Master Don Juan
Apr 20, 2014
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The thing about depression is that nine times out of 10 it is assessed and treated using the medical model, though there are no steadfast clinical diagnostic measures to warrant such an approach, let alone verify variance of severity, intensity or nature of the 'disease' model.

-Psychosis is measured using clinical diagnostics.

-Depression is not.

Yet the two are treated in the same manner - primarily using chemical intervention.

Depression is a real experience that we have all had to some degree. There is no doubting the varied severity, intensity and nature of that experience.

The medical model is absolutely flawed, even for physical and physiological disorder. Those that are aware of the phenomenon of 'NNT' understand this.