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2016 Election - Your Picks? (Mine Is Rand Paul)


Jun 23, 2014
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I'm in BOLD

Jaylan said:
^Youre a fvking idiot.

People like me hardly support Republican candidates because good ones are VERY rare.........

Define what you consider to be a "good" Republican Candidate? Is it one that's a pretty solid conservative that can appeal to middle and lower class voters like Reagan did, is it one that is a Compassionate Conservative that once again has conservative ideals but appeals to middle and lower class voters like both Bushs did, or what do you define to be a "good" Candidate?

Look at how the right wing buried Ron Paul every time he ran for President. And then they propped up that fraud Romney who flip flops a ton. And lets not forget the Palin VP nod in 2008.

When someone on the Republican side changes positions, they call it flip flopping. When someone on the Democratic side does it, they call it "being progressive". Remember that the Obamacare that was passed was actually based more on Hillary's version, Obama's version was totally different and was the one that he was campaigning on back in 2007/2008. Romney qualified to be President, Romney has extensive political experience, he knows foreign policy, and he's been very great at business. Romney has more achievements in his in left pinky toe than Obama has over his entire life PRIOR to becoming President.

Same with Sarah Palin, she was a Governor of a State and had a good amount of political experience prior. She had more experience than Obama did at the time of the 2008 election.

Obama was elected because people liked how he spoke, literally that's the ONLY damn reason he was elected. If we were going based on actual competency, how he beat Hillary and Joe Biden back then I have no idea.

Lol wut?

Folks like you love saying division comes from those with any left leaning beliefs...but look at your damn posts. And then some Republicans wonder their political party is largely homogeneous with the countries age and demographics working against them as the country changes.

Your bullsh!t rhetoric is the kinda sh!t that stifles the GOP.

Jaylan, have you ever voted for any GOP member in any election? I will do you one better, have you ever voted in your local election for a cause or proposal that was considered to be the "conservative" option? You don't seem like it. You make excuse after excuse for violent THUGS and blame their actions (all of them) on white supremacy. That's not conservative nor moderate, that's extreme left-wing liberal shyt, hell you can't even call that "Democratic" that's more like the damn Green Party.

Stagger Lee

Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2009
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Jaylan said:
^Youre a fvking idiot.

People like me hardly support Republican candidates because good ones are VERY rare. Look at how the right wing buried Ron Paul every time he ran for President. And then they propped up that fraud Romney who flip flops a ton. And lets not forget the Palin VP nod in 2008.

Lol wut?
And the Democrat party and the media doesn't bury the better Democrat candidates? What did the Dems offer up? Looks to be next flip flopper Hilliary Clinton, Obama, Kerry, Al Gore. You never address my point every time I expose you for lying. You are completely transparent.

One can be conservative and have legitimate reason to not support Ron Paul. For starters he's open borders and open trade. He's kind of admitted he was acting as a stalking horse anyway. You liberals would love for conservatives to be stupid enough to get behind a stalking horse with no chance to win with plenty of controversial stances to ridicule conservatives. I mentioned Ron Paul's stance on the civil rights act.

Jaylan said:
And then some Republicans wonder their political party is largely homogeneous with the countries age and demographics working against them as the country changes.
There you have it. Republicans are largely older and white says the liberal. Through legal and illegal immigration liberals aim to replace them and change the country into an overpopulated minority-white country. But guess what? Latinos and muslims will be politically replacing you liberal blacks and white liberals too.
Last edited:


Senior Don Juan
May 14, 2012
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Anyone who does not bow down at the wailing wall and bow down to AIPAC.

Give me someone who is pro-America (i.e., non-zionist)


Jun 23, 2014
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Stagger Lee said:
.....There you have it. Republicans are largely older and white says the liberal. Through legal and illegal immigration liberals aim to replace them and change the country into an overpopulated minority-white country. But guess what? Latinos and muslims will be politically replacing you liberal blacks and white liberals too.
You are correct, America is changing over the next 20-30 years. By the time I'm in Social Security age in the late 2040's or early 2050's, this is going to be a totally different country.

- White people will not be 70% of the country, they will be around 40% - 50% due to many of them moving OUT of it.

- The Haves and Have Nots divide will get larger due to STEM fields, the new Specialized Skill Economy and Robotics taking over the economic landscape. This means that only the well educated and well connected will be the "Middle Class and above" going forward.

- The country will shift to the Center Left, then will totally be Leftist.

- The US Dollar nor the US will be the world's super power.

- As the US falls from its super power stance, don't expect ONE country to come in and dominate, instead, expect there to be a number of countries that will take up pieces of the power. The HAVES from the US will be spread out in these various countries, which means we will be operating in economic Globalization to the highest degree.

- The black community as a "community" will officially fall, as those that are on the "Black People/Black Middle Class and Higher" side will be moving out of the country just like the White HAVEs, but the Black Trash/Black Thug side of the black community is going to be the MAJORITY of American Blacks going forward. They will represent well over 80% of the black race, they honestly represent about 50% - 55% of the black race TODAY. With the "white supremacy is holding us all back" bullshyt rhetoric, this is just going to make these individuals comfortable in their dysfunction. PLUS understand, Black Trash is having at least 4 to 1 more children than the Black Middle Class is having, so that will also play a part in their higher presence. Most of these individuals will be on the Government Welfare system which due to modifications, will resemble a modern day SLAVERY with the Government controlling damn near every aspect of these people's lives to an extent.

I have more predictions and forecasts, but I don't want to make this response too long. The bottom line is, the HAVES and HAVE NOTS will get much wider due to the STEM/Robotics/Specialized Skill GLOBAL economy and most of the US HAVES will move out of the US into other countries. The US will lose it's Super Power status but it will be a number of individual countries that will take up the Power, rather than there being a new ONE country Super Power show.


PairPlusRoyalFlush said:
gee I don't know I think things like ending the NSA tyranny and auditing the Federal Reserve are important so if someone like jaylen is willing to be a little open minded about anti-nsa candidates I am glad to have him on board I am NOT going to bring up race baiting bull**** but then again I'm not actually racist...Jalen said some good things about someone who is against that certain country and stagger Lee comes in saying oh no you don't you're not one of us WTF
I'm not siding with him, but pairs is obviously drunk in this post. Cut him some slack, you animals.

Stagger Lee

Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2009
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Tenacity I agree with most of those predictions. Whites are currently 62% and will drop below 50% in the next 20-30 years without emigration just from immigration.

My prediction is the middle class will shrink to almost non-existence. It'll be mostly a two-class system of wealthy and poor. The country will be overpopulated with people from the third world consuming all the welfare and low end jobs. And Asians filling STEM and what remains of middle class jobs.

The government will continue to grow and shift left and try to control the balkanization. Hispanics will take over the Democrat party at the local levels and nationally. White liberals and blacks will both largely become redundant and will be displaced as well. That's where out of spite they cut off their own nose.

Thanks to excessive legal and illegal immigration and their high birthrates along with outsourcing there will be just too many people competing for too little opportunities, dropping wages further as prices rise. Plus immigrants vote democrat and shift the government to the left.


Master Don Juan
Oct 22, 2007
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Eastern Time Zone where it's always really late
The Transpacific Partnership will not only cost us jobs in the US, but it will hurt Mexico as well. With the never ending corporate greed, jobs that moved from the US to Mexico (under NAFTA) will move to some place even cheaper in the Pacific, say Vietnam. Unemployment will spike in Mexico, and illegal immigration into the US will further increase.

Stagger Lee

Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2009
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The Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) and fast track is completely undemocratic and is written for and by multinational corporations. TPP will also allow foreign workers to enter the US without Congress being able to regulate immigration.

You wonder how things have gotten the way they are and keep getting worse? It's legislation like this.

What this agreement is really about is "harmonizing" regulations between countries to the benefit of global corporations and their profits.

How do we know this? It's hard to find out, because even after more than six years of negotiations, proposals are classified. Even members of Congress had very limited access until last year. (But about 600 corporate "advisers" have been deeply involved in the talks.)

Thanks to WikiLeaks, we do have some idea of TPP content, however — and it's extremely disturbing. The drug companies want to extend their patents on prescription drugs, thus delaying the introduction of cheaper generic drugs — a major cost to all of us, especially workers and retirees.

The multinational agricultural corporations want to eliminate "country of origin" labeling of food imports and reduce inspection of those imports. Wall Street wants a rollback of some provisions of the Dodd-Frank law, which was legislation passed after the Wall Street banks crashed our economy.

Global corporations of all sorts want elimination of "Buy American" and "Buy Local" laws for goods and services paid for with our tax money.

Most incredibly, the TPP almost certainly will include "Investor-to-State-Dispute Settlement" provisions, which allow foreign corporations to sue the government if we pass new laws or regulations they think will "reduce their expected profits." Not only can they sue, but they bypass our domestic courts for World Bank-appointed panels of international trade lawyers who have unfettered power to decide cases and impose penalties of millions or even billions of dollars.

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
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Galt's Gulch
Jaylan said:
Fiorina has NO chance.
It doesn't matter to me since all I said was that I wanted to hear what she has to say since even before the nomination, she will be able to challenge Clinton's talking points without being called a woman hater.

EDIT - I liked Ron Paul too...because he was a true libertarian that was for equal rights and keeping the government out of people's personal lives. And he also understood the economy and predicted the collapse years before it happened. He never got respect or real speaking time at GOP debates though...and the right wing media always belittled him even when he owned them with facts. Its a goddamn shame the way the Republican establishment treated him.
And it's a shame that no one took him seriously when he ran for office since he would have been a spoiler for the Far Right. Too bad most people think that there are only two or three parties to choose from.

The person seemingly closest to Ron's platform is Carson although without nearly as much of the historical background as Ron. I'm guessing he's going to be raked over the coals because of his religious beliefs.

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
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Galt's Gulch
Tictac said:
If Civil Libertarians gained enough seats in Congress or ever took the White House and libertarians stuck to their principles, DC would shrink to 25% of its current size.
And this is why the Left and the Right will continue to belittle Libertarians, the extinction of career politicians. Think about it, Ron Paul said that one of the first things he would have done in office would be to disband the entire EPA.


Senior Don Juan
May 14, 2012
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Voted Ron Paul in '08 and '12 primaries. Won't be voting for Rand though. In terms of substance, the guy is nothing like his father. Also, not a big fan of political dynasties.

For libertarians, take a look at Thomas Massie and Justin Amash - they may not be running in '16, but could be good guys the next go around.


Master Don Juan
May 10, 2013
Reaction score
Jaylan said:
Stagger, youre a fvking idiot.

People like me hardly support Republican candidates because good ones are VERY rare. Look at how the right wing buried Ron Paul every time he ran for President. And then they propped up that fraud Romney who flip flops a ton. And lets not forget the Palin VP nod in 2008.

Lol wut?

Folks like you love saying division comes from those with any left leaning beliefs...but look at your damn posts. You hypocrites bash women, minorities, and LGBT folks for not thinking like you...and if any of them might support something or someone you support, out comes the bashing anyways.

And then some Republicans wonder their political party is largely homogeneous while our citizens ages and demographics continue to work against them as the country changes.

Your bullsh!t rhetoric is the kinda sh!t that stifles the GOP. Youre kind of rhetoric is what left the Republican base wondering what the fvk happened in both 2008 and 2012. And now look at the sh!tshow that is the 2016 GOP bid. Its a goddamn overcrowded clown car because the right wing is so fragmented.

Who's looking like the party of division?

Margaret Thatcher — 'The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money.'


Nov 2, 2011
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Stagger Lee is voting republican? Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Yes ok, I have a come back to that, I'm gonna go to America, become a citizen, do Michael Jackson plastic surgery only in reverse, and vote domocrat! Us негры always vote domocrat because those rat rednecks vote republic!

No seriously, I'm for the Putin as president and for vice president maybe Medvedev.

Stagger Lee

Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2009
Reaction score
It's not like Democrats aren't divided. Obama to democrats that oppose Trans Pacific Partnership and fast track trade authority: 'They're making stuff up': Barack Obama bites back at Democrat trade deal critics" barack-obama-free-trade-tpp-democrats. I'd be pretty put off by Obama's arrogant response if I were a Democrat opposed to this thing that runs counter to what Democrats claim they stand for.

And not all democrats are on board with giving amnesty and legalizing illegals and more muslim immigration like Obama and Hiliary are for . Hilliary's recent speech saying she would go even further to legalize illegals without congressional authority pandered to big business and the Hispanic vote but stuck it to everyone else-the integrity of our government, immigrants that waited in line, tax payers, workers facing more competition for jobs and pushing wages down and prices higher etc. That statement alone would totally sink her for me.


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2011
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South Africa
TyTe`EyEz said:
It doesn't matter; nothing will change. They distract us with trivialities, but both parties are basically the same.

Any politician with enough balls to speak the truth will never be elected. The masses are a bunch of ignorant fools with their heads in the sand. They'd rather vote for whatever sounds pleasant and requires no sacrifice on their part. They're like a bunch of children that you're telling to eat their vegetables: “But I don't wanna!"

I just hope that my loved ones can live comfortable lives before the inevitable decline.
Excellent post.


Don Juan
Sep 3, 2014
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TyTe`EyEz said:
It doesn't matter; nothing will change. They distract us with trivialities, but both parties are basically the same.

Any politician with enough balls to speak the truth will never be elected. The masses are a bunch of ignorant fools with their heads in the sand. They'd rather vote for whatever sounds pleasant and requires no sacrifice on their part. They're like a bunch of children that you're telling to eat their vegetables: “But I don't wanna!"

I just hope that my loved ones can live comfortable lives before the inevitable decline.
Hit it on the nail. Majority of people don't realize that both parties are pretty well identical. It's simply a distraction. Quit the parties BS and vote for the best candidate. The parties just separates people and cause tension.


Jul 28, 2009
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North America, probably an airport
Both mainstream parties are the same. They both use the Beltway to extract as much money from taxpayers as they can.

Those that think that democrats are for the 'common man' while republicans are for business are willing dupes to memes that died decades ago.

But not voting is not smart. It just leave morons from both parties in power to continue their asset stripping.

I voted for Ross Perot. Not because I wanted him to win (thankfully that was never going to happen). Perot achieving just under 19% of the popular vote, even Democrats had to acknowledge that federal spending and debt (Perot's issues) had to be addressed. So we got a deficit reducing President.

Since then, I always vote for the third party candidate that comes closest to the way I see the issues. You can call that throwing your vote away if you like. But until more people do that and 'other' grows as a share of total votes cast, DC politicians will simply continue their looting of US citizens, voters and taxpayers.

Stagger Lee

Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2009
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samspade said:

I mean look at all the bickering on these boards over wedge issues like race relations and gay marriage. You guys think the fat cats care? Whatever keeps the money flowing for the top and keeps the status quo going. As long as the plebes are distracted and arguing, doesn't matter who's in charge.
Immigration, population size and demographics, preferential treatment based on race and sex and sexual orientation etc are not just distractions but of monumental and fundamental importance. Essentially it's about how the pie of power, money and freedom is divided among the populace that's increasing faster than the resources. For one example immigrants and non-whites vote about 80% democrat and will push the political system to the left: percent voted for Obama in 2012
African-American 93, Hispanic 71, Asian 73, Females 55%. As you can see it wasn't men or whites who put Obama over the top, all though they helped especially white women, but non-whites are very liberal groups, more liberal than even women. Democrats dislike Asians for proving that a minority group can do better than whites, are Asian that clueless or do they think they're just voting against whites? http://www.ropercenter.uconn.edu/polls/us-elections/how-groups-voted/how-groups-voted-2012/

But if we're talking who's going to win the nominations - right now it looks like Hillary for the Dems. That could change; there could be a Jimmy Carter type who comes out of nowhere. But I doubt it. For the GOP, I think Scott Walker, if he runs, is the best shot: Young, fought the unions, swing state, governor. He or Marco Rubio give them a good shot to win it. Jeb Bush, not so much. I think Rand Paul speaks a lot of truths but that will keep him from getting past the primaries.

This country deserves whatever it gets, that's for sure.
Can't argue here.