2 many useless posts here!!!!


Don Juan
Mar 25, 2008
Reaction score
Why are you people writing posts such as how do you talk to girls.. how do you text girls.. how do you live life ????? Listen what I want you to do is look at things in this prospective " I am going to die someday anyways but will i have any regrets at my deathbed ? " :cool:
Listen yall, you guys are making life so complicated, its because probably society lots its natural way of things but anyways you guys have no idea how small and puny you are... There are as many planets out there as there as many sands and pebbles out here in this earth..
If you think you are puny tiny being that is just going to die someday then that is the energy and look you are going to portrey.. but if you think you are a powerful being that is one with the universe then everybody is going to notice you and at how magnificiant you are:D
Anybody is capable of making changes and doing anything they would like as long as they put their mind into it.. But how do i put y mind into it ? You are not going to be able to focus if you pay attention to all the b.s. out there and if you don't even trust yourself:down:
Listen all i gotta say is i use 2 be a nerdy ass kid who played games all day and had no girls at all, i was depressed at one point i was going 2 kill myself....... Now i am happier than ever, I wake up every morning with a gratitude and so much love that i think am sometimes just a bright sun that lights up the whole room ^^ You guys have to realize that there is no right and wrong way to live life.. all life is an experiement and a game... And you only got 1 chance to live it right about 30 thousand days to be precisely... After those days are up you wont be able to touch, feel, smell, love or even experience joy.. you are dead:nervous: Most people are MORE AFRAID OF LIFE THAN THEY ARE OF DEATH!!!! But listen all i gotta say is you CONTROL EVERYTHING IN YOUR LIFE, if your life is pitiful and pathetic and have no joy well its all your fault.. its not your parents fault, its not the worlds fault.. nobody is doing all these things to yourself but you.
So many fucin ridiclious posts on lines, pickup methods and how to manipulate and **** people but none on being happy or living life to the fullest.. You guys are pathetic.... you think you being with a girl is going change your lfie ???? You think getting a girl is going to make you whole ??? Well you are in for a surprise and i cant stop you.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 23, 2008
Reaction score
^^^While I don't disagree with everything you said, you have an amazing lack of understanding for these younger guys, when you claim to be speaking as though you'd been there.

The title or your thread is pretty ironic, considering this is one of the most useless posts I've seen since I've been here.

"Hey, I was once where you were, but I consider you to be a pathetic loser!
So it's easy, I have great practical advice- go 'be happy', 'live life', 'just be yourself' - "

Yeah, stellar advice dude, you're genius.

There's 5 minutes of my life I'm not getting back.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 7, 2007
Reaction score
wow... such "positive" energy?

don't mean to rain on your parade, a lot of ppl that came to this site are at one point, like you when you were the "a nerdy ass kid who played games all day and had no girls" and are seeking for help from experiences of others.


Master Don Juan
Mar 21, 2008
Reaction score
This guy, while failing to make his point come through, (You sounded like a moron!) at least has some principles!

As long as he is happy with himself... :crazy:

Hmm, anyway...:yawn:


Don Juan
Mar 25, 2008
Reaction score
funny thing is that yall read it lolz!!! i jus said whatever on my mind 2 see what kind of response i would get :p


Senior Don Juan
Mar 31, 2008
Reaction score
DjSoOHain said:
funny thing is that yall read it lolz!!! i jus said whatever on my mind 2 see what kind of response i would get :p
You made some good points (about self-love and positive thinking) but your condescending tone almost guaranteed that the message would be lost.