2 funny of a story not to post


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
Okay, just before I start, although this does have to do with DJing, It really doesn't have a point, so don't expect to learn anything, just something that happened to me last night that I thought was too funny of a story not to post.

Okay, there is this girl I am... well.. seeing on a constant basis. We don't date, I make that clear as day, but I enjoy her company and she is good looking, around a 7 out of 10, and she's pretty darn good in bed as well, which is always a plus.

Last night I was sitting at homd and my 2 best friends just popped up over my ho use and we got dressed and went to the local steakhouse and tavern to shoot pool and to have a few drinks. While I am there, this girl called me, and because I usually don't like to be alone at night if I don't have to be, I told her I would like for her to come over my house, and she agreed. I then told her I would CALL her when I am ready for her to come over.

Now on my way home I get a call from this other girl, who I like alot more, nothing against the other girl but we just click alot better, I have known her longer. The only thing is that she has a BF, but over the last 2 months we have grown pretty close. So she asks me what I am doing, and I say I am going home and out of instinct I ask her to come over. Usually I am just playing around, because she lives with her mom and woudl have to take her mom's car to come over, but to my suprise she said sure and said she was on her way.

So she comes over and we are kicking it, and of couse we ended up fooling around in bed. Now mind you it's 2:15 in the morning, and I get a knock on the door. I didn't even have to go see who it was, I already knew (the other girl who I told I would call to tell her to come), so I tried to pretend like I wasn't there, or asleep, but she kept knocking, so I was stuck in a sticky situtation. I wasn' worried about the girl I was with, she is as cool as ice, she already knew about this girl, and plus she does have a BF. I was worried about the girl at the door. . She knew me and this girl were friends, and she kepts telling me that I like her and I keep telling her we are just friends (and we are) but I can't argue wtih her sitting half naked in my bedroom, so I decided to just be a man and get it overwith.

So I open the door and she is smiling and starts to kiss me, ans tries to take me directly to my bedroom. I have to stop her and I pretend like i am mad at HER. I told her what was she doing? I told her that I don't like being stocked, you don't pop up over other peoples house unannounced like that. I can tell she has had a couple of drinks and it was going to be hard to get rid of her, she was hellbent on spending the night. I told her that I had to get up early in the morning for an important meeting, which wasn't a lie at all, I did have to and I couldn't have her slowing me down in the morning, so she would have to leave. She then said "you have osmeone else here don't you, probably Kat (the girl who was in my bedroom). You don't know how bad I wanted to laugh, but I gave her a face and told her that if she doesn't trust me when I say no one else is here but me, she can check my house.. She then looked at me and told me that she trusts me, gave me a kiss and left.

I went back to my room, and Kat was crying she was laughing so hard and she said "damn your good, my BF would have ****ted in his pants".

Later that night she called me to apologize to ME, which I still thnk is pretty funny, considering what really went down.


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2003
Reaction score
Strange, drunk women will do anything.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
You can say that again, but I don't think the drinks had much to do with that, she is clingy in the first place


Don Juan
Jul 13, 2003
Reaction score
I dont think it's funny

I'm sorry mate, but I dont think its funny at all. First of all, it dont matter that u r not in a relationship with someone, it's not right to play them like that. But even thats understandable. However, i fail to see what is so funny. You were caught, literally, with your pants down.Instead of thinking, "woah, close call, how stupid of me to disrespect someone so much that i not only chose someone else over them but i even forgot to tell her." you found it funny. Dont you feel a bit ashamed that you then had the nerve to act mad at her, make her feel bad? wats she ever done to u?


Master Don Juan
Nov 16, 2003
Reaction score
Haha that is hilarous :D Very simular to what I've been doing a couple of times :D Rofl

Gman plz stfu and go back to prepschool. Some people are players some people are not. Don't hate the player, hate the game.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
Look AFC man, I don't think you get it.

Show me what I did wrong. I am not in a relationship with either of the girls. The girl who knocked at my door knows I have other "friends", I feel that it is only right that I let her or any other woman I see know what they are getting into. Now when I meet the right woman and we are together, I wouldn't think of doing anything like that, but like I said I haven't, and we aren't dating.

Secondly, she disrespected ME. You don't pop up over anyone's house at 2:00 unannounced, and she even admitted it later that night.

It's not like she doesnt' know about the girl who was over my house, she knows we have had sex before; she asked and I told her, I am a pretty honest person, but lord knows what would have went down with her bring tipisy and all if she saw her in my bed.


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2003
Reaction score
You should have recorded what she was doing. That would be better.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
Re: I dont think it's funny

Originally posted by Gman
I'm sorry mate, but I dont think its funny at all. First of all, it dont matter that u r not in a relationship with someone, it's not right to play them like that. But even thats understandable. However, i fail to see what is so funny. You were caught, literally, with your pants down.Instead of thinking, "woah, close call, how stupid of me to disrespect someone so much that i not only chose someone else over them but i even forgot to tell her." you found it funny. Dont you feel a bit ashamed that you then had the nerve to act mad at her, make her feel bad? wats she ever done to u?
also, don't get it twisted man, she is no angel. One day she invited me to the club with her, I told her I would "think abou it" but I knew I was going to go, but i wanted to suprised her. So iget to the club around 2 in the morning, and I see her there all on this one guy and she spots me out of the courner of her eye and is smiling. I had no problem with that, i mean, it is a club, you go there to dance. But she didn't stop when she saw me. She danced with the same guy the entire night. I wasn't going to let it get to me, so I had a good time danicng with other women.
She even went off to a corner to be alone wtih him, and then had the nerver to tell me that he wouldn't leave her alone the entire night. your dumbass would have beleived her too.

That's the reaosn why I don't put to much stock in a woman's words, but her actions. I know she likes me, alot, but I can't take anyone that flaky serious.


Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2001
Reaction score
Funny story, fast thinking in telling her she could search the house. You're lucky she didn't call your bluff.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
Yes, I thought about that, but I thought to my to myself, what is the worst that can happen. I wasn't going to let her hit me or the girl, and if she would have found her I would have just said that I didn't want anything to happen because I knew she had a copule of drinks.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 11, 2004
Reaction score
P-Town 503
Haha, good story, that's damn funny. Gotta love those close calls. Honestly, though, WTF is she doing popping over at 2am?


Senior Don Juan
Jul 11, 2004
Reaction score
Since she was kind of driking why not have a threesome there?:D


Don Juan
Jul 18, 2004
Reaction score
I'm sorry mate, but I dont think its funny at all. First of all, it dont matter that u r not in a relationship with someone, it's not right to play them like that. But even thats understandable. However, i fail to see what is so funny. You were caught, literally, with your pants down.Instead of thinking, "woah, close call, how stupid of me to disrespect someone so much that i not only chose someone else over them but i even forgot to tell her." you found it funny. Dont you feel a bit ashamed that you then had the nerve to act mad at her, make her feel bad? wats she ever done to u?
****ing AFCs. I swear, if I never saw another one it'd be too soon.

"Oh no, it is wrong to sleep with two women at the same time"

Well genius, What the Sam Hill do you think women are doing nowadays with their newfound sexual freedom?

"It's still wrong, isn't it?"

And that's why you will still be given a deep ****ing by women instead of the other way around.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
one of the reasons why I won't consider being with the girl who popped up, amoung other things, is that even though we are not together, she is over protective. I tell her, how can you be protective over something you don't own? That just shows how much you don't trust me, and I can't be with someone I don't trust (that's my excuse, and although true, I am just not feeling her on that level).

As far as a threesome, Kat and I were having a pretty intimate session, I didn't want to try to ruin it by offering up a threesome, but I have tried it before and you would be suprised what you can get done with a little encourgement, espically when the other woman is hot and cool.

Gman, which i assume stands for Girlyman, take your over sensitive ass back to GP.com


Don Juan
Jul 13, 2003
Reaction score
I see your point


I've come back and read your replies and I'd like to say you have a point. WHen I first read your post my first instincts were to think you were playing someone who you didnt even bother to inform that you couldnt see that night. I agree now that yes, it is wrong of her to just turn up at night, after u told her ud call. She should have rung u to see wat was up b4 setting off to ur house. I agree with all ur other points too man. My bad.

I got to admit that I think I am more liable to being played by some nasty gal, but I dont know if I can take a harder line against all gals to prevent this. Maybe I'l learn better in time. In the meantime, no disrespect meant, you proved your point conclusively to me.