Good for you for nexting. She may try to snapchat you,
text, social media hit up, whatever, just ignore/block/delete and she'll get the message. A lot of this communication/signal breakdown came down to self-respect.
You know you deserve better when you respect yourself, your values, and what you want out of a relationship and what you're unwilling to compromise on.
A DJ should be seeing other people, so it would be the woman's job to ask for exclusivity or a relationship not the other way around.
If you can't leave the house, I would suggest finding some activity, book, or hobby to preoccupy your mind at home if you find yourself in hamster mode over one single plate.
It's exciting to mature as a DJ, you learn more about yourself, your preferences in terms of what you allow or don't allow into your life. There are loads of ways you can pursue personal growth that is fulfilling that a relationship becomes a perk or side thing and not the end-all-be-all milestone goal imperative. That's important to cultivate that lifestyle outside of dating.
If you're doing all that, women pick up on that you're stable, in charge of your life, have values, and that my friend is attractive to potential plates. Good luck.