For the love of..
the 4 reasons article is ridiculous.
[q]Normally I'd do what all men do in this scenario: turn exclusively to fast food, flip my toilet the bird and start mixing Pepto into my Scotch[/q]
The author is just making jokes out of being single to make money, as said above. The advice is useless because if you truly are limited by these factors, you shouldn't be wasting a woman's time (not one worth pursuing as a monogamous partner, anyway). Get your life together.
the 5 reasons article has some truth - you can't get to the lower tax bracket (yay USA) because you aren't filing together. There IS a social stigma of single people (because bitter partnered people don't like seeing what they could have had), and generally your life is harder.
But letting some binary 'relationship vs singleness' paradigm determine your self worth? That's some silly nonsense you're allowing to cloud your mind, if you accept this article on face value.
You can be in a relationship that is the envy of single people and attached alike, or you can be in a terrible relationship. Just being in a relationship does not lead to profit (monetary or otherwise) - we should all be unconsciously aware of this by now.