2 am phone call


New Member
Jul 7, 2005
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Long story short, I was LJBFed recently. We had previously spent a night in bed and went as far as a kiss with touching almost everywhere.

Since then we have been friends, but things have been different.

Last weekend she went to the beach with my roomate and her young cousin. She knew I wanted to go but didn't feel comfortable with me being there, so I got lied to. They told me they went to a dog show. I knew better, but played along for a day.

I confronted him after they got back and he confessed, saying it was her idea and he told her how screwed up it was. Later that night I called her and asked her why she lied to me, etc. She was always someone who said she would never lie to anyone.

Now my roomate is not even remotly attracted to her, would never be with a girl like this, she is bigger, he likes 100 lb skinny girls. So it wasn't that.

Anyway, we were going to go on our walks as normal after we talked that night, but the next day she calls and says she isn't going, she needs a night to sort things out. I haven't talked to her since then, that was Wednesday.

Last night a little after 2 am I get a call on my cell, but I missed it. It was her. I called her back 5 minutes later to see what was up, and she answered. We both said hello, and it was loud in the backround. A guy now gets on the phone acting gay, telling me he wants a man, do I like twinkies, etc... I hung up.

5 minutes later it rings again, this time a private number. I answer and it's dude again, asking me what I'm wearing. I hung up and no calls since then.

So WTF is going on here. Is she playing games with me?

Lost In Translation

Master Don Juan
Aug 30, 2004
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She is disrespecting you.

She has placed you in her enemy box and plans to make your life hell

and she is so hardcore that the best she can do is prank you at 2am

she is a pathetic loser


Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2002
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Originally posted by 1b42long
She was always someone who said she would never lie to anyone.
HAHAHAHAHA :crackup: This sh1t always gets me, no matter how many times I hear it... hahaha

Anyway, Lost in Translation pretty much nailed it. There's not much to say here... eliminate this girl from your life as you would a urinary tract infection. Because honestly, I'd rather piss needles than be associated with someone like her.


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2003
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she LJBF'd you and you were still hanging around with her?

sorry dude, but the precious walks you're taking with her sounds more like HER walking her puppy dog, YOU.

she's fukking with you...using you for her entertainment...she's talking sh!t about you and making fun of you behind your back (obviously)...she's got her fagg@t friends calling you up at 2am.

and you're hung up on this chick? what more can be said?

lastly, yeah...if you think chicks don't lie, think again.


New Member
Jul 7, 2005
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Thanks. Kinda what I'm thinking.

I'm not so much stuck on her as more than a friend at this point, after lying to me I could never do more then F her.

I had been friends with her before, close friends for years, and didn't want to just walk away from that. As a friend, she was great, always there for me, always giving of her time and money. Very caring person.

I know people lie, but she was one of the few people that I would have never expected it from.

She called me about an hour ago, said she passed out and one of her friends was calling people on her cell. Told me she doesn't know who answered the phone, but it wasn't her. Asked me if I want to walk tonight. I said maybe, give me a call later. She said she had a horrible week, couldn't sleep much. Seemed like she wanted to continue talking, so I told her I had to go, I was just getting back in the pool to play with my nieces.


Master Don Juan
Nov 5, 2004
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She wants to..

F*ck your roomate, but your standing in her way!

"Last weekend she went to the beach with my roomate and her young cousin"

So now she is upset with you and trying to make yourlife miserable. Man I hate it when good guys get stuck with the sh*t holes for women out there.

Stop being such a Wh*mp and stop answering her calls, go read the "bible" nope not the one here the other one; its talks about how screwed up women are. Esp when thy cant get what they want!

And they have always been like this, nothing new under the sun.

Stand up and be a man and say no to tramps like this.



Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2002
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Actually girls like this make good target practice for alpha training

Tell her how things are in no uncertain terms. I bet she may fall all over him.

And if not, he will feel better anyways.

And by telling her how it is, tell her you won't tolerate her disrespect.


New Member
Jul 7, 2005
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Just got back from a walk with her. We went to the food store after and I just came home.

It went pretty good. She told me how sorry she was, and how bad her week was thinking about it. She told me she was talking about me last night and that is probably why they picked me to call. She said she kept asking her sister why I wasn't there.

We walked in the park, and I took a break and walked over to the see-saw, she followed and we did that for a minute. She was laughing and having fun, and said that was the most fun she's had in 2 weeks.

When I was leaving she said maybe you can come over later tonight and hang out.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 6, 2003
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Washington Metro Area

Sounds like your problems are solved.


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
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Originally posted by 1b42long
Just got back from a walk with her. We went to the food store after and I just came home.

It went pretty good. She told me how sorry she was, and how bad her week was thinking about it. She told me she was talking about me last night and that is probably why they picked me to call. She said she kept asking her sister why I wasn't there.

We walked in the park, and I took a break and walked over to the see-saw, she followed and we did that for a minute. She was laughing and having fun, and said that was the most fun she's had in 2 weeks.

When I was leaving she said maybe you can come over later tonight and hang out.
You got LJBF by her and you still hang around her like a salivating puppy hopping she will throw you a bone.

She also didn't explain to you who was the dude that called you?? well the dude was probably her new guy she is seeing and he is trying to hint to you that there is a new sheriff in town. Just remember that she lied to from the get go, and that her story doesn't add up but full of excuses and contradictions.

Its also obvious that you don't want to be her friend but more. You are better off telling her that you won't be her little dog and pony show and that you will walk away from her. LJBF is the ultimate kick to the groin.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 17, 2005
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a dog show
was she the featured attraction?

sorry, that's mean, but you got to give as as good as you get.

I think a woman who gets drunk, passes out with guy friends who are so high class that they prank call folks on her cell phone etc. is still at the high school maturity level, or is else kind of a loser. find someone you can respect