Hey, hey..Bvbidd, do whatever you want to do.
I don't like the way Donald Trump fixes his hair, but the guy is an expert in Commerical Real Estate.
How do I know? BECAUSE WHAT HE SAYS WORKS. So should I just NOT listen to Donald Trump because I don't like the way he looks.
Hey, suite yourself, it's your life buddy.
Remember the point and goal was to FVCK THE GIRL, not to FVCK GUNWITCH, seeing that you are caught up on his look so much.
And, lol, if you don't understand attraction anyway, how do you know how the guy that gets "laid" is supposed to look?
A guy who makes a million dollars a year will dress in a way so you don't even know it. Because "you've" never made a million dollars a year, you assume a guy who makes a million dollars looks like this and that, lol. No, majority of those guys are the "stunt-101" guys.
Just like the guys who "supposedly" get all the girls, lol, those are just the "stunt-101" guys, they don't get as much pvssy as they say.
When you are really making money you don't brag about it. When you are really getting laid you don't brag about it. People brag like that to cover up the fact that they are NOT what they say they are, lol.