18 year old HB9


Don Juan
Feb 6, 2011
Reaction score
I was in my workplace recently and noticed a coworker of mine talking to a absolute barbie doll of a girl, dark tanned skin, long straight dark brown hair, about 5' 3", just exactly what makes me melt, a 9 in my book, I was jealous of him just talking to her

anyways, I go up to him after she leaves and ask about her and if he is hooking up or what, he starts acting pissy towards me, come to find out she is his "friend" and best of all she was doing nothing but talking about ME, wanting to know who I was, telling him how hot I was, how good my style was and she left her number for me :rockon:

so I proceed to text back and forth with her all night at work, could have gotten fired but wgaf, anyways I set up a date with her on my next day off, of course she texts me constantly everyday between then and the date(about a week in between)

come time and of course she flakes, about 2 hours later she sends a stupid text that says "sorry I had something come up lol", pissed me off, I told her she was a loser and that I didn't tolerate that **** and that I might give her another chance sometime, she told me to "stop being so hateful lol"

anyways, how would you guys proceed with this? I want to bang her so bad, she is obviously interested and is attracted but seems to be shy and inexperienced, although she did tell me how much she wants to suck me off and that a older guy turns her on alot, but that don't mean ****...I have seen her around a few times in the past in restaurants etc.(small town) she always got really tore up around me, you know, the shy nervous bedroom eyes

old man(27) needs advice :)


Master Don Juan
Jun 23, 2003
Reaction score
She actually stood you up? Ouch! Do not chase this girl. If she wants you she will make some effort to make it happen, but it sounds like she's just playing games. Figures, she is just a kid. Anyways, if it was me I'd next her just for putting 'lol' at the end of every text :)


Don Juan
Feb 6, 2011
Reaction score
yeah, this piece of ass is already giving me the urges to chase because I want it so bad, quite possibly the hottest little damn thing I have ever ran into, exactly my type and everything

not chasing is the best advice I know that is prolly right, I went no contact on her 3 days ago, if I ever speak to her again it will be her making the effort and asking me to do something, moving on, there be others out and about ;)

CJ 101

Don Juan
Apr 18, 2011
Reaction score
Chicago, Il
Just ignore her for now and focus on gaming other females, if she comes around then good and if she doesn't then that's her loss.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 7, 2011
Reaction score
When you deal with women and that age range. You need to learn how to bait them and being direct is your best option. Since your 27 call her up and she says bull**** like i prefer texting. say that im a ground man and got time for that ****. That if you want mess little boys go ahead. Also don't call her all the time and don't chase. Your just going build up her ego because women like going after older guys. Let her chase you and just be aloof and build attraction.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
Reaction score
What kind of girl goes into a workplace and slips a number to some guy she has never met before? And then tells a guy she has never actually spoken to that she wants to suck him off? Just something to think about.


Don Juan
Feb 6, 2011
Reaction score
zekko, your point is valid, she has seem me around alot though and me her, but I never thought of approaching her because I figured she was jailbait and I used that to neg her constantly at first, it worked beautifully too, I am always aloof and it sucked her right in, but when she flaked and I basically told her to go to hell things have went downhill

small town like I said, I have never seen her with a guy out anywhere, which is strange, she only hangs with girlfriends, someone that knew her told me she was a ugly duckling that blossomed only recently, I think she is inexperienced, which hell for my age you could say I am as well...the ugly duckling story was written for me, when I was her age I was a fat slob who couldn't have cared less about pu$$y


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2008
Reaction score
thats why giving advice is here hard to do. so much of the story is left out and has to be filled in by our own experiences. Knowing about her possible ugly duckling role, and the fact that shes been making moon eyes, how harsh was telling her to go to hell in light of that information?

Still, play it cool and you might be able to make it work. Hell it could totally work in your favor. Just be cool.


Don Juan
Feb 6, 2011
Reaction score
honestly, I think I intimidated the heck out of this girl, like most other younger ones, is there anything I can do about that because this is a serious problem I have?...and I am not going to ugly myself up either LOL, the better in shape I get the worse it seems to get

younger b!tches around this age love me but I just can't seem to real them in very well, and its not a age thing because 90% of them guess me at 22 or 23


Master Don Juan
Jun 11, 2008
Reaction score
South Dakota
I'm not willing to deal with the "stupid" most bring to the table[but it doesn't seem to get better with age either]


Don Juan
Feb 6, 2011
Reaction score
a few updates on this:

I went no contact on her for about 2 weeks, about 10 days in I got a FB request from her mother LMAO, that is a first and don't know what to make of it but whatever

yesterday I decided what the heck and sent her a txt, she responded back instantly and I did some ****y funny back and forth for a bit

last night before work I go solo to my favorite restaurant, about half way thru my meal guess who walks in with her friend? yep, her, I motion for her to come over, she sent her friend on to sit down and came over to speak with me for about 10 mins, I was seated, she was standing...I laid it on smooth, good humor, a big freakin hug, she was so freakin nervous that her hands were shaking and her voice trembled, this is obviously why she flaked, I had figured that out already, she is tore up real bad :)

this one has to be mine but must be smooth :rockon:

advice appreciated


Don Juan
Feb 6, 2011
Reaction score
pics of me? why so you can beat off? LMAO...IDK man, would like to but????

trust me, she is the goods ;)


Don Juan
Feb 6, 2011
Reaction score
got confirmation from a friend of a friend, this particular HB9 is a true ugly duckling, which explains her shyness towards me because I have her tore up pretty bad LOL

she has countless orbiters and enough c0ck after her to stack from here to the moon

just can't seem to seal the deal, I think this is impossible, damn blue balls...and don't give me the oneitis crap, I have 2 other possible plates I am working, I just want this girl bad
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Master Don Juan
Apr 22, 2008
Reaction score
bilboteabaggins said:
I told her she was a loser and that I didn't tolerate that **** and that I might give her another chance sometime

This nearly ruined it, but fortunately for you, she's probably used to guys her age doing AFC moves like this.

If you're going to throw a fit over a young girl canceling on you and tell her off like this, you have to actually be prepared to walk away. No "maybe I'll give you another chance" garbage.

Want a stronger response to last minute cancellations? Don't respond at all. The girl will usually grow curious why you didn't acknowledge her cancellation and be compelled to write you again. What you did reeked of neediness.

This girl is 18 and you're 27---OF COURSE she is going to flake!! This is WAY out of her dating comfort zone.

It seems as though your paths cross quite a bit, so I would try to turn any chance encounter into a date. When you run into her, tell her you're about to do something fun (maybe read "Highlights" magazine together?) and ask if she wants to come along. Making plans simply will NOT work- she's 18!!

Whatever you do, DON'T get mad at her, and DON'T try to be part of her world. You need to act like a grownup that has his s#it together.


Master Don Juan
Apr 20, 2006
Reaction score
Title of thread is a little redundant. At my age ALL 18 yo's are HB9's. :)