101 ways to put a little romance in your relationshio


Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2001
Reaction score
First of all these are not really mine. They were sent to me in an e-mail. No author listed. Some of these seem to have AFC written all over it (see suggestion #1), others seem to be great suggestions.

What do you guys think?

1. Remember to say "I love you" and "I need you" often.
2. Walk hand in hand in the rain.
3. Write a love poem.
4. Call a radio station and dedicate a favorite song.
5. Write "I Love You" in lipstick or shaving cream on the mirror.
6. Hide love notes in a lunch box, briefcase or purse.
7. Make heart-shaped cinnamon toast for breakfast.
8. Place a love note in the personals section of the newspaper.
9. Take a carriage ride around the city.
10. Plan a surprise getaway.
11. Do your mate's household chores.
12. Write notes on future dates in their date book ("I love you," I miss you," etc.)
13. Make reservations at a favorite restaurant.
14. Let them choose the movie.
15. Give a foot massage.
16. Make a heart-shaped bookmark, and place it in their book.
17. Pop in a romantic music CD and slow dance.
18. Throw a just-because surprise party for two.
19. Buy a stuffed animal for your honey.
20. Read each other's horoscopes.
21. Make a list of the top 10 things you love about your partner.
22. Display it in a prominent place.
23. Tattoo your mate's name on your body.
24. Make an album or scrapbook of your favorite memories together.
25. Go camping together and only take one sleeping bag.
26. Send a mushy message in a bottle...a balloon...a sandwich...
27. Cut out a silly cartoon that you know they'd enjoy.
28. Shower together.
29. Dim the lights, and snuggle together on the couch.
30. Be the first to say "I'm sorry" and kiss and make up.
31. Give each other a full-body massage.
32. Kiss every hour on the hour all day long.
33. Send a gift basket of indulgent items.
34. Write "I'm hot for you" in the steam on the bathroom mirror.
35. Ribbon wrap your bed with a big bow.
36. Fill up the gas tank of your partner's car.
37. Act like teenagers. Maybe even pierce something!
38. Show up with a bouquet of flowers -- for no reason at all.
39. Play Scrabble® together, using as many "love" words as you can.
40. Run a warm bubble bath for your partner, with lots of lit candles.
41. Meet in the park for a picnic.
42. Hold hands.
43. Leave a trail of rose petals through the house, leading to a romantic candlelight dinner.
44. Make a donation in your mate's name to a special cause or charity.
45. Pick up their clothes from the floor -- without saying a word about it.
46. Watch an old black and white romantic movie and share a bowl of popcorn.
47. Reenact your first date.
48. Surprise your partner with tickets to a special event.
49. An unexpected hug can brighten any day.
50. Buy a silly, impromptu gift.
51. Send an email just to say "I'm thinking of you."
52. Bring home a balloon bouquet.
53. Serve breakfast in bed.
54. Make an ornament with a picture of both of you for the Christmas tree.
55. Play tag.
56. Wash and wax your partner's car, and leave a little note on the dashboard.
57. Plant a garden together.
58. Leave a mushy message on voicemail.
59. Stay at a hotel for the night, just because.
60. Make angels in the snow.
61. Every time you say "hello" or "goodbye", seal it with a hug and a kiss.
62. Take a drive in the country.
63. Spend the evening looking at the stars --
and make a wish together.
64. Cast a playful wink any time, anywhere.
65. Think up a list of silly little pet names for times when you're alone together.
66. Read poetry to each other.
67. Celebrate your half-birthdays together.
68. Put a picture of both of you in your wallet.
69. Buy that favorite book or CD for no reason at all.
70. Send a care package to work filled with treats like food, photos, candy, a love note, heart-shaped confetti, etc.
71. Go out for the evening and tell people you're on your honeymoon.
72. Take a hike together and carve your initials in a tree.
73. Write a thank you note for all the things you take for granted.
74. Make a fire in the fireplace and roast marshmallows.
75. Tape your favorite TV show and spend the evening talking.
76. Do the dishes together, then apply hand lotion to each other's hands.
77. Write a love letter to your partner and cut it into jigsaw puzzle pieces.
78. Decide on secret signals and use them to communicate with each other in large groups of people.
79. Schedule a regular mid-week "date night" for just the two of you.
80. Do the laundry together.
81. Romance Theater Weekend: reenact each other's favorite love scene - hers on Friday, his on Saturday.
82. Call your partner at work and ask for a date.
83. Pretend you haven't seen each other for a month. Act accordingly.
84. Send a written invitation to do something special.
85. Take turns reading to each other.
86. Stand outside the window and sing a romantic song.
87. Hide favorite candy in your partner's coat pockets.
88. Put a tape recording of your voice (saying anything) in the car stereo and turn it on so it plays when the car starts.
89. Go to a drive-in movie.
90. Get up to turn off the last light after you're both comfy-cozy in bed.
91. Hold each other tight during a thunderstorm.
92. Make a tape recording of favorite love songs.
93. Leave a bunch of bananas on the kitchen table with a note, "I go bananas over you!"
94. Hide love notes in a magazine.
95. Declare your undying love via a telegram.
96. Make a romantic dinner together, and serve it on your finest china.
97. Surprise your partner with a big kiss on the neck.
98. Give unexpected compliments.
99. Share an ice cream cone.
100. Have a picnic on the living room floor.
101. Draw a silly picture of the two of you. Frame it.


Don Juan
Feb 19, 2002
Reaction score
I think a lot of them are like buying flowers, excellent ideas for 1st dates! (lol)

In all seriousness, you better be rewarding good behavior, and not trying to gain affection with those tactics.

Giovanni Casanova

Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2002
Reaction score
Hiding in Penkitten's Linen Closet
It might take me all afternoon, but dammit, I am going to respond to every one of these suggestions. Stay tuned.


"You can discover what your enemy fears most by observing the means he uses to frighten you."
Eric Hoffer

"I may disagree with what you have to say, but I shall defend, to the death, your right to say it."

"Before we set our hearts too much upon anything, let us examine how happy those are who already possess it."
Francois de La Rochefoucauld

Did I say something that offended you? Click here


Senior Don Juan
Feb 12, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by Paradox:
First of all these are not really mine. They were sent to me in an e-mail. No author listed. Some of these seem to have AFC written all over it (see suggestion #1), others seem to be great suggestions.

What do you guys think?

I only made it to number 25 before I puked!!
"101 ways to be clingy"


Senior Don Juan
Dec 12, 2001
Reaction score
The Zone
#81: My favorite romance scene is with her, her twin sister, and the cheerleading team of the local high school. Think she'll go for it?

Chicks don't think. Chicks feel.

Giovanni Casanova

Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2002
Reaction score
Hiding in Penkitten's Linen Closet
First of all, this was obviously written by a girl... and we all know that girls have no idea what they want. Here is all the proof you will ever need.

1. Remember to say "I love you" and "I need you" often.

Keeping the "I love you" scarce makes it more meaningful when you DO say it. "Needing" someone is unhealthy, and telling a girl you "need" her is like giving her written permission to walk all over you at will.

2. Walk hand in hand in the rain.

I like the rain but most women are afraid to get wet because their hair will get curly or it will lose their curl or they are afraid that water will do the same thing to them that it did to that witch on the Wizard of Oz.

3. Write a love poem.

Roses are red
Violets are blue
Get over here b*tch
And bring your poon.

We all know what happens to guys who write love poetry. They walk in on their girlfriends having sex with a DJ.

4. Call a radio station and dedicate a favorite song.

"Unclef*cker" is probably not the song to request, however.

5. Write "I Love You" in lipstick or shaving cream on the mirror.

Great. One more thing to f*cking clean.

6. Hide love notes in a lunch box, briefcase or purse.

It's the annoying little voice that won't go away, even when I leave for eight hours to go to work.

7. Make heart-shaped cinnamon toast for breakfast.

B*tch, I can barely make toast, let alone heart-shaped cinnamon toast.

8. Place a love note in the personals section of the newspaper.

For sale: one girlfriend, slightly used. Making loud, high pitched noises. As is. Make an offer.

9. Take a carriage ride around the city.

F*ck that, I live in Detroit. And even if I didn't, I wouldn't want to ride around town staring at a horse's ass.

10. Plan a surprise getaway.

"Honey, I know this is a surprise, but I robbed a bank. We need to have a getaway."

11. Do your mate's household chores.

To hell with that. Let her scrub her own damn toilet.

12. Write notes on future dates in their date book ("I love you," I miss you," etc.)

BOSS: Yes, we have a corporate meeting next Tuesday. Do you have anything going on for that day?
GIRL (flips through day-planner): Let's see... "I love you and miss you".
BOSS: Hey, baby, how YOU doin?

13. Make reservations at a favorite restaurant.

Chuck-E-Cheese for everyone!

14. Let them choose the movie.

I'll be damned if I'm watching Titanic again. I'd rather you pour acid in my eyes.

15. Give a foot massage.

How about "get a foot massage." That I can handle.

16. Make a heart-shaped bookmark, and place it in their book.

This requires your girlfriend to be literate.

17. Pop in a romantic music CD and slow dance.

"The Slim Shady LP"

18. Throw a just-because surprise party for two.

"Surprise! I'm f*cking lame!"

19. Buy a stuffed animal for your honey.

It reminded me of you... it's useless, it just sits around and it doesn't do sh*t.

20. Read each other's horoscopes.

"Capricorn: You will have a torrid love affair with the copy machine repairman while your lame-ass boyfriend reads your horoscope and obsesses about you."

21. Make a list of the top 10 things you love about your partner.

(1) Nice boobs
(2) Nice ass
(3) Has sex with me
(4) .... damn, I'm out

22. Display it in a prominent place.

Like on the ceiling above your bed.

23. Tattoo your mate's name on your body.

That way you can never go out with someone not named "Gretchen" ever again without having a huge fight.

24. Make an album or scrapbook of your favorite memories together.

"Oh, honey, remember the time we were in that accident an you were in a coma for three months? Look, I saved your hospital bracelet."

25. Go camping together and only take one sleeping bag.

No, b*tch, YOU can sleep on the f*cking ground. I REMEMBERED my sleeping bag.

26. Send a mushy message in a bottle...a balloon...a sandwich...

Am I supposed to put the sandwich in the bottle? Or am I supposed to put a message in the sandwich? Either way, I think it's a bad idea.

27. Cut out a silly cartoon that you know they'd enjoy.

"Yeah, honey, it's a cartoon from 'Playboy'... get it? She thinks his d*ck is 'microsoft'... heh heh..."

28. Shower together.

"Dammit, next time we're out holding hands in the rain I'm just going to use you as an umbrella... not a drop of water getting past your fat ass and onto me."

29. Dim the lights, and snuggle together on the couch.

If I don't "snuggle" in bed, I'm not going to do it on the couch. Couches are for drinking beer and watching football.

30. Be the first to say "I'm sorry" and kiss and make up.

And while you're at it, why don't you just cut your penis completely off.

31. Give each other a full-body massage.

Concentrate on certain parts more than others... "Gee, honey, your boobs seem awfully tense."

32. Kiss every hour on the hour all day long.

"Sorry, honey, didn't mean to interrupt your meeting but it's 2:34... time for your hourly kiss."

33. Send a gift basket of indulgent items.

But if I send her a basket full of sex toys, why would she need me?

34. Write "I'm hot for you" in the steam on the bathroom mirror.

Conceited bast*rd.

35. Ribbon wrap your bed with a big bow.

"Oh, goody, a bed just for me. You can sleep on the couch... THIS is MY bed."

36. Fill up the gas tank of your partner's car.

With what? Sugar?

37. Act like teenagers. Maybe even pierce something!

I would, but as a teenager I have an eleven o'clock curfew.

38. Show up with a bouquet of flowers -- for no reason at all.

"What did you do wrong this time?"

39. Play Scrabble® together, using as many "love" words as you can.

Does "hot ass" count as a love word? Because, you know, technically it's two words.

40. Run a warm bubble bath for your partner, with lots of lit candles.

Won't the water put the candles out?

41. Meet in the park for a picnic.

Sharing food with bugs is the ultimate sign of affection.

42. Hold hands.

In the rain? Again?

43. Leave a trail of rose petals through the house, leading to a romantic candlelight dinner.

Even MORE sh*t to clean up.

44. Make a donation in your mate's name to a special cause or charity.

"Save the Whales"? "No, honey, I'm not trying to say you're fat..."

45. Pick up their clothes from the floor -- without saying a word about it.

But leave YOUR clothes on the floor.

46. Watch an old black and white romantic movie and share a bowl of popcorn.

Please shoot me.

47. Reenact your first date.

"Yeah, I thought it would be cute if we acted all awkward and nervous around each other... and when we reenact the first kiss, could you hit me with your face so hard you almost knock my teeth down my throat, like you did the first time?"

48. Surprise your partner with tickets to a special event.

Nothing says love like tickets to Jerry Springer.

49. An unexpected hug can brighten any day.

That's not true... I hug all kinds of people I don't know, and even though it's unexpected, it just leads to restraining orders and dirty looks.

50. Buy a silly, impromptu gift.

"Look, honey... It's a singing fish! He sings 'Don't worry, be happy!' Honey? Honey, come back!"

51. Send an email just to say "I'm thinking of you."

Get a reply: "Please stop."

52. Bring home a balloon bouquet.

Make sure they say "Over the Hill" on them.

53. Serve breakfast in bed.

Nothing says love like "Cap'n Crunch" in the sheets.

54. Make an ornament with a picture of both of you for the Christmas tree.

To keep animals out of the tree.

55. Play tag.

But I might catch cooties.

56. Wash and wax your partner's car, and leave a little note on the dashboard.

Should the little note say "Lose 30 pounds in 30 days!"?

57. Plant a garden together.

If I ever plant a garden before I'm 60, I will kick the living sh*t out of myself.

58. Leave a mushy message on voicemail.

"Yeah, it's me again... I was just wondering... What are you wearing?"

59. Stay at a hotel for the night, just because.

Just because she kicked you out again.

60. Make angels in the snow.

Do I get partial credit for writing her name in the snow?

61. Every time you say "hello" or "goodbye", seal it with a hug and a kiss.

I just tried that on my boss, but he was less than impressed. I think maybe that's a bad idea.

62. Take a drive in the country.

With her in the trunk.

63. Spend the evening looking at the stars --
and make a wish together.

"I wish he would just break down and buy a television so we didn't have to stare at the stars all night."

64. Cast a playful wink any time, anywhere.

Like when you're giving a presentation to the board of directors, wink at the chairman.

65. Think up a list of silly little pet names for times when you're alone together.


66. Read poetry to each other.

"There once was a man from Nantucket..."

67. Celebrate your half-birthdays together.

HALF-BIRTHDAYS? B*tch, you're lucky if I remember your *ACTUAL* birthday.

68. Put a picture of both of you in your wallet.

Make no mistake about it guys, that's a girl trying to mark her territory with her mug... right on where you keep your money. Typical.

69. Buy that favorite book or CD for no reason at all.

"Yanni in Concert."

70. Send a care package to work filled with treats like food, photos, candy, a love note, heart-shaped confetti, etc.


71. Go out for the evening and tell people you're on your honeymoon.

Why? For sympathy?

72. Take a hike together and carve your initials in a tree.

Nothing says love like mutilating nature.

73. Write a thank you note for all the things you take for granted.

But if you say thank you for it, then you don't take it for granted... and if you don't take it for granted, then you don't need to write the note... and if you don't write the note...

Dudes, this is what we call a paradox.

74. Make a fire in the fireplace and roast marshmallows.


75. Tape your favorite TV show and spend the evening talking.

If I wanted to listen to her yack, I wouldn't watch TV in the first place.

76. Do the dishes together, then apply hand lotion to each other's hands.

I've got a better idea. She can wash the dishes, and I'll let her use the Dawn dish soap that has lotion built right in.

77. Write a love letter to your partner and cut it into jigsaw puzzle pieces.

Make the puzzle pieces using the document shredder.

78. Decide on secret signals and use them to communicate with each other in large groups of people.

"The middle finger up and all the other fingers down means, 'f*ck you, b*tch.' Don't tell anyone, it'll be our special secret signal."

79. Schedule a regular mid-week "date night" for just the two of you.


80. Do the laundry together.

"JESUS H. CHRIST! What is in these underwear!?"

81. Romance Theater Weekend: reenact each other's favorite love scene - hers on Friday, his on Saturday.

Make sure that all of your favorite love scenes star Ron Jeremy.

82. Call your partner at work and ask for a date.

Nothing says love like getting your girlfriend fired for too many personal phone calls.

83. Pretend you haven't seen each other for a month. Act accordingly.

"Meet my new girlfriend."

84. Send a written invitation to do something special.


85. Take turns reading to each other.

"I do not like green eggs and ham, I do not like them, Sam I am..."

86. Stand outside the window and sing a romantic song.

"You all act like you ain't never seen a white person before / Jaws all on the floor / Like Pam and Tommy just burst through the door / Started whoopin her ass worse than before / Their first divorce / Throwin her over furniture..."

87. Hide favorite candy in your partner's coat pockets.

Pixie stix. Opened.

88. Put a tape recording of your voice (saying anything) in the car stereo and turn it on so it plays when the car starts.

"Hey, there's a bomb under your car."

89. Go to a drive-in movie.

If you can find one.

90. Get up to turn off the last light after you're both comfy-cozy in bed.

Using the "Clapper."

91. Hold each other tight during a thunderstorm.


92. Make a tape recording of favorite love songs.


93. Leave a bunch of bananas on the kitchen table with a note, "I go bananas over you!"

Or with a note: "You look like a goddamned ape!"

94. Hide love notes in a magazine.


95. Declare your undying love via a telegram.

They still have those?

96. Make a romantic dinner together, and serve it on your finest china.

Kraft Macaroni and Cheese.

97. Surprise your partner with a big kiss on the neck.

The last time I got a big kiss on the neck, my girlfriend wasn't very impressed, although she was surprised.

98. Give unexpected compliments.

Uh, sure.

99. Share an ice cream cone.


100. Have a picnic on the living room floor.

Nothing says love like eating on the floor.

101. Draw a silly picture of the two of you. Frame it.

Make it anotomically correct.

WHEW! All done!


"You can discover what your enemy fears most by observing the means he uses to frighten you."
Eric Hoffer

"I may disagree with what you have to say, but I shall defend, to the death, your right to say it."

"Before we set our hearts too much upon anything, let us examine how happy those are who already possess it."
Francois de La Rochefoucauld

Did I say something that offended you? Click here


Senior Don Juan
Feb 12, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by Paradox:
First of all these are not really mine. They were sent to me in an e-mail. No author listed. Some of these seem to have AFC written all over it (see suggestion #1), others seem to be great suggestions.

What do you guys think?"

I think you should copy/paste Giovanni's (with his permission of course) post in an email and send it back to whomever emailed that evil list to you in the first place!

"Keep the lie alive"
"Things go well I might be showing her my O face"

Giovanni Casanova

Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2002
Reaction score
Hiding in Penkitten's Linen Closet
I have no objections.

Make sure they send it to 20 of their closest friends or something bad will probably happen to them.


"You can discover what your enemy fears most by observing the means he uses to frighten you."
Eric Hoffer

"I may disagree with what you have to say, but I shall defend, to the death, your right to say it."

"Before we set our hearts too much upon anything, let us examine how happy those are who already possess it."
Francois de La Rochefoucauld

Did I say something that offended you? Click here

Sun-Tan Superman

Senior Don Juan
Feb 20, 2002
Reaction score
damn i actually read all of that by Gio.......i actually like that recording your voice on a tape and putting it in the car and leaving it on
"There is a bomb in the car"

should i try it on my brother....hehe maby

the graphics guy

Don Juan
Jan 21, 2002
Reaction score
westport CT
I'm Slim Shady, yes I'm the real Shady, all you other Slim Shadys are just imitators, so won't the real Slim Shady please stand up, please stand up, please stand up!

Bro's rule, grrrls drool!


Master Don Juan
Oct 16, 2001
Reaction score

About the plant a garden suggestion, I would approve if marijuana was being grown in that garden.

You either own the game or it owns you!

Giovanni Casanova

Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2002
Reaction score
Hiding in Penkitten's Linen Closet
*Shameless bump*


"You can discover what your enemy fears most by observing the means he uses to frighten you."
Eric Hoffer

"I may disagree with what you have to say, but I shall defend, to the death, your right to say it."

"Before we set our hearts too much upon anything, let us examine how happy those are who already possess it."
Francois de La Rochefoucauld

Did I say something that offended you? Click here


Don Juan
Jan 29, 2002
Reaction score
irving tx usa
that makes me sick, fvck it. sorry guys but I couldnt take it anymore. great replies casanova.


Don Juan
Sep 14, 2001
Reaction score
Originally posted by Giovanni Casanova:
Nothing says love like "Cap'n Crunch" in the sheets.
LMMFAO...a lot of his replies were humorous...but that's the funniest sh*t I've seen on this entire site

Thanks for pulling this kid's card, LOL...


Don Juan
Mar 12, 2002
Reaction score
DEar casanova..i decalre u...insane?..come an man...it helps..oka....but..are u nuts:>
anyway..keep going

Did i say sometghing that offend u?..
This is it:>

"how can i go to a girl and find out how smart and interesting she is if i can't even look at her?...


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2002
Reaction score
They aren't all bad, whoever's been in an LTR understands.

But I'd have to agree, most of it is bad AFC shice.

#1 thing to keep LTR's alive:


LoL Casanova...

~The_Chosen~ has spoken...

"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then is just not an act but a habit." - Aristotle

Judge a man by his questions and not his answers.

[This message has been edited by ~The_Chosen~ (edited 03-31-2002).]