101 Things More Important Than Miss Oneitis


Don Juan
Apr 25, 2007
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This is basically for anybody who has one-itis for one particular girl or is getting too involved in game over other things, who would like a reality check... :up:

So here I present you with, 101 Things More Important Than Miss Oneitis...
(p.s. miss one-itis refers to the actual girl)

1. Peace
2. Health
3. Family
4. Friends
5. Socialising
6. Unity
7. Your favourite sports
8. You
9. Life
10. Education (even though it is deadly boring)
11. YOUR health
12. Pets
13. Keeping endangered species
14. Survivors of disasters
15. Good weather
16. Enjoying yourself as much as possible
17. Taking the odd risk
18. Overcoming your fears
19. Passion
20. Your creative flow
21. Your natural intelligence
22. Being human
23. Safety
24. Happiness
25. REAL love
26. Babies being born
27. Having kids yourself if you want them
28. Having your sanity
29. Being a man
30. Having clean water
31. Being lucky enough to be a DJ
32. Technology
33. Having a roof over your head
34. Your freedom of speech
35. Beer (make of it what you want)
36. Freedom itself
37. Rescue services
38. The rainforest
39. Homeless people finding homes
40. Orgasms (lol... well it is positive)
41. Feelings of high
42. The beautiful night sky
43. The beautiful red sky at night
44. The beach
45. Swimming in the sea
46. The welfare of family/friends
47. Having a nice mother-in-law
48. Your future
49. Having caring parents
50. Birthdays :D
51. Overcoming one-itis when it gets too much
52. The fire service
53. Arranged marraiges (to a nice AND hotttt girl :p)
54. Holidays
55. Being STD free
56. Being free of disabilities
57. Recreation
58. Fun and games
59. HUGE inheritances
60. Sleep (believe it or not sleep is VERY important)
61. Having a long life-span
62. Memorial events
63. Christmas :D
64. Having your WHOEL LIFE ahead of you
65. Re-united families
66. Re-united friends
67. Fantastic sex
68. Surviving major operations
69. Survivors of the 9/11 incident
70. Affection
71. Ecstatic feelings
72. Charity events
73. Hannukah (If you are Jewish... hope I spelt it right)
74. Music
75. The welfare of good people
76. Charities
77. Enjoying life to the max
78. Genorosity
79. Survivors of the nazi holocaust
80. Skiing
81. Parachute jumps
82. Laughter :crackup:
83. OTHER women :cheer:
84. Your heroes
85. Electricity
86. Greenhouse gases dropping
87. Being alive in the 21st century, the best century yet
88. Weddings
89. I hope they serve beer in hell (by Tucker Max)
90. Recovered children from kidnappers
91. The ability to play music (if you do)
92. Having all 5 senses working properly
93. Beautiful sunsets
94. Jack Nicholson
95. All your limbs functioning properly
96. Carefree-ness
97. Porno (lol)
98. Kind bosses at work
99. The abolishment of the slave trade
100. Not putting game above every other aspect of life
101. Remembering that all of these things are more important than miss one-itis

:woo: I finished the list... Please don't FLAME the list as it has taken me AGES to write :p HOWEVER I will be willing to accept MORE things if you have any :D

I hope that this will help you to realise that miss one-itis ISN'T the most important thing in the world!
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Don Juan
Mar 20, 2004
Reaction score
I'm not trying to flame your list...it's impressive and I respect the time and energy you put into formulating it...

But I think some more uplifting, positive ideas should be in there to take one's mind off of a specific girl. I know the world and REALITY are full of many of the [negative] things you mentioned, but positivity is also important when it comes to thoughts! :)


May 11, 2007
Reaction score
I believe that One-tis FOCUSED wrong, it bad......however the spirit and energy behind Oneitis is WONDERFUL.

Do you guys know that Oneitis is nothing but PASSIONATE FOCUS?

The problem is that by having this passionate focus for the WRONG WOMAN, it looks similar to a guy putting all of his money into a bad performing stock.....yes, that means all of his efforts and talents are going down the drain.

I don't think this "passionate focus" should ever be put on any woman.....for it's much too powerful, and women basically don't understand it.

This "passionate focus" shoudl be put on accomplishing the goals that we have set forth.

Imagine if you feel that "way" about business?

Imagine if you feel that "way" about working out?

Imagine if you feel that "way" about becoming the best YOU you can become"

Hell, imagine if you feel that "way" about becoming your own individual PUA?

See....oneitis is nothing but passionate focus, but you must learn how to take this energy and passion and focus it on things that will bring SUCCESS.

Don't put it on ONE WOMAN, put it on being a PUA....this will make you successful with a high number of women.

Don't put it on ONE JOB or ONE PROSPECT...put it on being a great SALES MAN (or whatever position you have)...this will make you successful in that field.

Do you see what I mean? Don't eliminate that passion, KEEP IT! Just re-focus it.



Don Juan
Apr 25, 2007
Reaction score
fbplayer06 said:
I'm not trying to flame your list...it's impressive and I respect the time and energy you put into formulating it...

But I think some more uplifting, positive ideas should be in there to take one's mind off of a specific girl. I know the world and REALITY are full of many of the [negative] things you mentioned, but positivity is also important when it comes to thoughts! :)
Okay mate thanks for the tip... I will try to include further positives :) I think I can still edit.


Don Juan
Apr 25, 2007
Reaction score
John-467 said:
I believe that One-tis FOCUSED wrong, it bad......however the spirit and energy behind Oneitis is WONDERFUL.

Do you guys know that Oneitis is nothing but PASSIONATE FOCUS?

The problem is that by having this passionate focus for the WRONG WOMAN, it looks similar to a guy putting all of his money into a bad performing stock.....yes, that means all of his efforts and talents are going down the drain.

I don't think this "passionate focus" should ever be put on any woman.....for it's much too powerful, and women basically don't understand it.

This "passionate focus" shoudl be put on accomplishing the goals that we have set forth.

Imagine if you feel that "way" about business?

Imagine if you feel that "way" about working out?

Imagine if you feel that "way" about becoming the best YOU you can become"

Hell, imagine if you feel that "way" about becoming your own individual PUA?

See....oneitis is nothing but passionate focus, but you must learn how to take this energy and passion and focus it on things that will bring SUCCESS.

Don't put it on ONE WOMAN, put it on being a PUA....this will make you successful with a high number of women.

Don't put it on ONE JOB or ONE PROSPECT...put it on being a great SALES MAN (or whatever position you have)...this will make you successful in that field.

Do you see what I mean? Don't eliminate that passion, KEEP IT! Just re-focus it.

Woah nice reply :up: You completely grasped the whole concept :) AND IMPROVED ON IT TOO! My post was about remembering that miss one-itis (I was referring to the actual girl by the way) isn't the most important thing in life, as I know that some guys adopt the prospect of "I'd give ANYTHING to have her, I don't care what happens as long as I can have this ONE GIRL!"