Finally went to the mall today. On my way to the mall I get on the train. Look around and I see this girl maybe 18 or 19 and we both catch eye contact. Mind you Im wearing sunglasses. We look at each other for about 10 seconds then I broke it and turned smh... Usually Im great with eye contact and the girl usually puts her head down but not this one. She was a hb 7.. Idk that just really caught me off guard then next stop she gets off.
I'm mad at myself for awhile for not even trying at least. I get out of the train and I walk around the mall for about 15mins and not talking to no one yet. I realize it is alot harder then I thought. It just seems harder when you are by yourself in a mall and you see girls with groups etc. I finally go outside and walk to the other side of the mall. I see a hb 7 hire gun at verizon by herself. I walk over to her.
me: Excuse me, I just had to say that you was beautiful and wanted to talk to you
her: thanks
me: so what do you do.. ( i know stupid ? since that is her job lol)
her: I work all day
me: thats cool, so when you get on break
her: later on.... why
me: I want to take you out for a quick date to eat
her: no i have a man
me: So i guess I cant get your number
her: no its disrespectful,then the job phone rings and I eject
Also let me say that as soon as I came there her body language and face was like no not this again lol.
I rate my performance a D. I know I could have done alot better and also should have put my hand out. I just realized I didnt even ask her for her name lol.
2# approach..
I was walking in the mall for another 10 mins then left, I kept seeing the same security guard each floor I went to lol. I decided to walk like 10 blocks to Barnes and noble. I was at queens center mall... So I left and went inside barnes and noble. Walk upstairs and saw what I thought was an hb7 sitting down reading a book. So I walk to another aisle then think for a min what I will say lol. I finally go after one min and walk into the aisle.
Me: Excuse me ( as soon as i see her face I realize she is not that good looking and young)
Wat is your name
Her: says her name
Me: How old are you
her: 17
Me: Ejects lol
So yea that was my only 2 approaches. Sad but I know I can do a whole lot better and have to continue with my goal. It will be hard but I have to realize to accept all of the rejections and just keep going. I will do some street game tomorrow.