Ice882 said:
while you guys spend 8-12 hours on this thread debating why or why not guys get girls, I'll be lifting, reading books, working, playing basketball, writing, and planning social events with my friends. I might even meet some girls along the way.
Thank you sir for some reason.
What do you people think evolution thinks on people who argue about evolution? I don't think the early homo sapiens who argued about the relationship between their facial symettry and the amount of antelopes they can hunt are still around today.
looks ARE important, but god damn it, how can you decide what is 'good" looking to a girl? Society tells you Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie are "good" looking, but WHO told society to pick them? Please...tell me. I have known people who think they are gorgeous, yet others think that they are nothing special at all. Everyone has DIFFERENT tastes, different strokes for different fellows, do you know what I'm saying?
The bottom line is that we have whatever the hell we have, whether you are good looking, or bad looking, its all relative anyways. Who is to say that one girl and another will be both be attracted to this guy because he's "attractive". Who is to say that the hot blonde girl does not have a fetish for the short mexican midgets? We do not know because the hot blonde girl will NEVER show interest for this mexican midget; thats not how society WANTS her to do...
The cards are already dealt, HOWEVER...
one fact is undeniable, that women are attracted to POWER. Which is why people who are looking to increase their wealth, status, and muscle. Isn't that for POWER? The power to buy things, the power to impress and finally power over others?
We are MEN, rather not insecure girls who ponder on whether guys will like us because our breasts are too big, or too small, or the cellulite in on asses or WHATEVER. MEN think differently from WOMEN, while MEN want to dominate and conquer, WOMEN are happy to serve, make sandwiches and do laundry. If we can accept this difference between the sexes, can't we accept that men and women judge differently when it comes to potential mates? We call people with penis MEN, we call people without penises WOMEN, if we all thought the same, WOMEN would be called MEN WITHOUT ****S. We don't think the same.
Again, I seem to have strayed from the point I was talking about. LOOKS do matter, but how the **** do we know who is attractive to EACH person ( or hot girl, cuz no one else matters, lol right?). However society has told us THIS, THIS, AND THAT, is acceptable, so these hot *****es will only show interest when their own interest overlap with societial values, or else it's EMBARASSING. Thats where POWER comes in.
True power comes from YOURSELF, aka confidence I guess. When you are not CONVENTIONAL attractive, you need the confidence to tell society to go **** ITSELF, therefore, only then, can the girl truly and safety reveal to you that she IS attracted to you.
I hope I have made some sense, anyways, this entire thread is just troll and flame anyways, go do something with your lives guys. (lol im one to talk cuz im on sosuave right now, but WHATEVER

But I would love to discuss evolution/sexual selection with ya bros, without all the flamers