Great link Desdinova, it just further highlights the realities of these "women" out here that we as men are told we are supposed to be "dying" for.
1. Feel
....but the real men I know feel. Rather than repressing their emotions, they talk about their feelings. They have the balls to sit down with an open heart and speak from a place that isn’t guarded or shut down.....
Chicks could care less what a REAL MAN has to say or think, it's why everytime a REAL MAN speaks his mind he gets:
- fired from his job
- banned from discussion boards
- banned from making Youtube videos
- banned from the university
- banned from the family functions
Chick you want to know how I feel? I'll tell you. A real man thinks and feels as though you far left, self-entitled pieces of crap called "women" today offer no real true value other than what's in between your legs.
You don't cook, and when you svcks. You don't clean up the mess you leave at my apartment after you cook that nasty high calorie plate of crap you call a meal.
The entire time spent with you is like being with a spoiled brat of a child that only cares WTF THEY want to do and could care less about how YOU feel or what you have going on. You think that garbage disposal in between your legs that you call a vagina, that's been DUMPED IN by every Tom, Dyck and Harry, is something that I should "qualify" to acquire through expensive dates, late night phone convos, and all other types of crap.
You screw me in marriage by giving me a shyt marriage, only to THEN screw me further by requiring that I pay you lifetime alimony in divorce even though I have no rights to lifetime pvssy from you. You screw me in parenthood by using the Courts to take my kids away, barely allowing me to see them, and filling their heads up with crap that I'm the worse person since Hitler. You file false rape charges and false domestic violence charges against me as a man, fvcking up my career prospects and fvcking up my freedom.
You want my feelings? There you go!
2. Get Our Souls Naked
Real men know the juiciest and sweetest parts of us don’t lie beneath our panty lines. They know the jackpot in love is undressing a woman’s soul, layer-by-layer, piece-by-piece.....
What fvcking soul? Most of you chicks are braindead. Every time I try having an intelligent debate based on LOGIC with a chick, it's like debating a damn 8 year old. Her entire stance on everything is some touchy feely, high emotionally charged crap with no basis in logic, reason, or MATH.
3. Scrape Windshields in the Dead of Winter
......So sometimes we may insist on going Dutch and maintaining our independence, but at the end of the day chivalry is nice and so are acts of service. Beneath chivalry lies the intent that you want to take care of us, and we like that.
Look chick, which is it? Do you want EQUALITY or do you want a damn Patriarchy? A patriarchial mentality has a man doing things of chivalry or "service" as you call it, and showing the "intent" to take care of you. Equality says you are not WEAKER than me, but just as you can not only take care of yourself but guess what, you can take care of ME as well
See, this is what these feminists want, they want the benefits of a Patriarchy without the structure of one. They want to cherry pick the shyt they like about a Patriarchy and throw out what they don't like. They like the free dates, protection, provision and breadwinner shyt....but they hate the daily sex, daily oral sex, daily chores, lifetime loyalty, support and nurturing that they are required to do in addition to allowing a man to LEAD the relationship/household.
4. Reach For Us Before the Cell Phone in the Morning
....Prioritizing a snuggle, followed by some morning breath kisses and maybe some hanky-panky gets a man far in this girl’s books. Emails, Instagram, stocks, voicemails and texts will still be kicking around inside our phones twenty minutes from the moment we open our eyes, I promise.
So basically, the things that a REAL MAN should have as his main focus (his business, his clients, his financial networks, his investments) should come second to tonguing you down in the morning before you brush your teeth when your breath smells like spoiled eggs? But of course, if that same man HAD no emails or voicemails to answer from his clients, cause he has no JOB, then would he even be laying beside your stank breath (and might I add, stank cooch) that morning? I doubt it.
5. Show Up On Time
Whether it’s a dinner reservation at a five-star restaurant or a Skype date in sweatpants, when someone shows up on time it communicates that they not only value us, but also their word.
So if I'm working late, or not finished with work or had a emergency....that means nothing? But of course, when a chick has things to do (school, work, family) does she DROP everything she's doing to come and see you on time? Or does she make you wait until her "schedule" is all but free and clear?
6. Don’t Squirm When They Hear the Word “Period”
Lady time is part of life, gentlemen. A real man isn’t put off by talk of cramps, cravings or the occasional roller coaster of emotions that happen during shark week. Real men can buy tampons.
Okay, so what does a real woman do then when a man gets his equivalent "period"? You know, when a man:
- Is having problems on the job
- Is getting laid off
- Is having occassional financial problems
- Is losing direction in life
- Needs a little bit of inspiration and motivation
- Having a mid life crisis
- If he's black and experiencing a little bit of "discrimination" and mad about it
Are you going to be there for him chick? Or will you call him a deadbeat loser, tell him that he needs to just MAN UP, and stop whining?
7. Have an Open Mind
Real men aren’t racist, sexist or homophobic. They don’t feel superior because of their gender, skin color or sexual preference......They don’t believe they are stronger, more intelligent or superior because they are born with a penis.
But yet aren't you the same chick that said chivalry and showing an "intent" to take care of your sorry was important? If I'm no stronger than you, what is the point of the chivalry? Are you going to wipe my car windows off and shovel my snow because I'm a "man" and I'm no stronger than you?
8. Show Up
Nothing is sexier than accountability. Real men are accountable for their own well-being—and ours. They know the importance of showing up.
There you have it folks. REAL MEN are accountable for not only themselves, but EVERYBODY else. But this is the same chick that said maintaining her independence was important, if you are INDEPENDENT doesn't that mean you are accountable for yourself? Why do you need me to be accountable for you?
9. Listen
blah blah blah.....Listening goes far.
But notice that she never gave an example of when she listened to him?
10. Drink Bellinis
Real men can drink bellinis, wear fuchsia and rent chick flicks free of shame...They don’t feel the need to drive big trucks, bench press small countries or drink whisky to validate their sexuality...
Okay, driving a big car (so I can transport your fat and our 3 kids), bench pressing and working out (so I can protect your fat and our 3 kids), and drinking whisky (so I can calm my nerves from the stress of your fat and our 3 kids) isn't important? Okay.
This is why I have opted out of marriage and thinking about opting out of creating kids so that I would have NO FVCKING LEGAL ties to these stupid far left, entitled American chicks, so when they get on my nerves I can CUT her off without any damn recourse.
Their only value is their vagina, there's no other value, period. They care nothing about you, nothing about what you want, nothing about what you's just a fvcking Burger King commercial to these chicks and they want it "their way and FAST".
Just what the hell does a "Real woman" do? Oh I know, a real woman is someone that allows a "real man" to cater to her every fvcking need.....I get it.