10 Reasons Why I'll Never Date A Short Guy


Master Don Juan
Oct 22, 2007
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Eastern Time Zone where it's always really late
Studies show for every inch a man is shorter than 6’0, he has to make an extra $3,298 A MIONTH to be as desirable.

So, if a man is

5’11 -> $3,298 more per month
5’10 -> $6,596 more per month
5’9 -> $9,894 more per month
5’8 -> $13,192 more per month
5’7 -> $16,490 more per month
5’6 -> $19,789 more per month

Hope the men under 6’0 are getting paid.

I agree, it’s a huge huge factor,

Not sure how the men on Sosuave get women without being at least 6’0. Along with the media and the powers that be who have trained women to treat men under 6’0 as garbage, it’s in their DNA to want tall men. Can’t negotiate attraction.
Height, hair and money. Have 3. Have 2. Or have a LOT of 1 lol.

That women blogged that short men equates to having short kids. The interesting thing is, menheight is usually from the mother, and women height from father. So short father would more likely to equate to short daughters, not short sons and daughters.
Her short genes are somehow “exempt.”


Master Don Juan
Jul 29, 2020
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I saw my buddy working at McDonald's, he is like 5'7 and I'm 5'11, he was taller than me lol must of been wearing stilts for lifts or something it was ridiculous


Jan 31, 2005
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From New Orleans, Louisiana to Atlanta, Georgia!!!
This is different. A woman can easily get breast augmentation surgery, a man can’t easily get height increase surgery.
But height increase surgery does exist. I wouldn't mind being 6'5. I'm 6'2, but in the grand scheme of things, money helps a lot too.


Jan 31, 2005
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From New Orleans, Louisiana to Atlanta, Georgia!!!
Enter the judge.

I think that in order for a woman to be invested and pursue, the man needs to have the higher SMV. And a big component of the man's SMV is height.

Height, money, clout. Have 2.

So therefore, the bigger the height gap in your advantage, the more leeway you would have for your mistakes or underdevelopment of other areas.

Stranger danger with dating apps goes away when Chad, Tyrone, Enrique, Vishnu, and Hiroshi ask her out. If you're sub 6 feet, pulling up in a Benz could help.

Three years ago, I was at the beginning stages of an LTR with a woman my height (5'11"). But due to some work related stress and other issues, she broke off with me. While height wasn't the main issue, It definitely is a factor when a woman decides whether she wants to be with you or not.

For protection. She broke it off with you because I asked her out. I'm 6'2, not completely a Tyrone, but have a nicely modded Lexus...and some powerful pipe. I worked the hell out of her. Point is, she found a perceived better deal. Getting a woman boils down to what she's looking for at the time you shoot your shot.

I also went on a date with a woman that was 6'2'' a few months ago, out of curiosity (I am 5'11''). And even though we had a great date and we knew each other's heights beforehand, she ghosted afterwards (She did mention that she was looking for 6'5''+). So height is a pretty big deal in a woman's eyes.

A first date didn't go great unless she's excited to go on a second date, and actually shows up. I dated a woman who was 6'2 and from my hometown. But it fizzled for me when I noticed the texts lessened, then her FB status was In a relationship. I deleted her contact info. 2 months later she married the guy. He was 6'4. A month after, they got divorced. New Year's 2022 after the ball dropped, she's trying to reconcile with me. I told her to invite me over, she did...I destroyed all 3 holes. A week later, I was in a relationship (still in it today). She blew a gasket. Point is, have value and self-respect.
Read between th- ok you already know.


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2018
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Studies show for every inch a man is shorter than 6’0, he has to make an extra $3,298 A MIONTH to be as desirable.

So, if a man is

5’11 -> $3,298 more per month
5’10 -> $6,596 more per month
5’9 -> $9,894 more per month
5’8 -> $13,192 more per month
5’7 -> $16,490 more per month
5’6 -> $19,789 more per month

Hope the men under 6’0 are getting paid.

I agree, it’s a huge huge factor,

Not sure how the men on Sosuave get women without being at least 6’0. Along with the media and the powers that be who have trained women to treat men under 6’0 as garbage, it’s in their DNA to want tall men. Can’t negotiate attraction.
I’m well under 6’. If I were average or even a bit above average facially. I’d be posting on Incels.com. instead of here. My face saves me.
I remember, just before Covid. My Zoomer GF and I went to an outdoor rock concert in the Central Valley here in CA. Most of the guy’s heightmogged me. But. Most of them were alone or with buddies. And I had a ripe teenager in my arms. . .


Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2023
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I think that in order for a woman to be invested and pursue, the man needs to have the higher SMV. And a big component of the man's SMV is height.

So therefore, the bigger the height gap in your advantage, the more leeway you would have for your mistakes or underdevelopment of other areas.

Three years ago, I was at the beginning stages of an LTR with a woman my height (5'11"). But due to some work related stress and other issues, she broke off with me. While height wasn't the main issue, It definitely is a factor when a woman decides whether she wants to be with you or not.

I also went on a date with a woman that was 6'2'' a few months ago, out of curiosity (I am 5'11''). And even though we had a great date and we knew each other's heights beforehand, she ghosted afterwards (She did mention that she was looking for 6'5''+). So height is a pretty big deal in a woman's eyes.
6-2 is a monster for a woman. Too tall imo. If she wants 6-5 good luck with that. Very few of them around

On old matched with a woman much taller. Listed 6-3 so dunno why she talked to me and got her number. Saw her on old again and listed
her height only 6 foot this time. Maybesthe hieght was scaring them off since she's taller than most men.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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I think that in order for a woman to be invested and pursue, the man needs to have the higher SMV. And a big component of the man's SMV is height.

the bigger the height gap in your advantage, the more leeway you would have for your mistakes or underdevelopment of other areas.
I agree with all of this.

Three years ago, I was at the beginning stages of an LTR with a woman my height (5'11"). But due to some work related stress and other issues, she broke off with me. While height wasn't the main issue, It definitely is a factor when a woman decides whether she wants to be with you or not.
It's an uphill battle to get anyone even the same height to seriously consider you.

I also went on a date with a woman that was 6'2'' a few months ago, out of curiosity (I am 5'11''). And even though we had a great date and we knew each other's heights beforehand, she ghosted afterwards (She did mention that she was looking for 6'5''+). So height is a pretty big deal in a woman's eyes.
Height is a big deal in women's eyes. I'm surprised you even got a 6'2" woman to give you a chance.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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Height, hair and money. Have 3. Have 2. Or have a LOT of 1 lol.
My height is consider unspectacular at 5'10". Very few women are conceptually excited about a 5'10" man. I have hair. I probably don't have enough money.

Studies show for every inch a man is shorter than 6’0, he has to make an extra $3,298 A MIONTH to be as desirable.

So, if a man is

5’11 -> $3,298 more per month
5’10 -> $6,596 more per month
5’9 -> $9,894 more per month
5’8 -> $13,192 more per month
5’7 -> $16,490 more per month
5’6 -> $19,789 more per month
At 5'10", I would have to make $6,596 extra per month to be as attractive as 6'0"+ guy. That's not easy to achieve.


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2018
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Studies show for every inch a man is shorter than 6’0, he has to make an extra $3,298 A MIONTH to be as desirable.

So, if a man is

5’11 -> $3,298 more per month
5’10 -> $6,596 more per month
5’9 -> $9,894 more per month
5’8 -> $13,192 more per month
5’7 -> $16,490 more per month
5’6 -> $19,789 more per month
I have never had a woman ask my salary.


Master Don Juan
Mar 7, 2022
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10 reason why an average girl will get pumped and dump. The ratio of guys and girls being born is about equal. If average girls are chasing the top guys (including height), the average girl will lose and not find anyone.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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If average girls are chasing the top guys (including height), the average girl will lose and not find anyone.
She will get a bunch of penises while not finding anyone long term.


Master Don Juan
Dec 16, 2015
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It’s all SMV. I know shorter men who slay (I can think of two immediately who are 5’8 or 5’9 max) and have massive self confidence and pretty good looks and mad game/charm.

They do not lack for women. My own son is 5’8” and ripped and very handsome. He has a LTR who is about 5’2”.

My older daughter is 5’10”. Her BF is 6’5”. People chose by preferences. Some men prefer brunettes or redheads or Latinas. I’m none of those. So what? Accept that people have their preferences and choose from women who are into you. There is a woman who will be into you in the vast majority of cases.


Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2023
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It’s all SMV. I know shorter men who slay (I can think of two immediately who are 5’8 or 5’9 max) and have massive self confidence and pretty good looks and mad game/charm.

They do not lack for women. My own son is 5’8” and ripped and very handsome. He has a LTR who is about 5’2”.

My older daughter is 5’10”. Her BF is 6’5”. People chose by preferences. Some men prefer brunettes or redheads or Latinas. I’m none of those. So what? Accept that people have their preferences and choose from women who are into you. There is a woman who will be into you in the vast majority of cases.
When talking about "short" what about the actual short ones like 5-6 and under? They have it tough.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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When talking about "short" what about the actual short ones like 5-6 and under? They have it tough.
The typical White American Millennial or Gen Z woman considers any height below 6'0" to be less than desirable.

5'10" - 5'11" men are the kings of the manlets. 5'10" is about an average height. They are times at these heights when men will experience rejection for perceived subpar heights.

5'9" is the first point of drop off. It's not a good height.

5'8" and below is when it starts to get bad.


Master Don Juan
Mar 7, 2022
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My older daughter is 5’10”. Her BF is 6’5”. People chose by preferences. Some men prefer brunettes or redheads or Latinas. I’m none of those. So what? Accept that people have their preferences and choose from women who are into you. There is a woman who will be into you in the vast majority of cases.
My preference is for a supermodel that will never age and never get ugly; and will give me oral every day and swallow. Don't think that's going to happen soon :)

Everyone settles. Everyone lust for the stars but in real life, we live in reality. Average women want the 3 sixes OR better; but at the end of the day, average women "must settle". This has happened throughout history. They settle and they build a relationship with the average man and they become happy with their life voyage together (kids, ups and down of life, shared goals, companionship, etc.). Today, in the vast majority of cases, the average woman will not be in to the average guy because she is trying to shoot for the stars and wants to have Chad. She will not settle for anything less. Society teaches women not to settle. Society tells them to find a "soul mate"... "don't settle..."

Average women are chasing the dragon and the average man don't want them when the average women come back. Until the average woman understands she's "just average", the marriage rate will continue to plummet and women will continue to be unhappy. Sometimes there isn't a woman who will be into you because she's getting pumped and dumped by chad and isn't intelligent enough to see this. Drug addicts who chase the dragon -- they never end up in a good place.

In other words, the average woman has un-realistic preferences. A lot of average men are not "chosen" because they don't meet these preferences. When women get older, the come back to these average men... but a lot of these average men may not want them because these men also have preferences (don't be old , overweight, ugly, etc..).
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Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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Today, in the vast majority of cases, the average woman will not be in to the average guy because she is trying to shoot for the stars and wants to have Chad. She will not settle for anything less. Society teaches women not to settle. Society tells them to find a "soul mate"... "don't settle..."
Yes, this is true. Rollo Tomassi has said many times that the average woman today is not interested in the average man.

Average women are chasing the dragon and the average man don't want them when the average women come back. Until the average woman understands she's "just average", the marriage rate will continue to plummet and women will continue to be unhappy. Sometimes there isn't a woman who will be into you because she's getting pumped and dumped by chad and isn't intelligent enough to see this. Drug addicts who chase the dragon -- they never end up in a good place.
Yes, many women spend their entire fertile years chasing the dragon and don't have much to show for their efforts.


Master Don Juan
Mar 7, 2022
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Yes, many women spend their entire fertile years chasing the dragon and don't have much to show for their efforts.
The average women are kinda stupid. Perhaps it's the brainwashing. I'm not sure. If I go to a strip club, and a supermodel type of girl comes home with me because I provide her with "resources for the night". I'm not going to tell myself that I deserve a supermodel looking type of girlfriend that will cater to my every sexual desires. If it happens - great. But I'm not going to expect it just because I got a very attractive, high end woman of the night to come home with me.

The average woman gets pumped and dumped by Chad. However, since she got into a situationship with chad - a hot guy, she now expects her next boyfriend to be hot, etc. even though she's just average. Her "preferences" are higher than her "value". Can she not understand Chad only went out with her for the sex? If a hot woman of the night had sex with me, I would know it's because of the "resources" i provided to her. It's not because my "value". If I was an average guy, I'm not going to expect my next girlfriend to be as attractive because I'm just an average guy.


Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2023
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Yes, this is true. Rollo Tomassi has said many times that the average woman today is not interested in the average man.

Yes, many women spend their entire fertile years chasing the dragon and don't have much to show for their efforts.
The "average " woman is unattractive though. Fat or tats, not the best teeth or face, etc. Single women under 40 I'd say 10 percent are what you'd consider hot or hb 6.5 on up.

Basically everyone is fighting for that 10 to 20 percent of women.