Royal Elite
Da #1 rule of bizz'nezz iz: "Dont worry about da people who wont buy ur product, only worry about da 1'z who will"
When thinking about women itz da same thing..stop worrying about da girlz who wont like whatever style U decide 2 uze in life..find out da way dat workz 4 u..which is nothing more then da 1 u r comfortable with..which iz who U really r az a perzon..den become da bezt U, U can possibly B..then go after 'all' da women 'U' want az well az watching 4 da 1'z dat r attracted 2 U..some will like U, some wont..thiz iz an ultimate reality..but da only 1'z u need 2 concern urself with r da 1'z dat do..
Life iz simple keep it simple..
YHWH Blezz
Royal Elite
Da kingz in da building!
When thinking about women itz da same thing..stop worrying about da girlz who wont like whatever style U decide 2 uze in life..find out da way dat workz 4 u..which is nothing more then da 1 u r comfortable with..which iz who U really r az a perzon..den become da bezt U, U can possibly B..then go after 'all' da women 'U' want az well az watching 4 da 1'z dat r attracted 2 U..some will like U, some wont..thiz iz an ultimate reality..but da only 1'z u need 2 concern urself with r da 1'z dat do..
Life iz simple keep it simple..
YHWH Blezz
Royal Elite
Da kingz in da building!