I know what you mean. Perhaps I am more traditional in some ways. What about when you're not the bad boy/jerk, and you're not the nice guy. you're at this middle ground? thats how I feel.Also, I have been thinking, perhaps its not me as much as i think it is. just the culture, the hook up culture as you call it. I mean, this site has opened my eyes to alot, I am wondering,without turning it into a blame game, if the way or ways i was raised affected me. I do have this idea of an ideal, i said ideal, not perfect, wife. But I realize, I would have to hold myself to certain standards. I mean sure, I have had some **** ups, some really bad ones, somethings i regret, in that there were times when i was just mean to people. esp when i was younger. But I never bought into that find an excuse not to grow up thing. As for dry spells, is 2 years considered a long dry spell?