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“I Love you” and the razor’s edge


Jan 14, 2018
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Yeah that word redemption. Some powerful shyt right there.
Redemption is a form of idealism. The man needs to teach her and it's only possible when she greatly admires/respect him.

In this case his version of love is accepted as superior to her basic understanding.


Jan 14, 2018
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That's a very good post !

And it's from way back in 2007.

Holy shiet ! Nothing has change in SS since that time...

Seems like a waste of my energy to even talk about somethings I know.
Men need to be reminded.


Jan 14, 2018
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Since around 2009 on an alt.

An aside, Pook's theory comes from Dr Weininger, a Nazi protoge lol but the shoe fits.
Yup it fits.

But mine's better as it's borne out of experience and not from theory ;)


Jan 14, 2018
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Yes you're greater than Pook
Chill dude, I was just pulling at you..

Nah. I won't claim I'm better then POOK or even that fvcker Corey Wayne.

I'm merely claiming that these are my experiences and sharing them here. You'll notice many of the things I speak off can't be found online nor is it a rehashed version of some PUA shiet.


Master Don Juan
Oct 29, 2018
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You guys should read
Matt Ridley, The Red Queen: Sex and the Evolution of Human Nature
Mostly a book about natural and sexual selection very interesting

Just a few quote here
“Mankind is a self-domesticated animal; a mammal; an ape; a social ape; an ape in which the male takes the iniative in courtship and females usually leave the society of their birth; an ape in which men are predators, women herbivorous foragers; an ape in which males are relatively hierarchical, females relatively egalitarian; an ape in which males contribute unusually large amounts of investment in the upbringing of their offspring by provisioning their mates and their children with food, protection, and company; an ape in which monogamous pair bonds are the rule but many males have affairs and occasional males achieve polygamy; an ape in which females mated to low-ranking males often cuckold their husbands in order to gain access to the genes of higher-ranking males; an ape that has been subject to unusually intense mutual sexual selection so that many of the features of the female body (lips, breasts, waists) and the mind of both sexes (songs, competitive ambition, status seeking) are designed for use in competition for mates; an ape that has developed an extraordinary range of new instincts to learn by association, to communicate by speech, and to pass on traditions. But still an ape.”

“We are perforce in some sense constrained, goaded, or at least affected by the accumulated impact of selective decisions made over thousands of generations.”

“The struggle for existence never gets easier. However well a species may adapt to its environment, it can never relax, because its competitors and its enemies are also adapting to their niches. Survival is a zero-sum game.”


Don Juan
Dec 26, 2018
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Practical answer to the OP. What to do if a woman says "I Love You" first, and you don't yet feel it yourself, or don't want to let the guard down?

This has always worked for me. Look her in the left eye, with a smile, and say "I've always believed that actions speak louder than words", then pull her gently in, and kiss her passionately. Then change the subject quickly to something positive, where she has to follow on.


Jan 14, 2018
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Practical answer to the OP. What to do if a woman says "I Love You" first, and you don't yet feel it yourself, or don't want to let the guard down?

This has always worked for me. Look her in the left eye, with a smile, and say "I've always believed that actions speak louder than words", then pull her gently in, and kiss her passionately. Then change the subject quickly to something positive, where she has to follow on.
Its good however it's not sustainable. You might fool her once but not all the time.

However you raised a situation that happens to all men.

I personally will respond towards that power play with a...."prove it" followed by a *smirk*.

There's a variety you could come up with along the way, when she does bring it up, to make you commit. The point is you set the standard and she has to comply until such a time you're made a decision.


Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2007
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Those who pretend they don't calibrate are only fooling themselves.

The way you approach, let's say, a newbie is different than the way you approach an executive. Each has their own proclivities/biases and needs which define their uniqueness. To shotgun with a single approach to all shows a degree of mental retardation, and lacks social intelligence.

Powerful is he who knows the audience and gives the guise of tending to their needs.

What I see happening much on this forum is taking one extreme that doesn't work and in rebellion (for one's failings) taking the reverse extreme: The victimized thinker changes his approach to the despotic thinker. Neither extreme works.

Fluidity always works most effectively. Know thy audience. Calibration is the mark of a master.


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2015
Reaction score
Those who pretend they don't calibrate are only fooling themselves.

The way you approach, let's say, a newbie is different than the way you approach an executive. Each has their own proclivities/biases and needs which define their uniqueness. To shotgun with a single approach to all shows a degree of mental retardation, and lacks social intelligence.

Powerful is he who knows the audience and gives the guise of tending to their needs.

What I see happening much on this forum is taking one extreme that doesn't work and in rebellion (for one's failings) taking the reverse extreme: The victimized thinker changes his approach to the despotic thinker. Neither extreme works.

Fluidity always works most effectively. Know thy audience. Calibration is the mark of a master.
Many calibrate against a lady whose rejecting him and treating him horribly. Thus ensuring failure and bad VIBES with others. We have to deal with those who desire to talk to us and be with us.


You guys should read
Matt Ridley, The Red Queen: Sex and the Evolution of Human Nature
Mostly a book about natural and sexual selection very interesting

Just a few quote here
“Mankind is a self-domesticated animal; a mammal; an ape; a social ape; an ape in which the male takes the iniative in courtship and females usually leave the society of their birth; an ape in which men are predators, women herbivorous foragers; an ape in which males are relatively hierarchical, females relatively egalitarian; an ape in which males contribute unusually large amounts of investment in the upbringing of their offspring by provisioning their mates
Those who pretend they don't calibrate are only fooling themselves.

The way you approach, let's say, a newbie is different than the way you approach an executive. Each has their own proclivities/biases and needs which define their uniqueness. To shotgun with a single approach to all shows a degree of mental retardation, and lacks social intelligence.

Powerful is he who knows the audience and gives the guise of tending to their needs.

What I see happening much on this forum is taking one extreme that doesn't work and in rebellion (for one's failings) taking the reverse extreme: The victimized thinker changes his approach to the despotic thinker. Neither extreme works.

Fluidity always works most effectively. Know thy audience. Calibration is the mark of a master.
lets take this approach vs Monad/Henid.
Would not one be taking a different shape into being the archetype she is looking for based on her being shaped by another man or society expectations?
in the Monad/Henid the man is the single point of eminence of masculinity so that she, being substance without form, or a form dictated by a social structure or even a past “Alpha” that shaped her, would be operating in her assumed reality.
For her to be drawn to this new single point of eminence, his frame would require that he be an individuated monad. It is then that he can shape her to the new environment, him.

The only thing we should be pursuing is our dreams. Not women.