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“There are more weak men” is a fallacy


Don Juan
Feb 13, 2023
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I work in the corporate world and every day I run into 25-35 year old male managers and directors making anywhere between $200k-$500k+ a year, married to snow bunnies with mistresses on the side, and driving Bugattis.

I think what’s happening is that weak men have social media and a voice now. 20 years ago they simply didn’t matter. But now everyone has a voice. So it seems like these weak men are becoming more prevalent. But I think it’s just perception. In order to be a killer in the business world, you still have to be a killer. And yes, it’s 99% males.

I was at my gym tonight on a Friday night and it was full of chads and chad lights. And they all had one thing in common. Women hovering over them and them ignoring those chicks and focusing on their workouts.

I was actually impressed. If anything, all the alphas were paying attention to each other to see who was the most alpha. Female attention was an afterthought.

If you are not a chad or chad light, you might not be privy to this reality. But it is reality. And it will always be reality.

This whole “women have all the power” paradigm is coping as a loser in life.

The more you claim women have all the power the more you project yourself as a bottom tier man.
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Master Don Juan
Oct 27, 2017
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I agree betas, weirdos and losers have what seems to be more presence and yes it does not apply to real life. Same concept goes with OLD and SM posts/vids of women posting their stupid standards and men assuming that’s how women are now. They’re not.


Master Don Juan
Apr 9, 2021
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There's definitely a significantly higher percentage of dweebs than there was in the 20th century. This was apparent around 2010 with the widespread emergence of hipsters and the adoption of smartphones. The hipster thing was a real eye-opener, these things would have been relentlessly bullied in the 80's.

Them having a louder voice doesn't change their numbers. The bigger issue is that this is by design. The WEF crowd wants us focusing on winners and losers and not posing a united front against their obvious agenda.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 9, 2021
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Weakness and homosexuality in men used to be heavily discouraged by the men around them. You may like it or not, but “bullying” mostly revolves around the jocks/Chads asserting their strength and dominance against these weaker guys. This was allowed.

Now, however, there is a strong push for all bullying to be eradicated and male social hierarchies to be done with. It is also said that it is not wrong to be gay or feminine as a man — in fact, as part of a terribly “oppressed” group, you get bonus points. This leads to widespread increase in the number of these weak men.

So, yeah, the men in our society are getting weaker and more feminine. A lot of them honestly disgust me with how they cannot assert themselves. But that does not mean we are trapped in the workings of “society”. We can still forge our own path. We can become strong, disciplined, flirtatious, and decisive. These traits will forever be attractive to women and inspirational to men too weak to attain them. I strongly believe that our individual wills are stronger than any perverse machination of “society” and its corrupt leaders.


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2022
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I disagree. There are definitely more weak men than ever. Mostly because this is how society is constructed nowadays. We have a couple generations that were brainwashed by the Disney fantasy, and now have to actually fight against their /our own beliefs. Society doesn't necessarily needs "strong men" anymore. Remember the metro sexual era? Or when men started to paint their nails ? Wearing tight jeans that show their asses. And no, this didn't happen in a cool 80's tyoe of way.

I repeat, 63 % didn't date last year that we know off... staggering numbers , and unimaginable to our fathers. If you would've told me that it was the other way (37% didn't date) around I wouldn't believe you.

Yes the gym is ironically the place with where you will find most "manly men". This used to be bars. So to end on a positive note; mayhe we shouldn't underestimate gum game. Contrary to popular believe , I bet there are many women going to the gym just to embrace the smell of masculinity.


Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2022
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No offense bro, those worker and business guys pulling in the big money are the biggest losers. How many rich business guys do we seeing getting divorced by women and how many lose out later in life. I dunno man I really think its all image and cope.

Capitalism is toxic and game-less. For men driving around in bugattis and talking big it is all a front imo, these are weak-ass losers IRL. For sure some may get the golddigger types.

Capitalism and flashing the cash may be fun for A FEW GUYS who got lucky but I often work at high-end events in London like Gallery openings and such and at these parties there are lots of wealthy people and the men they dont look very confident I think I could wipe the floor with them in any social environment with women present.

Now the answer to your question is simple. A guy is weak by default if he thinks cash or business success has any meaning in the current world. Look at Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos these men are leagues about those guys u know yet they dont seem to be killing it in life.

Theres loads of weak men in society, pretty much all men who think they need money to get women.


Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2022
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This is very simplie. One of the biggest things making men weak is the Capitalist system. Forget women for a second.

I worked in tech in a Bank. The best jobs in IB were either trading or MA type work. Both work super hard. These are the 1% men who get these jobs, the most in-demand jobs in the economy in those days, 15 years ago.

The trader jobs entail sitting at a desk from 7-5 monday to friday buying and selling ****. MA guys work much harder esp in their early careers.

Once a man becomes part of this system it owns them. One bad career move and your career can be irrecoverably damaged. All of these men are slaves to the system. Rarely even with all that money will you ever see a man take a year out of the career because they are so scared of not getting those jobs again. Then with layoffs you see these guys who were making 300K getting depressed and lose all meaning and purpose, just wanting to get another job to feel 'secure' lols.

The failure and weakness of career and money men is the greaterst amongst all men. These men have all their sense of masculinity and self-worth dependant on whether someone will keep them employed. If their boss choosese to let them go they will be ashamed to go home and tell their wife and family they lost their job. They are nothing without their jobs, corporate titles, or just the money if they are self-employed.

You know you are a loser when the woman is just with you because you bring her money for which you are dependant on some other heirararchy like the corporate system or making money by any means just selling crap to customers who may not benefit.


Sep 10, 2014
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That's great. None of those things give you insights into their personal lives or their happiness.

I would bet those are some deeply unhappy people in many cases. Ironically some of the richest people you'll ever meet are also some of the unhappiest people as well.

Money doesn't bring happiness. Making good personal choices and following what you are passionate about makes you happy. Too many people think it will until they get it and realize it doesn't and the emptiness in their life they thought it would fill is still there, they are just better able to distract themselves from it.

You may think you know these people and their personal lives but you really don't. Nobody does. You hear all the time after crazy stuff happens that even their closest friends has no idea and say "they always seemed so happy and in love in public". Moral of the story is people put on a good show in public often times and hide the secrets of their personal life.
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Don Juan
Feb 13, 2023
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I’m a firm believer of “water seeks its own level” so perhaps every guy I’m running into is just like me and I’m projecting that reality on to other people, which may not be the ultimate reality. I have noticed a strange phenomenon where if I’m weak and loserish, everyone around me seems to be weak and loserish. Or weak and loserish people keep entering into my life through some weird attraction. But if I’m operating on all cylinders, the people around me also changes to match my wavelength.

We can argue ad nauseam the state of men, but at the end of the day, perhaps it doesn’t really do us any good focusing on other people. Just focus on yourself and the people around you will also change.

Also I’ve noticed whenever someone brings up money, I see comments like “Bill Gates is a loser.” Or “the corporate guys are the most suicidal and depressed.”

To me that sounds like cope. We all want more money. Not to get women. But for ourselves. Financial freedom.
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Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2014
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I don't really buy that men are the problem

We do contribute to it by not valuing ourselves highly enough

But the real core of the problem is very average women OVER valuing themselves

This has bred poor female behaviour dynamics like ghosting and flaking which drive men mental

I was reading a dating sub on reddit this morning

Some chick had posted a thread

" feeling a bit "meh" about date shall i flake"

This woman was in her 30's , had pre selected a man , led him on to the point where he had arranged a date with her

Then for god only knows what reason decided she couldn't be bothered to go and was asking RANDOMS on reddit to convince her she should

This behaviour is SO harmful and absolutely peak toxic femininity yet NEVER gets called out by society

It genuinely boils my blood

Fair enough a woman isn't interested in a man fine it's a free world .......



Master Don Juan
Aug 21, 2022
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I was reading a dating sub on reddit this morning

Some chick had posted a thread

" feeling a bit "meh" about date shall i flake"

This woman was in her 30's , had pre selected a man , led him on to the point where he had arranged a date with her

Then for god only knows what reason decided she couldn't be bothered to go and was asking RANDOMS on reddit to convince her she should

This behaviour is SO harmful and absolutely peak toxic femininity yet NEVER gets called out by society

It genuinely boils my blood
Why get upset about this? Think about it, the guy is on the same level with this woman, otherwise he wouldn't have asked her out on a date. He got her from an app? I mean c'mon, what do you expect? He cold approached her on the street and got her number? Again, what do you expect? He got her from social circle? Then he must've known what she's about.


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2014
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Why get upset about this? Think about it, the guy is on the same level with this woman, otherwise he wouldn't have asked her out on a date. He got her from an app? I mean c'mon, what do you expect? He cold approached her on the street and got her number? Again, what do you expect? He got her from social circle? Then he must've known what she's about.
Its poor behaviour shows a complete lack of respect for another human being and their time

If you condone it you are condoning social decay.


Master Don Juan
Aug 21, 2022
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Its poor behaviour shows a complete lack of respect for another human being and their time
Indeed. My point was that the guy most probably doesn't respect himself either, otherwise he wouldn't have asked her out for a date.
If you condone it you are condoning social decay.
I'm not condoning it. I'm saying that like attracts like ... it's hard to believe a high value man wouldn't recognise she's a low quality woman before asking her out on a date.


Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2022
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I’m a firm believer of “water seeks its own level” so perhaps every guy I’m running into is just like me and I’m projecting that reality on to other people, which may not be the ultimate reality. I have noticed a strange phenomenon where if I’m weak and loserish, everyone around me seems to be weak and loserish. Or weak and loserish people keep entering into my life through some weird attraction. But if I’m operating on all cylinders, the people around me also changes to match my wavelength.

We can argue ad nauseam the state of men, but at the end of the day, perhaps it doesn’t really do us any good focusing on other people. Just focus on yourself and the people around you will also change.

Also I’ve noticed whenever someone brings up money, I see comments like “Bill Gates is a loser.” Or “the corporate guys are the most suicidal and depressed.”

To me that sounds like cope. We all want more money. Not to get women. But for ourselves. Financial freedom.
I dont want more money.

There is no way out of the contradiction. Corporate world and Capitalism are inherently anti-game. So men can take their pick, they can put alot into careers and money and if so they will lack the emotional and psychological energy to enjoy good relationships and quality of life. Or they can reject the current corporate capitalist system, get political, get poor, get social, and maybe have a chance at a better outcome.

I consider myself someone with high-game knowledge and leadership abilities. My biggest epiphany comes from simply knowing that corporate/capitalist culture WILL lower a mans inner emotional strenght and understanding of game and leadership.

I have some girls close to me and im running my Game on them. At this point my interaction with women will be primarily a political one. The women who want to win and be happy, join my system. We are gonna fight the current system and attempt to take power away from boomers and the corporate capitalist culture. I am telling the women who wanna be part of this they cannot be giving any type of validation to worker capitalist suit-weating corporate guys. No more provider husbands. No more getting men to work in the current system.

The women who want to be close to me and benefit from my leadership, emotional, social energy, it is all about making sure this system defeats the old order.

If a guy aint working to benefit this system he gets nothing. A worker guy who plays the corporate capitalist system gets nothing no marriage no children no anything unless he works for the benefit of this new system.

All I can say, I have confidence I can pull EVERY type of woman into this system, meaning most of those suit-wearing corporate capitalist men will have to compete with my system and tbh many of them are gonna lose. They are in the current system and that system is not providing enough happiness to women.

My system can provide more happiness to women with my leadership and knowledge at the forefront. It is just a different system that can provide more quality of life to ppl. Those suit-wearing capitalist corporate guys are just doing that to get women. But more women will join my system and reject those guys or those guys will have to pay into my system to have relationships with those women.

What Im currently saying to all women around me. Dont value provider guys who are just IN the current system. So in the future I expect more and more men tobe humble and respect the new order. Anything that these men make from business or careers, captitalism will have to be humbly given up to this new system to have access to these women.


Don Juan
May 29, 2022
Reaction score
This is very simplie. One of the biggest things making men weak is the Capitalist system. Forget women for a second.

I worked in tech in a Bank. The best jobs in IB were either trading or MA type work. Both work super hard. These are the 1% men who get these jobs, the most in-demand jobs in the economy in those days, 15 years ago.

The trader jobs entail sitting at a desk from 7-5 monday to friday buying and selling ****. MA guys work much harder esp in their early careers.

Once a man becomes part of this system it owns them. One bad career move and your career can be irrecoverably damaged. All of these men are slaves to the system. Rarely even with all that money will you ever see a man take a year out of the career because they are so scared of not getting those jobs again. Then with layoffs you see these guys who were making 300K getting depressed and lose all meaning and purpose, just wanting to get another job to feel 'secure' lols.

The failure and weakness of career and money men is the greaterst amongst all men. These men have all their sense of masculinity and self-worth dependant on whether someone will keep them employed. If their boss choosese to let them go they will be ashamed to go home and tell their wife and family they lost their job. They are nothing without their jobs, corporate titles, or just the money if they are self-employed.

You know you are a loser when the woman is just with you because you bring her money for which you are dependant on some other heirararchy like the corporate system or making money by any means just selling crap to customers who may not benefit.
When a lot of guys in SS are neoliberals who learn their worldview from anglo-saxon/american way of life fictional stories or projected examples on beta rich guys who may be cheated by tyrone while the smokescreen is dense, you cannot expect a lot about their tendency to blame men for everything and the "get better and you will have the same power woman has in current society"-like views. like you said, go ask elon musk if he's happy after being screwed by his borderline snowbunny and almost mauled in court if his money and corporate status was that important after all and was a guarantee he had the skills and was manly enough for not being harmed.
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Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2022
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When a lot of guys in SS are neoliberals who learn their worldview from anglo-saxon/american way of life fictional stories or projected examples on beta rich guys who may be cheated by tyrone while the smokescreen is dense, you cannot expect a lot about their tendency to blame men for everything and the "get better and you will have the same power woman has in current society"-like views. like you said, go ask elon musk if he's happy after being screwed by his borderline snowbunny and almost mauled in court if his money and corporate status was that important after all and was a guarantee he had the skills and was manly enough for not being harmed.
Anglo are related to Angirases, a tribe mentioned in ancient literature. They are mentioned along with Bhrigus.
Brighu-Angiras is Farmer Vs Nomad, Elite Vs Common peoples. Before the Anglos came to the UK the Brighus were already here hence the name Britain, Brigantes etc.

The original Brighus are a small tribe from Baruch. I am from that tribe. It is well-known the Brighus are superior to the Angirases. It is written "From the flame came Bhrigu and from the coals Angiras".

This is important for people to know, so they understand that Brighus have always been above Angiras/Anglos in eliteness, and that it is the natural order that power again be handed over to a Bhrighu, as has been the way of Eurasia since the beginning.

This is not about races or ethnicities. Even my own relatives are weak losers. It is just about being elite. It is about the eliteness of ancient Farmers vs Nomads. Anglos are related to the Nomadic Angirases.

Nomads didnt have civlizational expertise hence they used Capitalism ie let the market create civilization, we will just be an army and a king. When Nomads took over since the Bronze Age all over Eurasia, this is when we see Capitalism emerge. It is just because Nomads couldnt run Civiization so they let 'the market' do it for them.

But Bhrigu farmers know how to run civilization. Thus I expect power to be handed over and subsumed into the correct order again.

The reason ppl dont know, and there is so much global disorder and chaos, is that the correct order has not been re-established. Since the Chalcolithic(4,000 BC) a lot of craziness happened in the world and things developed and changed really quickly. At that time lots of Nomads entered or took over earlier developed and civilized farming cultures.We can see this with for instance the Viking/Saxon/Scythian movements in Europe or the Mongol invasions in Asia. But that is all done now and we will simply return to the correct order again.

The name Brigantes (Βρίγαντες in Ancient Greek) shares the same Proto-Celtic root as the goddess Brigantia, *brigant- meaning "high, elevated", and it is unclear whether settlements called Brigantium were so named as "high ones" in a metaphorical sense of nobility, or literally as "highlanders", referring to the Pennines, or inhabitants of physically elevated fortifications. (IEW, s.v. "bhereg'h-"). The word is related to German Burgund and Iranian Alborz (OIr. Hara Berezaiti).

In modern Welsh the word braint means 'privilege, prestige' and comes from the same root *brigantī. Other related forms from the modern Celtic languages are: Welsh brenin 'king' (< *brigantīnos); Welsh/Cornish/Breton bri 'prestige, reputation, honour, dignity', Scottish Gaelic brìgh 'pith, power', Irish brí 'energy, significance', Manx bree 'power, energy' (all < *brīg-/brigi-); and Welsh/Cornish/Breton bre 'hill' (< *brigā). The name Bridget from Old Irish Brigit (Modern Irish Bríd) also comes from Brigantī, as does the English river name Brent and the connected area Brentford.
Ofcourse Game and women is all related to power and eliteness. Hence women are important to establish the correct order.


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2020
Reaction score
I work in the corporate world and every day I run into 25-35 year old male managers and directors making anywhere between $200k-$500k+ a year, married to snow bunnies with mistresses on the side, and driving Bugattis.
How the hell is a 25 year old man married, have a mistress, make $41,666 a month, and drive a $3,000,000 car?

Sounds made up.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 23, 2021
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I have a master's degree in finance, currently exploring/looking for a job, and I'm pretty sure I at least don't want the big finance career. I even consider going full stop and work as a carpenter or so. I like finance/business, but also bought the idea that a very wealthy/that kind of life is favourable and appreciated by women.

As we see in this thread and another one in The Mature Man forum, the big bucks is necessarily not the way to go for good game. But strong wealth is still very highly valued in society, at least on a shallow level. Grabbing a more "medium" payed or manual job hence requires guts. Still no conclusion on my side.


Master Don Juan
Jan 25, 2021
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You can have money and game. I'm sure there's a lot of people we do not know of who plays around with a woman every weekend who has money and do not flaunt that they do.


Master Don Juan
Sep 17, 2016
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Your post is cope and these guys are ultimately intellectual lightweights, who may attract some dumb bimbos sure, but ultimately their lives will be empty and probably on their deathbeds they may think why did I chose to waste my life playing with imaginary money in a system rigged against the common american.