Senior Don Juan
There are 3 different possible scenarios she means when she says that dreaded line, “I have a boyfriend.” Once you figure out which scenario you are dealing with, you’ll know what type of chick you’re dealing with and how to respond.
The first scenario is where the girl actually has a boyfriend. 9 times out of 10 if the girl really does have a boyfriend she will mention him in general conversation usually within the first minute or so. You haven’t asked her, she’s just telling you a story about something she’s recently experienced with her current boyfriend. You can usually assume her boyfriend statement to be true because she has given you the info voluntarily very quickly. My general rule of thumb is to continue the conversation until she mentions her boyfriend again. If she mentions the boyfriend a second time I believe 100% that her boyfriend does in fact exist. At this point I have to reassess the situation and judge how much attraction I have built with her. If her attraction levels are neutral to low, I will usually cut the thread and eject. If they are higher I may put a little more effort into gaming her. More times than not I will just eject anyway. However if her attraction levels are extremely high, and you blew off her statement about the boyfriend like it doesn’t matter, she probably won’t bring him up again, and its game on!
The second scenario is when you feel that you have built some attraction and after a few minutes of conversation she just blurts out, “I have a boyfriend.” I believe this to be a lie or even a s.hit test. Remember guys that a s.hit test is nothing more than her turning up the heat on you a little bit to see how you react to the pressure. If you act like a wussy or don’t fight for her a little bit, she will dismiss you, and its game over. The way to respond is to not respond. Sometimes I may act as if I didn’t even hear her say it. Just keep the conversation flowing or just completely change the subject. When in fact it is a lie, most times she will forget she even tested you on the boyfriend comment as long as you kept the conversation flowing without stumbling. If you are at this point in the conversation where she has already mentioned she has a boyfriend, you passed her little s.hit test, and you are still talking to her, consider this a huge IOI and continue gaming accordingly.
The third and final objection is where the first words out of her mouth are that she has a boyfriend. Most inexperienced DJ’s would consider her meaning this as she’s not interested. I see it differently, I see this as her putting up her b.itch shield. Treat this the same way as the others, deflect off, ignore, change the subject, continue gaming. If you get token resistance a second and third time, then it’s time to eject. You will also run into times where one of her friends tries to c.ock block you by telling you her friend has a boyfriend. Do the same thing, deflect, ignore, change subject, continue gaming.
Its not the end of the world when she says this, sometimes its true, sometimes it’s a lie, and sometimes she really likes you and is just testing you. This is not a hit on anyone’s game but I noticed that over time when I got better at this game I would get this objection less and less. If you are getting this all the time then there is something wrong with your congruence. You are sending two different type of signals. Figure out what they are and fix it. I very rarely get the objection anymore and I even field tested it. I purposely cold approached chicks I knew had boyfriends to see if I’d get the objection. Believe it or not but 9 out of 10 girls never mentioned their boyfriends to me. And I never ask if she has a boyfriend because it telegraphs way too much interest. So the bottom line is to just think of this objection as token resistance and plow through it like she’s completely single and its on. Trust me if she really does have a boyfriend that she loves and she’s not interested in you, she will make it obvious. So to sum up….same response for all scenarios! Game On my friends!
The first scenario is where the girl actually has a boyfriend. 9 times out of 10 if the girl really does have a boyfriend she will mention him in general conversation usually within the first minute or so. You haven’t asked her, she’s just telling you a story about something she’s recently experienced with her current boyfriend. You can usually assume her boyfriend statement to be true because she has given you the info voluntarily very quickly. My general rule of thumb is to continue the conversation until she mentions her boyfriend again. If she mentions the boyfriend a second time I believe 100% that her boyfriend does in fact exist. At this point I have to reassess the situation and judge how much attraction I have built with her. If her attraction levels are neutral to low, I will usually cut the thread and eject. If they are higher I may put a little more effort into gaming her. More times than not I will just eject anyway. However if her attraction levels are extremely high, and you blew off her statement about the boyfriend like it doesn’t matter, she probably won’t bring him up again, and its game on!
The second scenario is when you feel that you have built some attraction and after a few minutes of conversation she just blurts out, “I have a boyfriend.” I believe this to be a lie or even a s.hit test. Remember guys that a s.hit test is nothing more than her turning up the heat on you a little bit to see how you react to the pressure. If you act like a wussy or don’t fight for her a little bit, she will dismiss you, and its game over. The way to respond is to not respond. Sometimes I may act as if I didn’t even hear her say it. Just keep the conversation flowing or just completely change the subject. When in fact it is a lie, most times she will forget she even tested you on the boyfriend comment as long as you kept the conversation flowing without stumbling. If you are at this point in the conversation where she has already mentioned she has a boyfriend, you passed her little s.hit test, and you are still talking to her, consider this a huge IOI and continue gaming accordingly.
The third and final objection is where the first words out of her mouth are that she has a boyfriend. Most inexperienced DJ’s would consider her meaning this as she’s not interested. I see it differently, I see this as her putting up her b.itch shield. Treat this the same way as the others, deflect off, ignore, change the subject, continue gaming. If you get token resistance a second and third time, then it’s time to eject. You will also run into times where one of her friends tries to c.ock block you by telling you her friend has a boyfriend. Do the same thing, deflect, ignore, change subject, continue gaming.
Its not the end of the world when she says this, sometimes its true, sometimes it’s a lie, and sometimes she really likes you and is just testing you. This is not a hit on anyone’s game but I noticed that over time when I got better at this game I would get this objection less and less. If you are getting this all the time then there is something wrong with your congruence. You are sending two different type of signals. Figure out what they are and fix it. I very rarely get the objection anymore and I even field tested it. I purposely cold approached chicks I knew had boyfriends to see if I’d get the objection. Believe it or not but 9 out of 10 girls never mentioned their boyfriends to me. And I never ask if she has a boyfriend because it telegraphs way too much interest. So the bottom line is to just think of this objection as token resistance and plow through it like she’s completely single and its on. Trust me if she really does have a boyfriend that she loves and she’s not interested in you, she will make it obvious. So to sum up….same response for all scenarios! Game On my friends!