
  1. L

    I seek a female version of "PUA" - things that can influence relationships to become better.

    Hello PUA members! I am a new member on this forum. Female. Got fascinated by PUA because my brother by accident discovered trolling as an arrogant guy turned on women and ever since had a lot of fun gaming women online. Improved his skill by testing and later PUA forums. I played a fake PUA...
  2. B

    Which girl should I go for?

    I'll try to make a long story short. Basically, I've liked this girl for about two weeks (We're in high school). At first, I was really pressed to get her attention and talked to her. Then I re-read some of the Don Juan bible and I got back to my senses and stop caring as much, but nonetheless...
  3. J

    Things just died out (Help)

    Good news, I approached my crush in school and got her number. We texted for a bit, than next thing you know she hasn't replied to my last text that I sent 2 days prior to posting this. Don't worry I didn't double text or triple text her for not replying (used to do this when I was super AFC)...
  4. J

    How do you slide into DM`S on IG?

    As title states, how do you slide into the Dm of a chick? We both follow each other since she found me on her recommended on instagram and brought up the fact that I have, what she thought a girls name on my bio in class to me. (was really the name of the song " Jasmine-jai paul" Backstory...
  5. J

    What to do?

    So I've been sitting back in the shadows of my high school halls and just stay watching, observing. And God dang there are some fine specimens that catch my eye. And I would love to hit it off with these chick's, But the Thing is, I don't really know what to say/do since they're/ I'm either: 1...
  6. J

    Best advice for a High School Senior?

    Hello I'm new to SS, well not really, I've been browsing the forums as a guest (created an account yesterday or so) since the beginning of this year and this forum is amazing I've learned so much. I've read the DJ Bible and a plethora of other DJ Tips/discussions as well. About Me: I'm a...
  7. Y180SX

    I've Fu***d up. ONEitis, Monogamy as goal, the works...

    So I've started reading, or rather listening to, The Rational Male. Man, has it flipped my world upside-down. I consider myself a pretty logical guy, so I was and am able to open my mind to the ideas that are being set forth in the book and seeing how many things that I have been wrong about for...
  8. darksprezzatura

    Need advice from a DJ with inner game.

    Long story short. 2-month fling with HB7. Successful insertion of d!ck. Encountered low interest (flakiness) Stayed low contact to observe from afar. Saw some red flags Lack of sexual options kept me from hard nexting for 2 more weeks before I dropped her just now. Solution: Deleted her...
  9. darksprezzatura

    Quick advice guys. Psychology experts only

    Maybe it's due to being a sociopath but one of the things which bothers me is paranoia. Today I scored for the first time with a girl on the fourth date. Immediately after sex I had this repulsion and disgust along with a paranoid feeling that she'd try to screw me over or try to lock me down...
  10. H

    So there's a problem with this girl I like

    There's this girl I like. And I've noticed some clues that she might like me aswell. I started texting her and replies fast and the conversation is great and all but suddenly sometimes she just goes offline but when she comes back online she doesn't respond to the message (sometimes she even...
  11. Game0ver

    Help me to eradicate my last piece of beta in me

    Hi everyone! This is my first post on the forum, although I've already seen several discussion as a spectator. With the following, my intent is to ask you for help to defeat the last and most painful beta-behavior that's still rooted within myself. Ready? Let's go. Problem: I'm not used to...
  12. B

    I want my girl back

    I know normally you guys would go on about me moving on and finding someone else and letting go and all that, but that's not what I want to do. Honestly, I want her. I've tried seeing other girls but none of them are her. Feel free to keep reading. I'm in high school btw. To make a long story...
  13. B

    Got her on a date. Now what?

    I'm in high school btw. There's this girl that I've been interested in for a few months now. But we never actually talked. It's a story behind that, but she just got out of a relationship. I got her number two weeks ago and talked my way into having a date at the carnival this Saturday. I don't...
  14. B

    Getting the girl I've wanted !

    Hey guys, a long time ago, like last year before summer my friend showed me this girl (She doesn't go to our school), that was single. I thought she looked sooo good. And for whatever reason, I was really attracted to her for weeks, maybe months later. But at the time I had no...
  15. J

    Any advice on getting over bitterness and regaining self-worth?

    Hey, so I'm at a low point in my life. I recently got out of a really ****ty relationship. Before I went into it, I was confident, was on my life mission and felt like I was the ****. I made a mistake and got into this soul-sucking relationship. It lasted 2 years and over that time I should've...
  16. B

    Talking to someone who likes somebody else

    I've had my eyes on this girl for a while now. She was in a relationship like two months ago, got out of it, and now she's talking to somebody again. I didn't even know she was looking for someone but sure enough, she's in the talking stage with someone already. He doesn't go to our school...
  17. K

    Need help and advice on game.

    Hey guys, it would be great if you would read the lengthy post and offer me some advice to up my game. Sorry for the English it is my second language. First some background, I am an international student (3rd year) here in USA at UCSC Santa Cruz. I am from India, but I don’t have that funny...
  18. B

    Getting my Friend Back or?

    Hey, guys. Not sure if this is okay but this post isn't about relationships etc. It's about a friend I recently lost. You guys give great advice and I need help. I'll try to keep it as short as possible. My friend "Tom" we'll call him, was my closest guy friend. All the other guys are playboys...
  19. B

    Did I just get rejected?

    I like this girl and I told my best friend the story behind it and everything. Her and her boyfriend broke up about a month ago, so I figured I could take my shot. Two weeks ago, my best friend talked to the girl and mentioned my name. The girl said "He s cool but I just got out of a...
  20. B

    Friend zone fun

    I tried to make this short, but... Worked with a girl a few years ago...she was way young (16 - I was 27...21/32 now) back then so there was nothing there obviously except her being my buddy at work. Fast fwd a few years...I moved away and she had just gotten out of a long relationship and we...