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  1. G

    Allen!!! TIME TO UPGRADE!!!

    I thought the brown was a bit unusual when I first got here but personally it has grown on me. Now I kind of like it. It doesn't stand out or overpower which is what I want in a background color. Personally, I find the black background in the HTML DJ Bible difficult to read off without...
  2. G

    Exclusive Master DJ forum requested

    Personally, I see one really big problem with that. If you take all the 'Master DJs' and stick them in a private forum that no one else can enter you will subtract some very important content from the regular forums. Several of those you have listed are major contributors to the forum(s) and...
  3. G


    Thanks DeepBlue, I never noticed that option before. It cuts down on some of the effort of tracking posts. G. Host
  4. G

    attention please allen and all:)

    Removed for edit and content correction [This message has been edited by ghost_x01 (edited 03-24-2002).]
  5. G


    I haven't been posting to that many threads lately (pesky work stuff is killing my free time - damn making a living is getting in the way of living) so I don't have a lot of threads to keep track of for now. But to find the ones that I am involved in I just do a search based on my user name...
  6. G

    Brainwashing Techniques/Practice Lying

    Fair enough, knowledge does come from experiences. If that is what you have experienced I can't really disagree with it (at least I couldn't make a truly sound argument ). Hope all the qualities you listed weren't coming from the same woman. That would just be b*tch incarnate. My...
  7. G

    Read the Kama Sutra, it isn't about sex

    It is worth a read. The parts on oral sex (especially male on female) are much more comprehensive. Actually, if I remember correctly the Kama Sutra is very limited on the subject. It only deals with how women should perform oral sex (and even there it only gives one technique). Not to say in...
  8. G

    Read the Kama Sutra, it isn't about sex

    Important to note there are many, many, many versions of the Kama Sutra (I only have 4 there are at least 10 times that in current English publication). The ones with all the nice graphics are usually quite focused on the sex part only. The more complete text only translation/interpretations...
  9. G

    Brainwashing Techniques/Practice Lying

    I think you are giving far too much credit for intent where it is not due. There are no great conspiracies in the world. OK there is that one but it is a secret and I'm not supposed to tell you about it (shhh). Hypnosis is not a common skill and all women do not use it (in fact very few do)...
  10. G

    Guys - Please dont lose sight of the REAL picture...

    Well said. Couldn't have said it better myself (probably couldn't even have said as well ). G. Host
  11. G

    Master Don Juan

    Personally, I'd leave the current system alone (or abandon it entirely). It has quite correctly been said (more than once) that after you've been here for a while you get to know who the good posters are. Or at least whom you think the good posters are. Frankly, those are the ones that really...