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  1. Z

    Has Heartiste gone 100% white nationalist?

    aw ****, this got moved to the subforum where only the loons hang out. Never mind.
  2. Z

    Has Heartiste gone 100% white nationalist?

    Or nearly so it appears. I've been off the PUA sites for the last 2+ months because my interest in women has been at an ebb (got a couple of new hobbies that I've been spending my money on lately). Got an itch today to see what's been going on so I checked out the heartiste blog. It seems...
  3. Z

    Women helping me solidify why I hate women...

    One and done, lose the number, ignore her at the gym. And in the future don't hit on broads you have to see regularly.
  4. Z

    Creating a High Quality Woman

    Then enjoy...
  5. Z

    Creating a High Quality Woman

    Keep in mind that whenever you emotionally involve yourself with someone who has an addiction -- whether it's food or alcohol or drugs or sex -- and you decide to try to influence that person's addictive behavior, you have now taken a role in their drama. You are now a character in their little...
  6. Z

    Calling Women Out vs. Silent Acceptance

    Generally when you have to "call her out" on her lack of interest, it's already a lost cause. But what the hell, at this point you don't have anything to lose so give it a shot and report back here.
  7. Z

    Cant get high quality hot girls

    Since the "M" stands for "market," it logically follows that the market determines your SMV, not you. If you're selling a used Volvo, you don't get to unilaterally determine what value it has on the used car market. It's only worth what people will pay for it. The only thing you can do is...
  8. Z

    Married men sleeping in separate bedrooms, WTF???

    Guess I've never seen what's so alluring about having kids. I'm kinda surprised there are that many men out there who want 'em.
  9. Z

    Some guy on MGTOW

    MGTOW was "formed" by Gordon Roy Parker AKA Ray Gordon. It's really the most successful thing he accomplished. That motherfu*cker goes back to the days and I actually bought his "book," "Outfoxing the Foxes" a good, oh 17 or so years ago.
  10. Z

    girl's thoughts on cold approach

    Really who cares? You should be more concerned with what you want and your odds of success in getting it. I have a blog post about refraining from approaching women where they work.. but that's not because they might not like it, it's because your chances are so low that it's not usually worth...
  11. Z

    Pulling chairs and opening car doors for women, should you always do it?

    Might just be me, but I try to only do stuff that increases my chances of getting laid. So I'd analyze the situation and try to determine if it would or not. seems to me that to say "Always do X" or "Never do X" is a mental shortcut that will not help you in the long run. There is no "should,"...
  12. Z

    Married men sleeping in separate bedrooms, WTF???

    Tell me again.. why would anyone get married in the first place? Even "old fashioned" marriage.. what benefit does it have to a man? What man would want to screw the same woman for the rest of his life? I don't care if all the "traditional marriage" proponents got their way -- I still...
  13. Z

    The women you don't really want, want you.

    OR it could mean that the ones you want are out of your league (upward) and they know it, and the ones who want you are out of your league (downward) and you know it.
  14. Z

    Online Game Myth

    So meeting women in church is "new," eh? You sure it's not at least a few thousand years old?
  15. Z

    Heavy metal jewelry and accessories

    Show me a guy who truly doesn't care what anyone thinks about him and I'll show you a guy locked up in solitary in a maximum security prison. There is a balance to everything ;)
  16. Z

    "Wow, you are becoming a man"

    Any time I encounter a "compliment" that could be either a true compliment, a tease, a put-down, or whatever.. I give a relaxed "Well that's very kind of you to say," and then I change the subject. It's just kind of a nothing reply, but it's unassailable, doesn't make you sound like a douche or...
  17. Z

    dating game...BORING

    :crackup: Reminds me of my first week on a dating web site back about 15 years ago. I carefully perused the sh*tty ads of the time and messaged a half dozen of the hottest girls on the site. Not one response. I said "I emailed 6 whole girls and not one response!" Now when I online date I...
  18. Z

    How Often Do Women Check You Out?

    ^^^ Yeah, unless there are a bunch of guys here who should be on the cover of GQ or something. And then I'd have to ask... if you're so attractive that women check you out all the time, what major aspie hangups do you have to not be able to do anything about that? You should probably be seeing...
  19. Z

    Heavy metal jewelry and accessories

    They're great in any part of the world that's 15 years behind the times!
  20. Z

    "Just friends and see where it goes"

    That'll go down great at the OP's job :crackup: OP, never... ever.. ever.. try to get romantic with b*tches at work. Unless it's a temp job and you'll never see anybody there again.