Search results

  1. S

    Windy City Chronicles

    South Loop
  2. S

    Windy City Chronicles

    Hey all, I live Chicago and would love to meet up with you guys as well.
  3. S

    NEW Bootcamp Starting Friday 4/9 - Competition!

    talked to 10-15 people, but I was drunk for a few of them, so not sure exactly how that would count.
  4. S

    NEW Bootcamp Starting Friday 4/9 - Competition!

    Going to a party tonight so hopefully I'll get my 10, will post results tomorrow
  5. S

    NEW Bootcamp Starting Friday 4/9 - Competition!

    I'm late on posting my results but w/e. Said hi to 25, with results that ranged from receiving a hi back, eye contact, or no response. I'll remember to post my results on time from now on...
  6. S

    NEW Bootcamp Starting Friday 4/9 - Competition!

    I've also been a longtime lurker but screw it, count me in as well! I am a rookie and I'm looking forward to a great learning experience.