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  1. B

    Stop making fun of women

    Q: How can you tell if she fakes her orgasms? A: Who cares? Don't get me started.
  2. B

    7 out of 10 married women cheat

    I know the above data comes from Australia, but a buddy of mine works for a health insurance company. We had a conversation about this a few years ago. A lot of women get their child's DNA tested for genetic disease analysis. He says that around 20% -- think about this, guys -- 20% of the...
  3. B

    Attracting Women While Fat

    I gained about 40 lbs. in my last relationship. I wasn't really fat, just slightly moon-faced and had a bit of an executive-type gut. I weighed about 210 lbs. at 5'9". I looked about the way that most guys my age look. Maybe a little better, frankly. As a side note, I used to dye my hair...
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    National Association to Advance Fat Acceptance

    That's a joke. Like the funny kind, only different.
  5. B

    National Association to Advance Fat Acceptance

    Because in America women think they're entitled to have men behold them as beautiful. So they don't work for it. And they go to seed. FAST. By the time they're 30 years old and 250 lbs., they say, "This is how God made me." No, that's how Chili's, Kraft, and Hostess made you. Two words...
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    Back in the Game. First Question

    Tonight went better. Maybe you're right; it was just a run of bad luck.
  7. B

    What's the deal with this dating website?

    You know, I dated an ex-college volleyball player. U of Wisconsin, IIRC. She was 6 feet tall, broad-shouldered, brunette but built like Sally from Third Rock. That, to me, is a Big Beautiful Woman. No fat chicks. Ever.
  8. B

    Back in the Game. First Question

    That has been EXACTLY my experience with the younger ones. Total role reversal. They must've circulated a memo or something. This really sucks for me, because I enjoy going down, always have. It's like all the greedy douchebags and play-gangstas out there have tipped the scales and blown it...
  9. B

    Back in the Game. First Question

    What happened to oral? Especially from younger women? You'd think there'd been an Oprah episode proclaiming that semen contains battery acid. Five years ago, when I was working the market, first-night head was practically a given. I remember once speculating with a buddy of mine that...
  10. B

    Going out Solo?

    First post in a long time. I don't even remember my old username. Been in an LTR, out of it, now. Back in the game and WOW, has it changed. But here's what works for me. It worked at 32, and it works now at 38. Go solo. Always. But go someplace to DO SOMETHING. Don't go to a bar to drink...