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  1. C

    College Journal

    Update time: I'm sick as ****, my allergies decided to explode on me today (I'm allergic to the change in seasons, which causes me to constantly forget about me having allergies) so now I am sneezing all over the place and my throat is so itchy. What's even worse is that I opted to buy Benadryl...
  2. C

    College Journal

    Update time: Let's see last night (while it was fun) was still a huge disappointment. I wasn't able to do any approaches at all, I even had a couple of girls checking me out (girls make it so obvious after like 1 am in bar, its funny when they do it they look at your head first and then go to...
  3. C

    College Journal

    Hey all! After lurking on this website for so long (and almost morphing into a keyboard coach/jockey) I decided it was time for me to start a journal. Hopefully by doing so I'll actually be motivated to go out more so that my updates don't look like suck. I will also be completely honest in...
  4. C

    Best friend's oneitis is way into me :nervous:

    Clearly OP's into her otherwise you wouldn't care about hurting her feelings (over your bestfriend's wtf?)
  5. C

    My senior year and field reports

    When I say the following it's because I care: Dude good call in not kissing her man. Don't try and get with 14 year old girls, it's an emotional breakdown (for them) waiting to happen. Just game people in your age bracket, like seriously dude. The consequences FAR exceed the benefits...
  6. C

    My night at the bar.

    LOL This has to be the fakest report I have ever read. The only thing that got you railed was your flesh light that night.
  7. C

    Thrill's Ill Field Report/HS Junior/FEEDBACK APPRECIATED

    Hey dude no offense but it feels like you're coming across as a ****. Like making fun of people is fine and dandy (especially when you're close friends), but the level, and frequency you're doing it at coupled with lack of consideration of the fact you don't really know these people makes you...