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  1. K

    I give up. And it's not because I can't play the game.

    I hate to join the pity party but i feel you man. I guess i have out growin the game. im 28 and im a firm believer that when two people like each other that there is no amount of games needed to confirm or push it along. If it makes you feel any better im a good looking guy and i get nothing...
  2. K

    how would you handle this?

    none of this is actual advice. does anyone have something good to contribute? Im just watching the days go by with not a clue what to do. communication has fallen off the map. i dont wanna boot her yet as i thing shes packing and spending alot of time with her friends thats in from out of town.
  3. K

    how would you handle this?

    none of this is actual advice. does anyone have something good to contribute? Im just watching the days go by with not a clue what to do. communication has fallen off the map. i dont wanna boot her yet as i thing shes packing and spending alot of time with her friends thats in from out of town.
  4. K

    how would you handle this?

    ya, i got it. we talked for a few today. She was telling me that she was leaving this weekend to go back to school and told me that i should come up and party with her. I then asked her if she ever comes back home and she replied "occasionally". then i said not even for this cute face and she...
  5. K

    how would you handle this?

    so last night i saw a hb10. with out hesitation i walked up to her and started conversation. i kept it light and said we should get together sometime. she said sure give me your name and number. first i thought this was a total blowoff but last night i got a freind request from her on face book...
  6. K

    how could i not close!!

    So recently i have been reading the game. i have only made it threw the first 80 pages and prematurely used one of the pickup lines with no idea how to close it. I was with my wing at a clothing store and he grabbed a sweater vest about the same time a hb7 walked around the corner. I asked her...
  7. K

    need some advice

  8. K

    need some advice

    ok so im gonna bump this tread and throw out a challenge! So what i ended up doing was calling this girl a wash, didnt seem like i had a chance in hell so i deleted her from facebook and decided not to call or text her anymore. Well last night i get a text from her asking me if i deleted her...
  9. K

    need some advice

    so thought i would touch this up with a update in the last 20 min! i wrote her a text and said hey lets get together this week if your cool enough and she replied with im prolly not cool enough! yep i guess that just about says i dont stand a chance in hell!
  10. K

    need some advice

    Man you guys are all over the place. No contact, contact her alot so my presence is knowin. I dont know what to do. the way things have been happening is that i dont hear from her until i text her but then when i text her we will have long conversations. should i just next this one, this...
  11. K

    need some advice

    well honestly, we use to see each other around alot, then we became friends threw facebook, she left me her number and told me to hit her up. So i did and we would talk alot in the begining and then i thought i would play my hand at not texting her for awhile and seeing if i could get her to...
  12. K

    need some advice

    all im gonna do is give you guys a run down and hope someone gives me some good advice. I have this thing for a girl that hangs around a group of my friends, i catch her staring at me all the time, she finally gave me her number not to long ago and we text back and forth but i cant seem to get...