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  1. P

    too good looking?

    Could it be that the true hotties have more self-esteem issues thant the homely ones? I saw a show a few weeks ago about the Barbie Twins. Remember them? Turns out that they had such low self-esteem that they wer Boulimic. Who'd have guessed that *they* have such low esteem? If this *is* the...
  2. P

    too good looking?

    It's a tough situation, and I'm glad to see responses. Sometimes I feel "set up to fail." It's like the ladies are so convinced that I'm unattainable to elevate me in such a way their impression of me breaks if I talk to them. And, yes... the best looking girls do this the most. It's as if...
  3. P

    too good looking?

    I don't know how to ask this without appearing arrogant. I hope I don't come off that way. Is it possible for a guy to be too good looking to talk to ladies? I'm always being told, after the fact, that such and such a lady thought I was "gorgeous," or something to that effect. Several times...