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  1. G

    Overescalating Buyer Remorse Is it beat-able

    thing is i been watching blueprint and like i forget to prize myself and i have been getting ioi's from girls from just being present and crap so like in the beginning 20 minutes i was already kissing the girl so i came off easy i think im 20
  2. G

    Overescalating Buyer Remorse Is it beat-able

    Ok so I sit with my friend girl next to this girl game her up in a event in school,in a classroom, next day take her to the fair (all this just good vibing practically no gaming) kiss her at the fair comfort kiss get all cuddly, kiss a lot not needy though then take her to little...
  3. G

    Girl: Great Friend, Long History of Getting Into LTR's With Friends

    I'm doing that **** lately with all girls she can tell you want to kiss her when you do that usually they'll say something like " what? what ?" just hug her keep looking and kiss her if you get rejected w.e no biggie