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  1. G

    creating value?

    First off, you should start feeling powerful by being yourself. Social status is important if your a celebrity or in high school.
  2. G

    Non-intrest sign after number?

    Thanks for the responses... To me one thing is to be a stranger to a female but then another is intrest to be friends. There has to be middle-ground. This is why women are placed on pedalstals so much then act different when your bringing something new the table i.e being a jerk, or whatever.
  3. G

    Non-intrest sign after number?

    This is my first post on this site, however Iv'e been browsing for a year or longer and have gained a lot of knowledge. Once I started understanding the "game" if you will I didn't neccesarily applied it right away. It took experience and time to start approaching. As of late iv'e been doing the...