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  1. D

    Married women... wtf?

    Dude, OJ murdered his wife's lover. Also, remember that scene in minority report? The douchebag husband had the scissors out ready to stab his slut wife's lover? My great grandpa in friggin 1940 smashed a bottle on the head of his wife's lover, he fell down the stairs and died. Back then...
  2. D

    Does a DJ paying for anything at a bar or date???

    I understand the worst thing to do is to buy a woman a drink. Does a DJ act like such a king that he demands the girl to pay for his drinks the whole night? I don't understand how to handle dishing money out. I seriously don't mind buying booze for myself, but I don't want to buy jack...
  3. D

    Asking for a number

    I am a recovering AFC. I was thinking of first trying to get some numbers and work my game over the phone because I am worried I would fumble alot in a face to face conversation because you have to look at the hot chick the whole time. Do you ask the chick to do the work of writing her name...
  4. D

    Married women... wtf?

    I wouldn't touch a married woman. Yeah, it is cool to f with women's minds and feelings because they deserve it, but with a married woman, you are f-ing' with the schmuck husband at the same time. It is kinda stepping an uncool taboo line imo - us guys should be on the same team. Plus the...
  5. D

    Quick way to get a number?

    Ok, I am trying to come up with some good lines. Let's say you see a cute girl come out of a store or whatever. You only have a few seconds to get to her. What do you think about this line? Guy (with a serious face): Excuse me, do you know what time it is? The girl (thinking you...
  6. D

    She says "He" is so hot!

    maybe - "Yeah, and he wouldn't touch you with a 10 foot pole..."
  7. D

    bar vs random places - where to practice?

    I am a recovering game is lacking big time. Do you think it would be better to go to a club or bar where there are alot of pretty drunk chicks to work on my game, or work everyday places more like the grocery store, or random girls walking in the park? I fear the bars because...