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  1. G

    Black men and online dating

    I don't normally do online dating...just trying the website POF out. Online dating sucks... it does not represent the real world.
  2. G

    Black men and online dating

    FACT Black girls are looking for white guys Girls of other ethnicities ignore black guys
  3. G

    Favorite part of the female body

    eyes, lips, legs, feet.
  4. G

    The guys that are happy and secure in their love life.

    Thanks guys... hopefully soon I can say I'm having sex everyday with a girl I like.
  5. G

    Looks don't mean anything?!

    These forums preach "get big" and everything will be alright (like that's the only thing women go after).
  6. G

    The guys that are happy and secure in their love life.

    Anyone else happy and want to answer?
  7. G

    The guys that are happy and secure in their love life.

    1. Do you have a girlfriend? Is she your first, fifth, hundredth? 2. How often do you have sex? (Answer only if you're not in a steady relationship) 3. What age was the turning point in your love life? 4. If you ignore all the times you've had sex from random drunken hookups...
  8. G

    The guys who was bangin' girls in junior high...

    Maybe not that early, but got laid often in high school and beyond...what did/do they have as far as personality and charisma? If I ever have kids, how can I make sure my son has exciting relationships with women and not be alone every weekend? I'm thinking the truly natural guys are born that...
  9. G

    I'll be 25 in less than a month.

    Nooooo..... next thing I know I'll be the "old" guy. I need to act now! I want to have some crazy sex with a wild young girl. So I can have satisfaction in my later years 'I done that".
  10. G

    I'll be 25 in less than a month.

    I hope so guys. I hope to date quite a few women (and sleep with quite a few) before I ever settle down with one girl (if that happens). It just seems like people from age 21-25 dated lots of people and had lots of sex, and I only had just a little.
  11. G

    I'll be 25 in less than a month.

    Please tell me I can turn my dating/sex life around and make up for the years I missed! I want to bang some young women, older women, and women my age before I settle down with a quality girl. Can this still be done? Does it matter I only have a little experience?
  12. G

    Question about spinning plates...

    What exactly is spinning plates? Is that having sex with other girls, or as simple as approaching other women?
  13. G

    What the hellllllll? Why do chicks keep doing this?

    I call them, they don't answer or return my call. This gets on my ****ing nerves!
  14. G

    Ugh, I'm about to start hanging out with this fat chick

    She's really social and has lots of friends. I have no friends, but I thought I'd go through her to get some friends. Bad?
  15. G

    I'm just about to start bullsh*tting to get women.

    Unfortunately, I'm pretty good at that.
  16. G

    I'm just about to start bullsh*tting to get women.

    I've made up my mind there's no real good reason to approach women in public. So, I'm gonna lie and ask stupid crap just to get a conversation going. I'm gonna adapt to each situation. If I see a girl walking a dog, I'm gonna ask where's the best place to get my dog groomed (even though I...
  17. G

    Tell me exactly how does having one women bring more women?

    What I'm trying to find out is if I go out with a girl, will I start noticing more looks from women? I'm assuming if the relationship ends with the one girl, all the attention will go away unless your smart and make friends with the girls that give you attention so you won't be single too...
  18. G

    Tell me exactly how does having one women bring more women?

    I want to hear some specific situations where you had a girlfriend and started getting noticed and chatted up by other women. Or it snowballed into having plates.
  19. G

    I have TOO many women in my life.

    You have to be really good looking. There's more to it than just not giving women sh*t.