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  1. V

    bulkness and strength

    Grow up.
  2. V

    bulkness and strength

    Using your muscle is not natural? But they had stuff to lift or work labor to do, right? and to also inprove your health, self esteem, lower stress etc. Like, they used their muscles, right? sure, why not? why do you care? Would you like to kick a jacked up guys ass? i dont...
  3. V

    cardio question

    You guys are the real skinny guys in the gym right? ;)
  4. V

    cardio question

    I never said that you could do that. Reread what I posted. Its not possible unless youre a newbie and youre taking massive amounts of drugs. I dont see the appeal either, but most men have to be below 10% to get rid of the love handles and clearly see that "6-pack." Sprinters, cyclists...
  5. V

    cardio question

    Right, its no trouble for you. It wouldnt be hard for me either. But think in the context of this board. Who are we (expeirenced in training/nutrition/supps) giving advice to? Theyre mostly newbies. Theres no need to complicate things. Doing bulking and cutting cycles is easier AND will...
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    No Pain No Gain

    Hey Brian, please do some research before you start giving advice on the forums. Thanks.
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    cardio question

    Technically, it is possible. If you eat say, 200cals below maintanace and time your meals/workouts, basically micromanage your diet, its possible. Everyone ive seen or heard of that has done it are miserable, slightly insane and have no life. the thing is, theres a better way so its really...
  8. V

    Man Boobs

    You can do a gyno (man boobs) reduction cycle. this involves the use of an anti-aromatase and an anti-estrogen. It worked for a friend of mine that had some steroid induced gyno from a cycle of superdrol.
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    Anthony Ellis claims he got this big naturally

    35lbs in 12 weeks. Thats 3lbs a week PEOPLE!! Thats not natural. Hell, some guys who juice dont even gain that much!
  10. V

    Anthony Ellis claims he got this big naturally

    Not in 4 months, bub.
  11. V

    A-Unit: Nutrition + the "right" stimulus = growth.

    Effort, Could you post your workout routine for me?
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    A-Unit: Nutrition + the "right" stimulus = growth.

    Sure. You can adapt any kind of training routine/program for strength. When I say high frequency/low volume I mean training each body part 3 times a week with one excercise, 1-2 sets per exercise. 2 sets for bigger body parts 1 set for smaller body parts.
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    I have a problem

    How old are you and are you overweight? What you are describing is hypoglycemia. Hypoglycemia can be the cause of many diseases/disorders. You need to go to a doctor and tell him your symptoms.
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    A-Unit: Nutrition + the "right" stimulus = growth.

    Youre ASSUMING i meant high volume.
  15. V

    A-Unit: Nutrition + the "right" stimulus = growth.

    High frequency low volume.
  16. V

    How often do you take breaks?

    Its because the first few months when you start working out the gains come very fast. Your body has now adapted to the training. 7-12 days off would be a great idea. This will cause some reversal to the adaptations of training Have fun. :)
  17. V

    A-Unit: Nutrition + the "right" stimulus = growth.

    The reason you think my reasoning is off is because you dont understand the outcome when training with a focus on muscle gain. Do you know how I know that? Because I used to think the exact same way as you. You obviously know what happens when you focus on strength gains. Your muscles get...
  18. V

    A-Unit: Nutrition + the "right" stimulus = growth.

    This is not true. You can train if youre sore. Just because a muscle is sore does not mean it hasnt recovered. I agree with most of this post as far as using basic core exercises. My problem with it is this: its more of a POWERLIFERS routine than a bodybuilders routine. Powerlifters dont...
  19. V

    cardio question

    Samo, like i told mexican. Dont worry so much about it. Just do it whenever you have time. If youre trying to lose fat youre going to be hypocaloric so youre not going to gain muscle anyway.
  20. V

    cardio question

    Dont worry too much about doing it in the AM or near your workouts. Do it whenever you have time.