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  1. M

    Just asked to Prom. This might be a chance to ditch the V-Card

    True actually, jokingly, that makes sense.^^^ Any hole is a goal. LMAO!
  2. M

    disgusted with high school girls

    Yep happened to me before. Just use a condom and profit from the situation.
  3. M

    Just asked to Prom. This might be a chance to ditch the V-Card

    The meat. Haha. Make real plans for after. Ask to go to your house or such. Lol if she is tipsy all it usually takes is a "let's go in this room" to isolate. Just act right through dinner and prom, be a gentleman. But do not make her think that she owes you. After there is most likely a...
  4. M

    Prom Page

    Just ask, it's not that big of a deal. Plan for after!! Don't stick to her but don't be a ghost. DANCE! Even if you don't want to. Others will look more awkward than you and you can make fun of them. You do not want to be the guy girls talk about and say "he didn't even dance with her." Get a...
  5. M

    Just asked to Prom. This might be a chance to ditch the V-Card

    It's cool mine was last weekend and there was a large mix even freshman! If you feel like it! It will be better if it's someone you actually care about! My first was hot, second was okay. They always look uglier after you do it! DO NOT STRAIGHT UP ASK OR EVEN ALLUDE TO IT...
  6. M

    Girl going back to old boyfriend.

    I have been talking to this girl while she has been talking to her ex-boyfriend that she still "loves". He has been straight up crawling back to her. Probably a bad idea but w.e. We made out last night, talked, and then we slept in the same bed. I haven't put any pressure on her to decide...