I suppose it was outside my reality that night because I couldn't believe that a 25 year old liked a 19 year old. Maybe I attracted her because I felt like nothing could happen between us so I wasn't outcome dependent and was letting my true personality shine. Btw,I did flip it around a bit by...
Go up there and dance or talk but don't ask to join them. Be unapolegetic in your actions.
Just jump straight in, if you slowly get closer and closer they can sense your not that comfortable and nervous.
You body language speaks volumes.
I feel that this is good because then you can drop in at some point to a hot girl, "do you think that you can turn a gay guy straight."
Girls always like the gay guy as theycan't get him (in your case you are attainable), as Pook said, "a girl saying you are gay is the greatest compliment you...
Met this beautiful girl last night who is a friend of my older friends, a perfect 10 who was 25 but I'm only 19. She came back after the club to the flat and we just chilled in the living room with everyone, and slowly everyone was leaving the room apart from her friend which was annoying.
1. I just have the most fun with her than any other girl, she's good looking and perhaps the bf does come into play as i do usually want girls i can't get, be it a girl with a bf or a perfect 10.
2. Hell yes I would date and sleep with myself. I'm not one of those people with inadequacy...
Wow, never thought about that before. It makes so much sense.
Should I still give it a couple more attempts by going for a kiss to see where it takes me and then give up? To be fair I've only tried once and that night I was the idiot who talkd about her bf earlier in the night.
Hey, first post here.
So here's my story, I'm at university and have known this girl for a few months but never hung out just had the odd chat. I have only have started to like her more now as I talk to her alot more than before.
The thing is that she a boyfriend back home a couple of...
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