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  1. Y

    I am a god-awful dancer

    Hey everybody. Me again. Topic du jour: GRINDING. So awful might be a bit of an exaggeration. I can bob around and juke like anyone else when I'm with a group of friends. That said, I have no real style. I see guys grinding like they were born doing it, and I hardly know where to put my...
  2. Y

    Tired of getting out-alphaed by ****ing douchebags

    I really can't thank you enough for calling me out on that. Especially about the "Insecure vibe" thing. I have a bad habit of over-analyzing perceived slights, and I think I would be a lot happier and more successful if I just tried to relax. After all, everybody digs on everybody. It's just how...
  3. Y

    Tired of getting out-alphaed by ****ing douchebags

    At parties, honestly. I can't go five minutes without somebody bringing up my race. It's really no big deal, it's just annoying. Haha, I'm Asian. Get over it. Thanks for the wisdom, boss. To be honest, my life doesn't exactly revolve around girls. I'm all about grades, guitar, work.. That...
  4. Y

    Tired of getting out-alphaed by ****ing douchebags

    Thanks for the words of wisdom, folks. I'm finished with excuses and I reckon it's time for me to man up. I'm moving on, I'm setting goals, and I'm building my repertoire of techniques. I am making this **** happen.
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    Tired of getting out-alphaed by ****ing douchebags

    Alright, here's the score. I'm a good looking gentleman. I'm well built, I dress well, and I keep myself clean. I find it easy to interact with women on a social level. I don't shy away from conversation and I'm not overtly self-conscious. Girls find me funny and interesting and fun. That...
  6. Y

    not masturbating in preparation for valentine's day

    You can only hold off for so long before you stop making any more ***. Holding off is great, but there's no shame in j/oing like.. twice a week, maybe.
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    Really dumb sh1t test. How would you have handled it?

    Why did you make this thread? +Sounds to me like you flipped on out, boss. Try to be more chill, for future reference.
  8. Y

    Girl at work

    Don't do it. No.
  9. Y

    Shouldn't girls know when enough is enough?

    Do it. Do it now. You know the score, boss.
  10. Y

    From fluff talk to fvck talk......

    100% truth. There's no magic bullet convo topic, you've just gotta feel the girl out as you go along. Sometimes you gotta dig.
  11. Y

    RE: Asian guys that think girls don't like Asians GET IN HERE!

    Speaking from the point of view of a pretty good looking Japanese guy, I think that the "Racial handicap" or whatever that us folks get is based almost entirely on how much people give a crap. I'm native to Seattle, and it was crazy easy to get laid around those parts, because the scene is so...