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  1. H

    How do you kiss a female friend goodbye?

    Whether or not you like someone or not .. once you get to know them a little, seen them a couple of times .. or even on the first time you met them is fine! In fact guys that do it early on, really sets them apart from the crowd. Whats weird about kissing girls on the cheek. Its a...
  2. H

    Girlfriend calls me too much, etc

    There is a difference between high interest level and neediness. Sometimes women get like this after they have been in a relationship for a longer period of time. They lose of sense of themselves and begin to reply on YOU to make them happy and to make them feel better. Thus all the...
  3. H

    What age is a girl the horniest?

    Any and everyage. I dont think it really depends on the age and more the individual sex drive of that person.
  4. H

    Get Bored of Girls Easily

    You are addicted to the challenge. You are picking the wrong girls. Some that may be pretty but have no substance. Go after the girls that you really want.
  5. H

    Alright guys, here's my plan and my new look!

    Well I like the new look and kudos for getting out there and taking action. The first approach with the HB and the skool kid. It might have worked better to have called out the HB who made the remark, instead of doing something that she might approve of. With the second approach, don't let...
  6. H

    girl is nervous to contact me

    DonS has the best advice here. She is comfortable with texting, but build her comfort while she is with you on the phone. If she is shy like you says she is, there there is not a chance .. that she is going to pick up the phone and call you. The most she will do is send you an random text msg.
  7. H

    How do you kiss a female friend goodbye?

    Kisses on the cheek and a half hug in the process always always do the trick. If you want to step into the friends zone and stay there forever then continue to just give her hugs to say goodbye.
  8. H

    boring conversation to make up for acting afc yesterday

    I think the only way to save this is to leave it for a bit. Don't contact her for a week or two or more. Then if after that send her a couple ****y funny texts, backed with some totally unneedy and high emotionally charged conversation with a time limit of like 5-10 minutes. That would be my...
  9. H

    Is being too "normal" a bad thing?

    I think that if you own the fact that your not like "everybody else" that can be extremely attractive to a woman. Maybe its not so much the lifestyle you live, but the lack of confidence that you have about it that is putting them off.
  10. H

    If you're good looking, be NICE!

    I think looks on a guy are definitely an advantage. That depends on how good looking you are. You can probably get away with more things ... but your time is limited. However if all you are doing is relying on your looks and have nothing else to offer, then some average ****y funny guy who...