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  1. K

    Back After Five Years for Advice...

    HEADER: THIS IS AN INCREDIBLY LONG POST. If you want to fast forward to my issue, I've put in a divider about halfway down the post. I just didn't feel right about coming back after five years and not paying my respects or sharing my story. Hey guys, first of all, I'd like to start out by...
  2. K


    First off, i'd like to say thanks for the excellent advice I got here. Just a month ago I was a total AFC, and now I can literally walk in to a room with confidence around women. after reading the forums for 2 days I was able to get a girl, a HB 8. Now here comes the point in which I need...
  3. K

    The Next Step?

    Okay, i'll try some more push/pull and kino, I just don't wanna wait too long and slip into the friend zone, that **** has happened to me before and it sucks.
  4. K

    The Next Step?

    Okay, so I met this girl this year, and i've been getting closer to her over the last month. I've had signs she's into me, like i'll be off talking to a group of girls and she just walks in and puts her arm around my shoulder; it even seems like she's using kino on ME. She texted me last...