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  1. S

    Hurtful Breakup

    Rough situation. I really feel your pain. I was in a relationship for a year and the same thing happened to me. Trust me and the other posters with the advice's all true. This is going to make you strong as hell and more aware of what girls are like in the future. You are going to...
  2. S

    My gf lost all her attraction....and it sucks...

    Went thorough the same thing myself. My gf of one year broke it off with me this past May and I hear you. It does hurt, but trust me and everyone else when they say things will get better. It's really about being your own man and not relying on anyone for ****..when you seek to be independent in...
  3. S

    Next or too needy?

    Thanks guys. Its probably way better to find these things out sooner rather than later so I may as well move on :D
  4. S

    Next or too needy?

    Hey guys, I've been lurking around this forum for awhile and learned a lot of great lessons but figured i'd see what you guys think of this situation. This girl really threw herself at me about a month ago and I didn't warm up to her too much, or all that quickly. Things started to escalate and...