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  1. A

    Messy situation - girl who recently broke up and still misses her ex. Advice?

    If you havent ****ed her, you stand no chance.
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    SHUT THE F*CK UP... obey your d*ck

    how old are you bro? you seem like a little kid.
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    i just had an epiphany

    how old are you bro?
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    SHUT THE F*CK UP... obey your d*ck

    OP is mentally masturbating, if you guys just go out and socialize like a normal human being, you won't be posting **** like this.
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    Give the gift of "Not Giving" this Christmas

    mental masturbation. my advice to the OP is to get laid with hot girls.
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    I'm going to write a book, for all of you

    rescue mission is right, this guy has no business writing a book about getting laid when he is still a virgin.
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    "Are you a player?"

    the correct answer to the question: "whoa how did you know that? usually it takes one to know one.. *grin*"
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    Is Paul Jank a good role model?

    oh damn. forgot to add .. download every podcast from
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    Plate lost her job:Depressed:How do you handle it?

    Okay... if possible ask her to change her diet: 1) No complex carbs (bread, pasta, rice, etc) 2) Eat organic/raw food 3) Exercise Those will change her chemistry. This is field tested on my current girl.
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    Is Paul Jank a good role model?

    To add.. Here's how you go about it: 1) You gotta be at least good looking like Janka, else his method will not work as good. ( 2) He only plays day game. He doesn't like night game. 3) He approaches 1-set only (that...
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    If you're good looking, read this

    he is not good looking
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    Worst reason girl had for rejecting you?

    I wouldn't say this is a rejection but then again after being together for some months, she told me this: "I think we should not see each other anymore. From what I heard from you, your parents and my parents background are different. You're not from a loving family. So I think we should break...
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    Much Harder Than I Expected

    why did you break up? she dumped you?
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    Getting It On with a Roommate

    **** her and dont get emotionally attached.. dont pursue LTR with her
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    "i kind of want you right now"

    DELAY answeing the text by at least one hour.. and answer all you want.
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    How would you rate her?

    you one sick motha ****a... she is fugly
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    Rate this Venezuelan chick!

    7 from me.
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    Why life and romace suck..

    Listen to Good Charlotte - Break Apart Her Heart. It says much about this topic.