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  1. T

    Snowplowman's Q&A Thread

    What type of personality were you before you started your approach journal? I'm generally a pretty quite person and stay in the same social network and have good relationships within that but going outside that box I find it hard to relate with other people and make the interaction fun...
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    My breaking point has been reached

    Value was $40 short on a 700 ticket. The thing was it was agreed that she was going to pay her ticket and she had no problem with it untill the moment I asked her to write the check. I didn't get upset at this point I just asked for the right amount and then it somehow escalated from there. I...
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    another vacation thread without the girl.....

    I'd say it's an idle threat and wanting to go on a vacation before you get a new job for a few weeks is reasonable. It's healthy to go on vacations by yourself and if the trust is there it shouldn't be a problem. Girls don't like to be alone for any amount of time and pretty sure being in a...
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    My breaking point has been reached

    This is exactly what it's about. I could care less about the actual money. I can't tell you how nice it would have been if she had given in and said I want us to have a great time in bahamas. I made a stupid's the check. Boom problem solved.
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    My breaking point has been reached

    She said it was a joke about the check thing. I thought it was stupid and was just like can you just write me the check for your share. The logical thing if it was really a stupid joke by her would be to write a new check so I think she really did think I should pay for a part of her ticket...
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    My breaking point has been reached

    I'm pretty surprised to hear some of the responses but I welcome the different thoughts of opinion and will certainly take a look at the possibility of me not handling the situation the right way. As far as the trip, this is something that I've been trying to qualify for months and it was...
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    My breaking point has been reached

    I've been in a 6 yr ltr with this girl. I'm 25 she's 28. We've had our history of great times followed by bad times with the good times outweighing the bad. For the sake of the relationship I would often "give" in to arguments that I deemed to be petty since I've learned it's better to save...
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    A preview of things to come?

    My gf of 5 years stays at my apt. a lot and on occasion doesn't clean up after herself. I've been trying to be better about keeping a clean place so I asked her yesterday to throw away here coke can that she barely drank since she said she was done with it. She replies with I'm going to drink...