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  1. M

    Negging in High School

    You know what EVOLUTION i think you are right of course when you get a girl you can be yourself for sure, but you still have to be just a bit challenging remember we do not want to turn into a WUSS!!!! just because of love.
  2. M

    playing hard to get and playing it well

    Any other questions????? No problem dude, any other questions you have just ask me cool. PEACE OUT.
  3. M

    playing hard to get and playing it well

    Ok JOHN PAUL the thing is acting like you know the ropes will let you seem interesting to a girl but being real ****y about it will probably turn her off.
  4. M

    Getting the Girl

    Hey DJ MATTHEW i like how you motivate people dude i give you respect for that. (RESPECT). Look MONSIEUR just show her that you do not come easy dude and she will respect you. (EXAMPLE: SHE SAYs- lets go out YOU SAY- maybe if i am not busy, i hope you are a high energy person because i...
  5. M

    Negging in High School

    Neg in a playful way and make her qualify. (ASK HER IF THERE IS MORE TO HER THAN JUST HER LOOKS). You are displaying value here and also being different from most guys.
  6. M

    playing hard to get and playing it well

    Make her qualify Ask her why she is different from other girls. (AND IF SHE GIVE A GOOD RESPONSE TELL HER THAT YOU LIKE THAT ABOUT HER AND ALSO TELL HER SHE SEEMS LIKE SOME ONE WORTH GETTING TO KNOW MORE AND YOU LIKE THAT ABOUT HER). Peace dude, i would love to hear a reply later.
  7. M

    Getting the Girl

    Let her chase you more basically Look at her and tell her that you though she was more interesting and more fun than most of the other girls that you have been with over time (and that you expected more of a good time out of her because she seemed a bit different than other girls personality...
  8. M

    I'm so confused

    Tell her she just got interesting Ok my friend the thing is you know her for a while now and i do not think that you have admitted that you like her yet so tell you what, tell her that she just got a bit more interesting so much that you would like to get to know her a bit more now, tell her...
  9. M

    Negging in High School

    Neg when you just meet her You neg when you just meet her so you can create a certain level of attraction some negs are stronger for the 10ssssss and some are weaker for the 7,8 and 9ssss. So negs are good and really help build attraction and VALUE!!!.