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  1. M

    Mythbuster Field Report Project: Pheromones - do they really work?

    i did try the stuff back in my afc days. plus the tv science show used the expencieve top of the line stuff and was still beaten hands down by a bottle of calvin kline. all the women said pheromone spray made you smell of stale BO.
  2. M

    Why Can't You Tell Girls You Like Them ?

    like is fine. cute is actually recomended. its the other four letter L word you have to be carefull with. remember its not what you say but how you say it. dont come across as a needy whimp.
  3. M

    Mythbuster Field Report Project: Pheromones - do they really work?

    get a clue pheromone sprays are **** made up by sex companys to get more money out of you just like delay sprays and fake herbal viagra. a show here in england did a test and found women were more atracted to a deacent after shave and that pheremone sprays just made you smell like old socks.
  4. M

    too many good-looking tall dudes at clubs

    for shame on you flex you just get through telling him size dosent matter then include a link for penis enlargement. as they say its not the size of the boat but the motion of the ocean for a newsletter on improving your motion go to
  5. M

    talking about the dont buy drinks rule?

    the argument didnt start because i hadnt bought a drink but because i told the drunk he was free to buy them a drink if he was a doormat or an atm and that they hadnt earned one. if i had just said because they hadnt bought me one they would have droped the matter. but because i argued my case...
  6. M

    too many good-looking tall dudes at clubs

    how many people have to tell you that women arent that intrested in physical appearence before it sinks in. my mate is 5' 2" is thining on top and has a face like a troll but is dating half a dozen strippers thanks to his dont give a f**k atitude. p.s. pheremone sprays are useless rubish just...
  7. M

    talking about the dont buy drinks rule?

    ...and wasnt a door mat. she then went on to tell me that i was a very closed person and that someone must have hurt me in the past and if i didnt open up id be alone all my life (actualy i was just trying to obay the no free drinks rule and my wallet was a bit light anyway but went with her...
  8. M

    talking about the dont buy drinks rule?

    last night at karaoke a group of women had one of the books so i sat with them so i could use the book as well. this gave me the chance to make small talk and all was going well untill some drunk came over and said id been chating to the girls all night and hadnt bought them a drink. i said id...