okay guys...i pretty much grew up as a quiet kid in a small school...good kid, smart, nice...all that fine and dandy stuf...i'm a senior now and i guess my soph year i was pretty much out of my shell and talking to chicks about pretty much anything and whatnot. I dont think i'm desperate when...
hey guys. i go to a very small school(150 kids) and am/was kind of talking to this senior(i'm a junior). we have one class together. we were talking for about a month and everything seemed to be going good and then i just heard from someone she was talking to another guy from another school. we...
i was at this dance slow dancing w/ some chick i just met and was talking to her and suddenly i got the biggest boner. are you suppose to get a boner while slowdancing? how do you react if she reacts?
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