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  1. S

    She Started Qualifying: Alternatives?

    As some of you may know, I'm relatively new to the "game," as far as being an insider goes. I'm starting to notice more things while in the moment during interactions, rather than being clueless and only having it hit me hours or even days later. That should give you an idea of where I'm...
  2. S

    College Game -- A World of its Own?

    Man... that is exactly what we've got going on! Me and three of my boys in one house, it has a nickname, and we throw down pretty much every weekend (except a few). It was brilliant in the beginning of the year, but it pretty much sucks now even though we still have quite a few number of...
  3. S

    College Game -- A World of its Own?

    I read some interesting comments about "college game" on another forum. According to some, it is completely different than, say, gaming a club. Essentially it's easier to establish a reputation (good or bad) as people have more of an opportunity to see each other multiple times, especially if...
  4. S

    Inner + Outer = Complete?

    Hmm. I'd say probably the biggest factor is timing on various things. Initiating kino too late, waiting too long for a # close, etc. I also definitely need to up the expression of my sexuality -- a few girls have actually brought it up! It's not so much that I'm playing a "nice guy," it's...
  5. S

    Inner + Outer = Complete?

    First of all, hello everybody! I'm new as I'm sure you can tell, and I look forward to some good discussion here. To be brief: I've been a lurker in the "community" for a little while now, but I've only barely got my feet wet. My game can clearly be upped a couple hundred notches, but that...
  6. S

    keep your room tidy!!!

    The same rule applies for your entire residence... especially the bathroom! My roomies and I always keep the main bathroom clean and tidy, and stocked on all the essentials (soap, toothpaste, towels, etc), as we throw a lot of parties and do a lot of general entertaining. Girls compliment us...
  7. S

    My dancing goal is crazy...

    I haven't seen the movie, but I can only assume the dancing is off the charts. I encourage you to pursue the goal to its fullest extent! I've been taking ballet for about two years now, and it is fantastic. Not only is a great physical activity, but as someone above mentioned, it is great...